Wrath of the People

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An explosion rocks a Starfleet Academy graduation ceremony where a Federation Council candidate is giving a speech. All evidence points to Captain Jacob Kane of the USS Athena. Arrested and put on trial, he must prove his innocence - or rely on the help of his crew to find the evidence that can exonerate him.

Start Date Tue Dec 20th, 2022 @ 11:12am
End Date Thu Nov 30th, 2023 @ 11:12am

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
A logical solution
by Lieutenant Commander P’rel M.D & Commander N'Garzi Zora
TBC XO's Office
A Doctor's Psychosis
by Lieutenant Commander Michael Ki
0200 hrs The Morning After The Trial USS Athena Various
Welcome Home
by Commodore Jacob Kane & Commander N'Garzi Zora
USS Athena, Transporter Room
Acts of Rebellion
by Commodore Jacob Kane & Lieutenant Commander P’rel M.D
24 Hours after "Ramifications" Starfleet Headquarters
by Commander Amaya Lance & Lieutenant Alexis Ryan
Post-Mission Starbase One - Officers Lounge
The fault, dear Brutus...
by Lieutenant Commander P’rel M.D
The day after the trial Escape Pod D112/A997/47
by Lieutenant Commander Finnley Keating VII & Commodore Jacob Kane
29 Hours after "Prepare for Ramming Speed!" Starbase One
Through the fog..
by Senior Chief Petty Officer Mason Malone & Lieutenant Didrea Zade & Ensign Rimal Iska
A few hours after "through the tubes" Alpha module sickbay
by Commodore Jacob Kane & Commander Amaya Lance
24 Hours after "Prepare for Ramming Speed!" Starbase One
Prepare for Ramming Speed!
by Commander Amaya Lance & Commander N'Garzi Zora & Lieutenant Alexis Ryan & Ensign Quinn Alka-Sutton
Main Bridge, Alpha Section
Great Responsibiliity
by Commodore Jacob Kane
Following "Crescendo" Starfleet Headquarters
The Crescendo
by Commodore Jacob Kane & Commodore S'vRock & Commander Firestorm to Ennien & Lieutenant Commander Finnley Keating VII & Lieutenant Commander P’rel M.D & Commodore Mikhail Babanin
MD 7 - Following "The man in the big chair" Starfleet Judicial Centre. Courtroom
The Trial: The man in the big chair
by Commodore Jacob Kane & Commodore S'vRock & Commander Firestorm to Ennien & Commodore Mikhail Babanin
MD7: 0900 Starfleet Judicial Centre.
Gamma Section To the Rescue!
by Lieutenant Leah Bailey & Lieutenant Alexis Ryan & Ensign Quinn Alka-Sutton & Petty Officer 3rd Class Sam Saghir
Gamma Section
Time To Be A Hero
by Ensign Kateyo Fenn & Ensign Vivienne Conrad
MD08 Pirate Support Ship: Various
The Ferengi Encounter
by Lieutenant Xavier Leiko & Ensign Charlotte (Charlie) Washington
MD08 Pirate Support Ship: Cells
The Picaroon
by Commander N'Garzi Zora & Petty Officer 2nd Class Henry Washington & Lieutenant Commander Michael Ki & Lieutenant Kevan Dash & Lieutenant Sturgis O'Connell & Ensign Ziahli Lorel & Lieutenant JG Nayisa Wrea & Senior Chief Petty Officer Thral Skrit & Petty Officer 1st Class Emon Imon Amon Plex Vexx Dexx & NVeid tr'Rehu
MD08 Heeni Range Asteroid Belt
Plan of Attack
by Lieutenant Commander P’rel M.D & Lieutenant Commander Finnley Keating VII
Immediately prior to "The man in the big chair". Starfleet Judicial Centre. Service Corridors
One Night in Paris
by Lieutenant Commander P’rel M.D & Lieutenant Commander Finnley Keating VII
MD7; 0500. Paris, Earth.
In the tubes
by Senior Chief Petty Officer Mason Malone & Ensign Rimal Iska
MD8 :: Following "The Battle For Engineering" Jeffries tube leading from engineering
The Battle For Engineering
by Ensign Rimal Iska & Commander N'Garzi Zora & Ensign George Paxton & Senior Chief Petty Officer Mason Malone
MD8 :: after initial attack and 'The Tubes of Terror' Deck 3
Who Said What?
by Commander Amaya Lance & Ensign Alex Brewster & Lieutenant Commander Savin & Lieutenant Didrea Zade & Lieutenant Bharani Gupta & Senior Chief Petty Officer Mason Malone & Jerant van Rijn
MD08 - After 'Alpha Section Mission' Bridge
The Tubes Of Terror
by Ensign Rimal Iska & Ensign George Paxton
MD8 :: After 'Tactical Retreat' Jefferies Tubes
Tactical Retreat
by Ensign George Paxton & Lieutenant Didrea Zade & Ensign Rimal Iska
MD8 :: After "Alpha Section Mission" Deck 4 :: Primary Computer Core
Two in the Bush
by Dominic Lowell & Lieutenant JG Nayisa Wrea
Just after "A Little Birdy Told Me" Cargo hold

Mission Summary