A Doctor's Psychosis
Posted on Fri Nov 17th, 2023 @ 5:05am by Lieutenant Commander Michael Ki
Wrath of the People
Location: USS Athena Various
Timeline: 0200 hrs The Morning After The Trial
1321 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure
All that occured during the trial weighed heavily on the mind of Michael Ki. The idea that Starfleet would aske each and every one of them to testify and try to get them to speak ill of the man who saved their lives time and again really stuck in his craw. It bothered him so much that he could not sleep, this was an insomnia that even his beloved sake could not cure. So, he decided to do what he did in Japan when he could not sleep. Which was put on his hakama and montsuki and take a walk.
Despite being a ship that was still very much in crises, the corridors seemed to be deserted. The few people he did see greeted him with a smile, or a polite bow such was the custom in Japan. As he walked his thoughts drifted through the crew that he had met since boarding the Athena, what they had accomplished, everything the Captain had been through. He began to think about the reason he even went into medicine. Of late he felt that all he did was patch people up so they could get back out there and die. This was something he did not sign up for. He joined Starfleet to do what everyone joins Starfleet to do, explore. Save that he wanted to explore physical bodies, alien species, micro organisms and cure the incurable. Such things had not happened for him as of late in his career, and he felt himself going through a downward spiral.
Eventually as wandered aimlessly his mind wondered to his mother as it often had since she died all those years ago. He spoke to her at least once a day, but especially at times like this. "Okāsan I have made it." He said to no one in particular. The corridors of the Athena were dimmed as they were set to the day/night schedule of the ship. "I did it Okāsan, I made it... I am the Chief Medical Officer of a starship and yet I still feel empty. Why? What more is there?" Almost as if she answered him Michael realized the answer. He had become jaded, disinterested. He had to find the spark that would make him care again.
His thoughts drifted, as he did through the ship. He remembered something his mother once told him. "If you are to succeed in life you must approach everything you do fairly and as a team if possible. Having a team means having more eyes on the problems, which means a higher chance of success. Never simply expect people to do things that you wouldn't do." She often told him advice like that, she said that she got it from years of listening to Captains and Admirals complain. Michael chuckled at the thought of what his mother said.
Despite the position and everything that he had going for him there was one thing that eluded Michael, a family. He wanted a wife and children. His career just seemed to always get in the way. That is until now, but then the question was how. He was always befuddled by the opposite gender. Any time he tried it just turned awkward and then it was back to the drawing board. He sighed heavily as he took a few more steps down the corridor. Prior to his posting to the Athena Michael had been adrift of sorts. Perhaps coming here was meant to be, perhaps not only would the Athena jump start his career but it would jump start his love life as well.
Michael found himself on Deck 7 in front of his office. The plaque on the door said "LTCMDR Michael Ki Chief Medical Officer" His fingers traced the words as if he was in a trance like state. He walked into his office and without even turning on the lights grabbed his PADD. He had been planning for this posting since he heard that he had to report to Commodore Kane.
The final piece in this puzzle was his friends. Michael had his friends, they were few and they were not on the Athena but they did exist. He wondered why he had not called them, the answer there was that he tried to become immersed in the life that the Athena had to offer. No, that wasn't it because if it were he would have friends aboard the Athena. He resigned himself to make friends aboard the ship. As much as it went against his personality Michael wanted to make sure that should he need there would people to attend his trial and say such things as they did about the Captain.
Michael strolled down the corridor of Deck 7 and in a short time found himself in front of Sick Bay. He had been in front of this door and walked through it too many times to count since he boarded the Athena. Yet at this moment things seemed different. There seemed to be an excitement in the air, a thrum, as if a corner was about to be turned. Somehow Michael knew that the next moments would dictate how the rest of his life would pan out. There was a small voice in the back of his head that told him to stop and turn around. To return to his quarters, then there was the voice of his mother urging him on.
The doors swished open and Sick Bay was dark. There was a moment of anger as Michael wondered where his staff was. However, a moment later he realized that they were most likely in their quarters as they awaited emergencies since there were no patients. "Computer duty lighting." he called out to the empty room. The lights responded and raised to a good but dim level. The kind of lighting that would make someone feel comfortable and at home, soft lighting Michael believed it to be known.
Michael walked to every station within Sick Bay and touched the consoles. He knew he was home, yet he was still trying to gauge if this was real or if he was still sleeping in his quarters or suffering from some sort of fever dream. He saw that the crash carts were well stocked and stood by should they be needed. That the EMH was online and ready, a system that Ki never wanted to use, but he knew he would to save a life. He eyed the surgical bays with all of their options and treatment plans. Many people in Starfleet felt that the Bridge was the brains of a ship, and Engineering was the heart of the ship. If that was true then Sick Bay had to be the ship's immune system. The very thing that kept it safe and alive. Michael smiled and even laughed for the first time during his stroll. "They may get the glitz and glamour up there on the Bridge. But, they would be nothing if it were not for us." He said to the empty room.
Finally he turned to the desk in center of Sick Bay, the one surrounded buy glass so he could look out at all the patients. Michael looked at the empty chair and realized that not anyone could sit in that chair. It was meant for him and whether he liked it or not this ship and its crew were his charge. A huge smile made its way across his face and he knew, Michael Ki knew that he was not dreaming. That this was his life now and life was rather good.
"Computer dim lights by fifty percent...." He thought for a moment as he began to review medical records of the crew. "To first do no harm... That is both physically and mentally." Michael said aloud almost as a mantra, a new state of being.
"The Doc is in... And he'll fix you up..." he said.