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Posted on Thu Nov 9th, 2023 @ 4:36pm by Commodore Jacob Kane & Commander N'Garzi Zora

Mission: Wrath of the People
Location: USS Athena, Transporter Room
1529 words - 3.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Zora couldn't explain her nerves as she waited in the transporter room. The last time she had seen the Captain - Commodore she internally corrected herself - he was being carried away by Starfleet security. She still wasn't sure how he had managed to prove his innocence, or how he had wrangled a promotion out of it, but she was glad the ordeal was over. Their last mission had felt like a trial by fire and she was looking forward to a touch of normality to return to the ship.

"Ready when you are Commander," the crewman in the gold uniform said from behind the control station.

Zora swept a stray hair from her face and straightened her uniform. She had considered wearing her dress uniform but knowing Kane as she did, she doubted he wanted any fanfare. In fact, she would be willing to bet he was looking forward to some normality more than she was. She nodded in the chief's direction and watched as the blue lights on the transporter pad solidified into the form of Commodore Jacob Kane; commanding officer of the USS Athena. "Welcome home Sir."

"Commander," Kane nodded, actually smiling a little as he stepped down from the pad. "I didn't expect you to be here personally." He glanced around. "What, no bosun's mate for a flag officer?" A little smirk crossed his face.

"You know we only use the bosun's mate for the really important flag officers," Zora quipped back. "Good to see you, Jacob. We have a lot to catch up on."

For once he didn't bristle at her use of his first name. Things felt different; with everything that had happened, with the testimony so many officers had given on his behalf, he felt looser and less resistant to their foibles. "Indeed we do, Commander," he motioned for them to walk and talk. "I've read a few of the incident reports from your activities during my absence. I'm glad to see the ship and my First Officer still in one piece. Anything missing from the official statements I should know about?"

"A few Sir," Zora replied as they made their way out of the transporter room and towards the turbolift at the end of the corridor. "As you know the ship was damaged, but repairs are underway. The ready room was hit hard and needs to be replaced. For now, I have created a space for you in the briefing room and..." she paused, wondering how he would react to the next piece of information. "Yeoman Fischer from the drydock is waiting for you to help create your vision. Apparently, a flag officer can't have a standard workspace these days."

Kane's moment of optimism at being back vanished. Sharply his pace slowed. "Is it too late for me to return to that temporary office on Spacedock?" he asked. With a light sigh he waved his hand. "See if Yeoman Williams can run interference, take her out for lunch or something. Surely there's a better use of a Commodore's time than to pick out drapes..."

"Aye Sir," Zora replied with a smile, "though I will warn you Fischer is very persistent." Her smile faded a little as she handed Kane a PADD. "There is something else Sir," She started after clearing her throat. "Both Lieutenant Zade and Ensign Wrea are currently in the brig."

Kane's eyebrow raised, his moment of bright relief at being home suddenly reverting back to the serious commander he was more known to be. "My Security Chief is warming her own prison cell? Why haven't I heard about this?"

"It's a recent development," Zora reported, all signs of mirth gone from her expression. "I thought it would be better to explain in person. The pair of them took it upon themselves to break into your quarters during the trial. I'm still trying to determine to what end."

"Break into my-" Kane's hand went to his forehead. "What is it with this crew and breaking the rules whenever it suits them?" he grumbled, then glanced at Zora. "Don't even try to pretend that all this misguided 'going rogue' behaviour is all my fault; the moment I was away suddenly all sense of discipline goes out of the window and it's a free-for-all on who gets to play Jim Kirk..." He let out a sigh of both frustration and mild resignation. "This one you can deal with, Commander. I think I'd rather pick out drapes with Yeoman Fischer."

Zora stopped in her tracks, allowing the Commodore to take a few extra steps before stopping himself and turning to face her. "I wouldn't dream of blaming you Sir," she said, a touch of remorse in her voice. "The crew are adults, and Starfleet officers, everything they have done is completely on them. I know emotions were running high, but I agree, there's no excuse to act in any way they please. I will resolve this," she added with a curt nod.

He fixed her with a stern look that faded into something that resembled sympathy. "I wasn't blaming you either, N'Garzi. It's been...a difficult period. For everyone." His shoulders relaxed, releasing a little of the tension. "I trust you to get things back in order in time for our redeployment. In your own style, not mine."

"It's the only way I know how," Zora replied with a half smile. She was happy that he was allowing her to do things her way, though she expected nothing less. She didn't want him to have anything else to worry about, with all he had been through this was the least she could do for him. "How are you feeling, Sir?" She asked hesitantly.

"I'm feeling..." he pondered for a long moment. "Better than I have in a while. Despite everything, knowing that this crew had my back was strangely liberating. I intend to repay that loyalty as much as I can." He paused. "As you know, the rank of Commodore does involve the command of more than just one ship. Admiral Minawara has asked me to lead the primary group of ships covering a stretch of the Federation border, so I suspect things are only going to increase in scale from here." He held out a PADD. "Welcome to Paladin Squadron, Commander."

"Well this makes things more interesting," Zora said as she studied the information on the PADD. Some of the names were familiar, others not; one stood out more than the others. "I see Commander Lance will remain a part of our lives a little longer."

"You seemed to approve of her actions, at least in the end. And she pulled-through when needed. Having someone who understands Athena close by seemed prudent." He studied Zora's face momentarily. "I don't need to be worried about competition, do I? I heard a little rumour she might have been interested in poaching some of my best."

Feigning that she was considering her options, Zora eventually smiled at her commanding officer. "If I were to go, who would deal with the jailbirds? No, for now, I think you are stuck with me. Though if Lance needs a good intelligence officer, I can think of a Vulcan who may like a transfer," she added with a wider grin.

"Yeah. About that..." Kane cringed. "I may have promoted said Vulcan to Second Officer. Before you say anything - I know, she's a wildcard and damn hard to work with sometimes - But I haven't gone completely mad. She's good at what she does, and she'll still be subordinate to your authority. You just...might find yourselves working a little more closely than before is all..." He pulled a little face. "And as much as she pretends to hate everyone, I actually think she might like this crew more than we think."

Zora dropped her head in her hands before remembering her place and composing herself. "It's your call Sir," she said, her voice even. "But the minute she steps out of line I'll be there to bounce her back to Lieutenant, maybe Ensign depending on my mood." She took a breath and smiled weakly. "Seriously, it's your ship and your call, if you think she can do this, I'll make it work."

Kane rested a hand on her shoulder gently. "She's a nightmare to deal with. But she knows that if she steps too far out of line, she has nowhere else to go. I'm not saying hold that over her, but you don't need to let her run all over you." He smiled broadly. "Besides, you might even learn a thing or two."

Zora's egotistical side wanted to rebuff that statement, as if someone like P'rel could teach her anything, it was almost laughable. But her wiser self smiled and nodded gracefully. She knew that everyone had something to teach her, even the Vulcan intelligence officer. The El-Aurian may not like the woman personally, however she knew how to get the job done; which in truth was part of the problem, her lack of care with the rules. "Maybe," she admitted finally. "Only time will tell."


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