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Fri Dec 22nd, 2023 @ 4:43am

Lieutenant Commander Michael Ki

Name Michael Ki

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 40

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 175 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description Michael is tall and lanky. He is in good shape for his age although there is no muscle to be seen. He is of moderate strength. His intelligence however is through the roof. Due to his intelligence he has a tendency to look down on others. He has the eye shape and cheek bones of his heritage.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Mako Ki
Mother Caroline Tagawa-Ki (deceased)
Brother(s) Calen Ki
Sister(s) Brynne Ki
Canna Ki

Personality & Traits

General Overview Michael frequently shows off his cunning and biting wit, and enjoys picking people apart and turning peoples weaknesses into a learning experience for them. Michael accurately deduces people's motives and histories from aspects of their personality, appearance, and behavior. His friends and colleagues say that while some doctors have the "Messiah complex" (they need to "save the world"), Michael has the "Rubik's complex" (he needs to "solve the puzzle").
Strengths & Weaknesses + Sharp Wit
+ Deductive Reasoning
+ Diagnostician
+ Loyalty
+ Fierce Friend

- Curmudgeon
- Hard Headed
- Cantankerous
- Humility
Ambitions To become Director of Starfleet Medical. To have children before his is 50 years old.
Hobbies & Interests Like Sherlock Holmes his favorite fictional character Michael plays the violin, he also plays fiddle. He enjoys logic puzzles and very often turns to Vulcan puzzles to challenge his intellect. His favorite activity is to simply sit and read. He also enjoys reviewing old medical files and attempting to solve the case before the doctor of record.

Personal History Michael was born on June 11th 2354 in Okanawa, Japan, Earth. He was the youngest of four children. His father was a general doctor, who specialized in internal medicine and his mother was physicist. Both had dizzying intellects so his childhood was very competitive.

Growing up Michael lived in two worlds in a way. To his parents he was the golden boy. Not only did he have the genius intellect, but he was the youngest and he could do no wrong. He excelled at the sciences and in the medical field, it seemed that he indeed got the best of both of his parents. To everyone else he was just a cantankerous youth who was angry at the entire galaxy for reasons unknown.

He was a bookish child wanting to keep his nose in the book studying rather than going outside to play. In fact he read anatomy books as a way to have fun. He had two close friends that he was fiercely loyal to and they in turn were loyal to him. He avoided social situations for the most part viewing them to be trivial and of no consequence. Michael's childhood reputation was that he was the "fixer." If you had an issue or a problem that needed solving he was the man to see.

In the year 2364 when he was 10 years old Michael's life was changed forever. His father, who he looked up to more than most, changed jobs. His father went from being a local doctor and home for the most part, to the director of neurology at Starfleet Medical in San Francisco. His father commuted to and from work and due to this was not around for much of the rest of Michael's childhood. Michael vowed that he would always put his family first when it came down to it.

Michael's first love was a girl in junior high school. Her name was Shoshanna and she was very much like him, an outcast. She was not very well liked because of the way she acted to most other kids, she would treat others like she was better than them. That is until she met her match in Michael, the two taught each other many things. Among them was she taught him the ability to treat people more than the sum of their parts and he in turn taught her how to be more down to earth. Michael stayed out of trouble through his childhood, learning very quickly how to ignore remarks or respond to them with remarks of his own in kind. He developed the ability in junior high school to turn people's weaknesses into a learning experience for them.

Michael’s largest aptitude seemed to be medicine. However, it was in the diagnostic field of medicine. He loved the mystery that incurable diseases presented and relished in solving them. He learned not only how the body worked, but how it reacted to diseases. Once he mastered the human body he moved on to other species, such as Vulcans, Andorians etc...

His general schooling went by basically uneventful. That is to say he experienced nothing that a normal boy did not do or experience. He graduated High School as the Valedictorian, which was no surprise to anyone due to his grades and his excelled classes. His grades earned him a spot at Starfleet Academy. This was what Michael wanted, as he wanted to get away from the bonds that Earth presented for him. His parents were not fond of this as they wanted him to become a local doctor like his father and settle down.

His years at the Academy were some of the best of his life. It was here that he met his best friend Walter Kaedle. Walter was a Sciences major and the two hit it off. Mike centered Walter and made him concentrate on his studies and in turn Walter caused Michael to loosen up. The two became practical jokers and were issued a formal reprimand for a joke that they pulled on the Commandant of the Academy. It was to be the only blemish on Michael's otherwise stellar record.

Michael graduated Starfleet Academy in the year 2376 as Valedictorian, and was granted the rank of Ensign. While at the academy he majored in molecular biology. He was immediately transferred to Starfleet Medical to enroll in medical school, seeking his MD. He majored in Diagnostic Medicine, with a sub-specialty in Emergency Medicine. It was the diagnostics that appealed to him the riddles of disease he called them. His years at Starfleet Medical were uneventful, however, Michael resented the place as he was constantly referred to as the junior Dr Ki as his father worked there.

At the age of 26 Michael graduated medical school and was given his first deep space assignment. This assignment was to serve as the young doctor's residency. This assignment was to the USS Rhode Island as a Medical Officer. The now Ensign Ki did not make many friends on the Rhode Island however, he was respected the man could diagnose anything in less than a hour for most cases. The medical crew aboard the Rhode Island went as far as challenging Michael to beat the EMH in treating patients and Michael won by a landslide.

In the year 2382 Dr Ki, as he preferred to be called, was transferred to the USS Poseidon to serve as a Medical Officer and the Ship's Surgeon. His department chief was a Vulcan, who's father suffered from Bendii Syndrome. Michael regarded the Vulcan in very high esteem and used all of his free time as well as his degree in molecular biology to attempt to cure Bendii Syndrome. Michael's research into this disease continues to this day and he is convinced that he will find a cure. While he did not find a cure he did find a suitable treatment.

In the year 2386 the Poseidon was sent to Draven IV to assist in a severe outbreak of the Endozian Flu. Ki quarantined himself, purposely infecting himself with the disease on the planet. While there he used his own infected blood to develop a cure and vaccine for future use. He is promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for his act of heroism.

At the age of 37 he is transferred to the USS Washington to serve as the Assistant Chief Medical Officer. It was here that he began to learn how to command and manage a department. He especially learned how to set aside his general misanthropic views in order to get along with people.

A year and a half into his service aboard the Washington the ship's Captain was stricken with a disease that was previously unknown to science. Dr Ki put his degree in diagnostics to good use and figured out that the disease was one that infected the blood. The red blood cells were exploding in the Captain's vessels. Michael instituted immediate transfusions and eventually cured the disease. He named it after it's first patient, and thusly Hemocefjim was born.

Michael loved serving on the Washington, however, Starfleet interfered in that happiness as it often does. In 2395 he is transferred to the USS Merlin to serve as the Chief Medical Officer. He is more curious than happy about this transfer.

While serving aboard the Merlin Michael learned that there was a lot more to life then curing illnesses and healing people. He met the first woman that he truly loved. His courtship with Caroline was a whirlwind and just when he thought he had the nerve to ask her to marry him, the fleet had other plans. Michael was ordered transferred to the USS Athena. Rather than live apart Michael ended the most meaningful relationship he ever had to put duty before his wants.
Service Record 2372 - 2373 - Completes Academy Freshman Year

2373 - 2374 - Completes Academy Sophomore Year

2374 - 2375 - Completes Academy Junior Year

2375 - 2376 - Completes Academy Senior Year - Graduates Magna Cum Laude as the Valedictorian of his class. With Majoring in Pre Medicine with a Minor in Molecular Biology. He is also granted the rank of Ensign.

2376 - 2377 - Starfleet Medical - Medical School Year 1

2377 - 2378 - Starfleet Medical - Medical School Year 2

2378 – 2379 – Starfleet Medical – Medical School Year 3

2379 – 2380 – Starfleet Medical – Medical School Year 4 - Graduates in the top of his class gaining his Medical Doctorate with specializations in Diagnostic Medicine and Emergency Medicine.

2380 - 2382 - Ensign Medical Officer USS Rhode Island (Residency)

2382 - 2386 - Ensign Medical Officer & Ship's Surgeon USS Poseidon

2386 - Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade - Promotion granted for curing plague on Draven IV.

2386 - 2391 - LtJG Assistant Chief Medical Officer USS Poseidon

2391 – 2394 – LtJG Assistant Chief Medical Officer USS Washington

2392 – Cures Commanding Officer of USS Washington and discovers a new disease

2392 - Promoted to Lieutenant - Promotion granted for saving the ship's Captain

2394 – 2396 – Lt Chief Medical Officer USS Merlin

2395 - Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for exemplary service

2396 - present - Lt Cmdr Chief Medical Officer USS Athena