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Tue Feb 4th, 2025 @ 3:22pm

Senior Chief Petty Officer Mason Malone

Name Mason Madison Malone

Position Security Investigations Officer

Rank Senior Chief Petty Officer

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 10"
Weight 161 lbs
Hair Color Mousey Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Not too fat, but not to thin. Lean and muscular. Shows very faint scarring across his chest from an incident that occurred when he was 16. It barely shows and you have to know they're there to see them, as he had them mostly removed in 2397


Spouse Ex Husband: Alexander Bakura
Children Adopted daughter Angelique. Her other adopted father Alex Bakura has custody, though they remain in contact when possible.
Father Matthew Malone
Mother Meredith Malone
Sister(s) Miranda (2351), Danielle (2354), Anita (2356), Léoni (2359)
Miranda's a biologist, though since giving birth she no longer works full time.
Danielle is a linguist though not nearly as talented as her baby brother. She's married to a Martian starfleet officer.
Anita is a teacher and unmarried though she has a boyfriend.
Léoni is a counselor and is also married to a starfleet officer.
Other Family niece Tanya (Miranda's daughter, born 2387)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Mason Malone is one of the youngest marines aboard the Sarek, having signed up as a marine recruit. He got promoted to corporal on an away mission to Methani, when Willson was injured in an attack. He's still very new to military life but is slowly adjusting to the strict regime. He's a quick study and very talented when it comes to learning a new language. He's fluent in a wide variety of languages, among which Vulcan and Federation sign language. Both are a very useful tool in combat.

Heavy Irish accent when speaking Federation Standard. Is able to hide the accent if/when necessary but obviously is proud of his heritage so doesn't do so unless required.

Together with Alex Bakura has 5 cats:
Mother Bastet and her 4 young, Artemis, Guinevere, Merlin and Ubasti

After their divorce, Mason has only kept Merlin, the others have moved with Alex and Angelique to Mars.

Is fluent in: Federation Standard, Vulcan, Klingon, fluent in various other languages including Romulan and Andorian.
Strengths & Weaknesses strength: keen eyes, sharp hearing, has a talent for language, loyal
weakness: very shy, afraid to "come out", terribly afraid of heights, prone to jealousy

After it somehow came out that he is gay, Mason felt oddly alone. Even though it wasn't consciously happeming, the young marine felt shunned and ignored for a while.

Mason gets queasy at the sight of his own blood and is known to faint as a result when it flows in larger quantities.
Ambitions When he "grows up", Mason hopes to become a full-fledged marine linguist.
After his divorce, Mason needed a change of scenery and used his experience as a marine to transfer into the position of investigations officer.
Hobbies & Interests In his free time, Mason enjoys painting, preferably on canvas. He spends several hours a week in the holodeck, learning from the 'masters' on how to properly paint. Additionally, he prefers to make his own clothing. In his quarters, he keeps three gerbils named Digger, Spinner and Bear, though after moving in with Bakura, he gave them to Wintrow Paragon.
After his divorce from Alexander, he took one of the kittens, a black male named Merlin, with him.

Personal History Mason grew up as the youngest child of five, and as the only son to Meredith and Matthew Malone. As such, being the youngest child he got away with a lot of mischief, usually his oldest sister Miranda taking the blame as she was oldest and thus the wisest. Being the only boy also meant that his sisters, especially the oldest two, tended to spoil him rotten, but also meant that he was often the subject of their girlish games. If they wanted to play doctor, he was the patient and if they wanted to play cowboys and indians, he ended up the indian to the cowgirls.

However, this also meant that Mason grew up knowing a lot about women and their odd behaviours. Additionally, it made him feel the odd one out and as such spent several years struggling for his own identity. While in training for the Starfleet Marine Corps, Mason often wondered why he'd never found himself a girlfriend, finding himself more and more drawn to the male spectrum of any species. To day, Mason still hasn't admitted publicly that he's gay, as he's afraid to do so.

He does hold a fair amount of respect form his teammates, as well as often being a target for their pranks. Often enough, he doesn't mind but equally often the nature of the pranks hurt him deeply. He is a very loyal marine, who won't let his personal feelings get in the way of his duty.

At age five, the boy Mason took a heavy blow when suddenly his father died as a result of a terrorist attack on his company. His mother was severely injured in the same attack and died several weeks later as a result of her injuries. His oldest sister Miranda was left to care for her four younger siblings, a fact for which Mason still is very grateful as he loves his oldest sister dearly.

His innate talent for language has gotten him signed up to the marine corps at the early age of 16, and he was promptly encouraged by his four sisters to use his talents for a good cause. He spent some time in San Francisco, in the company of a young Gorn male. They soon became friends and it was from him that Mason learned the Gorn main language. It went terribly wrong, when Mason felt compelled to admit his feelings for the Gorn, something that was unheard of to begin with. He was severely injured after the Gorn attacked him and left him for dead. To day, Mason still believes that the incident was his own fault, and not the Gorn's.

His proneness for jealousy has gotten him into trouble with a few of his friends a few time, but nothing too major. Until that fatal holodeck training, where he pushed fellow marine Daniel DiNozzo into a puddle that was just too deep to stand in. He had to dive in and rescue the medic, as he couldn't swim.

Over the course of several days, Mason developed feelings - as well as a deep fascination - for fellow marine Shras Birev, and has found the courage to admit his feelings to the marine in question. Unfortunately, Shras is unable to return his feelings, but has offered his friendship instead. Mason gladly takes this friendship, promising he won't let his own feelings get in the way of this. He will still endeavour to make a decent baseball player out of the Andorian, even though on doctor's orders, playing said game is out of the question for a while, due to a dislocated shoulder.

Was counted among the dead in a holodeck training program when he disobeyed direct orders from the MDC and went out to listen to an enemy conversation. He was caught in crossfire and 'killed' on the spot. This incident has taught the young and brash marine a little humility when out on the field, teaching him that being overzealous isn't always the key and that sometimes caution is warranted.

After his 'coming out' which wasn't wholly arranged by himself, Mason felt alone and isolated. It was mostly due to the fact that his peers knew him to be injured that they refused to train with him, rather than his being gay, but Mason didn't quite perceive it this way. When he brought his concerns to his MDC, Lieutenant Xander Jefferson, he was promptly promoted to Jefferson's atjudant, thereby gaining a whole new range of duties.

Currently romantically involved with Counselor Alexander Bakura and late 2386, moved in with him upon the counselor's request. Early 2387, Mason found himself unexpectedly promoted to sergeant.

In 2388, Mason found himself sparring with the new Gorn security chief, in the ship's armoury. Yet during the session he believed himself under attack and started to defend himself as if his life depended upon it. Though bruised, he was otherwise left unharmed as the chief managed to immobilize and subsequently calm him. His medical records now have the label 'PTSD' attached to them and he is voluntarily seeing the marine counselor for treatment. He is supported in all this by his partner Alex Bakura.

In 2390, Mason marries his beloved Alexander after the chief counselor proposed to him.

After 6 years of marriage, Mason and Alex were gradually growing apart and, feeling too young to be a father of a teenager, it has furthered the rift between them. However they parted ways as friends, and Mason did promise to be around for his adopted daughter despite his personal feelings.

Feeling he needed a new challenge in his life, Mason changed course and used his training as a marine and recon officer to transfer into the position of investigations officer.
Service Record 2384 - Assigned to USS Sarek as marine recruit
2385 - Field promotion to Corporal, assigned as Linguist
2386 - Promoted to MDC's Adjudant, with retention of current rank
2387 - Promoted to Sergeant
2396 - Transferred to USS Athena, investigations officer