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Hostage Rescue 2: Electric Boogaloo

Posted on Mon May 27th, 2024 @ 8:47pm by Commodore Jacob Kane & Lieutenant Didrea Zade & Lieutenant Alexis Ryan & Lieutenant JG Astrja Kyan & Senior Chief Petty Officer Mason Malone

Mission: The Trojan Horse
Location: Naghel IV
Timeline: After: "Sending in the Backups"
3439 words - 6.9 OF Standard Post Measure

The shuttle ride through the planet's atmosphere was rough. The atmospheric challenges of a descent even in good conditions was tough, never mind a rapid drop-and-deploy mission such as this. And the tension inside the compartment was palpable.

"Ryan, Kyan - any word on our entry plan? I can see there's a roof access point on the south side of the mining facility, but that's too obvious for us to hit directly." Kane motioned to a pair of long transport bridges that linked two sides of the ravine-like crater that split the facility in two. "If we hover the shuttle underneath one of those bridging tunnels, do you think you can find us a way to enter them from below?"

Astrja looked at the problem, working out some calculations on her datapad. "That should not be a problem, we can extend the shuttle's boarding field to form a bridge. We will have to cut our way into the tunnel-bridge but that should be quick work."

Kane nodded, glancing first at Ryan. "I have no doubt you've got a way of making a hole."

There had been enough precision required in manually deploying the shuttle's modified subspace distortion generators that Alex had sunk into her own silence with justifiable cause. Masking their entry was a one-off gamble that hinged on creating just enough interference to confuse planetary sensors whilst appearing haphazard enough not to seem intentional. Without taking her eyes off her screen, the Science Chief responded with, "We loaded one of the mining lasers, it should be enough."

"Lieutenant Zade." Kane turned to his Security Chief. "What do the marines' deployment notes indicate about likely hostage locations, where Ta'ang will be holed-up, etcetera?"

The Trill, also glued to a datapad like Astrja, turned hers around. It showed an estimated outline of the facility, with too many best guesses for anyone's comfort. The guesses couldn't be helped, given how shielded the facility was. "There's two likely locations, here and here." She pointed to the two dots on the map. They were areas that were deemed the most fortified, based off of location and level of shielding. "The distance between the two poses a problem: if we hit the wrong location, Ta'ang will know we're here and alert his allies to move the hostages. Splitting up is not an option I would even consider here, so if we can disrupt their communications, that will at least buy us time."

"We could destroy their communications array," Mason suggested, "but that requires finding it first. Or we could try to jam it, if we brought any equipment to achieve that."

"Both options require timing that will be difficult to achieve without reconnaissance and planning, however I've seen instances of someone using a couple of tricorders to put out a localized disruption field to jam communications that might give us a minute or two. Kyan? Think that's something you can implement on the move?"

"Of course, electronic warfare is part of Ops' purview," Astrja replied downloading and reviewing information on the local communications grid. "Can I use our communicators to act as a broadcast relay? Dispersed jamming is usually more effective than localized."

"So long as it doesn't interfere with our own communications in the process." Kane looked over Zade's PADD and mentally mapping the routes. "In combination with a short-range comms disruption, if we take Ta'ang, we cut off the head and throw their coordination into disarray." He pointed to one of the two options. "Here. It has more escape routes and is within reach of where the hostages are; he'd want to keep them close. If I had to pick, I would say that is the most likely location." He looked up at the team. "Fire up that mining laser. We're making entry."

At first, Ryan didn't move, intent instead on milking the last of their masked advantage whilst the shuttle lined up and Kyan's opportunity to execute Operation Sky Bridge finally presented itself. When the Science Chief finally did switch focus, it was with the same controlled, silent independence that had characterised her entire approach to the mission. Prepping the laser mostly involved mounting it on its stabilising tripod, an entirely routine task that the Lieutenant executed with vacant efficiency. Priming it would involve an initial scan of the target wall, which left Alex waiting near the hatch, pulling her helmet back into place with the grim expectation that she'd be the first out.

"I will synchronize our comms to bounce through unjammed channels, I will send the sequence to the Athena," said Astrja programming things in with flying fingers. "Boarding bridge ready on your command, sir."

Once Kane indicated a route, Zade kept the PADD out long enough for everyone else to see it before stowing it and grabbing her helmet. She knew the route best, thanks to meticulous studying, so it made sense for her to lead the way. While the laser was being set up, she settled the helmet into the locks of the suit, spotting Alex doing the same. Turning to Mason, she said, "once we're in, make sure nobody sneaks up on us from behind."

"Ma'am," Mason responded in confirmation to his orders. He too locked his helmet in place then moved to stand ready. He took a second or two to check his weapon then straightened. "Ready when you give the order ma'am.'

Astrja counted down, "Three, two, one, and boarding field away." The telltale on the door went from amber to green. "Jammer ready to activate as soon as the laser starts up."

It took the laser a matter of a minute or two to carve an inelegant piece out of the side of the wall. Guiding it around a full circumference first, Ryan then criss-crossed through the central chunk to divide it for easy dispatch and used a swift shove from her boot to start kicking through the intended hole. It was a visceral relief, a controlled act of aggression that served a purpose and could therefore be justified.

The team made rapid entry to the mining facility, with Zade naturally going first but with Kane eager to be the next in line; he'd always been that sort to want to put himself in the forefront of the action anyway. "Stay quiet and tight. Zade - you're on point. Let's try to neutralise any patrols we come across without alerting their friends."

"Copy," the Trill responded, leading the way.

Having stowed the mining laser, Ryan stepped back out of the shuttle and instinctively hung back to cover the group's only viable retreat. Much as had been the case when she and Zade had single-handedly taken down the team of cadets, the ex-marine's specialisation in solitary concealed marksmanship left her searching for high vantage, understandably in short supply within the narrow corridor they'd first entered. As the group pushed on, the Science Chief slowed her steps, cocked her head and then reached forward to tap Malone on the shoulder with the butt of her rifle.

A jerk of her head backwards gestured for him to step back with her. The sound of approaching voices wasn't particularly loud, two at most, but they were less than a minute away from finding the entry point and raising the alarm. Retracing their steps at a quiet jog, Alexis ducked back through the hole in the wall, navigating her way to tuck around the corner and nodded to Mason as he took position on the other side.

Mason nodded in understanding and quietly followed her. His fingers tightening around his weapon and he swallowed a few times to get the metallic taste of adrenaline out of his mouth. His eyes searched the area as he listened for their enemy. He looked back towards Ryan and gave a small nod to signal his readiness. He peered along the barrel of his rifle as he spotted movement, pressing the trigger to fire.

Having chosen to place herself facing away from the approach, Alex waited until Mason had got his shot off before rounding in one fluid motion and downing the remaining, confused sentry a mere few seconds after he'd watched his partner slump to the ground. A slight twitch in the muscle on her cheek was the only reaction to the fact the shot was a little higher than intended, an unnecessary concern since it had still done the job. Shouldering her weapon, the Science Chief stepped back into the hallway and moved to quickly rid both bodies of their communicators.

Mason followed, guarding her as she worked. His face was a mask of concentration as he took his job very seriously. His eyes continued to scan their surroundings, his rifle following whatever directed he moved. He waited for her to finish and issue the next order.

Her weapon raised and ready, Zade watched for other enemies as Ryan and Malone took out the patrol. She kept herself close to the wall, the HUD in the suit scanning for any unwanted presences, until she felt a tap on her shoulder, a sign to continue. Pressing forward, she checked the first turn, seeing no patrols yet. She could faintly sense Kane's presence nearby, the occasional sight in her peripherals confirming his presence. The corridor was quiet and dim, showing the lack of upkeep one would find in a place once abandoned. Whatever objects were around seemed to be covered in dust, suggesting that this area wasn't consistently used.

Checking another corner, Zade quickly pulled back and signaled to halt, then gestured to Kane that there were two approaching. They were likely a second patrol. She adjusted her position so she and Kane would each take one out, and after a moment's pause, she gave the signal to move.

Kane shouldered his phaser rifle, giving Zade the nod as he moved forward first, weapon already trained on the unwitting target. A second later, the guard was on the floor.

Zade followed suit, coming around the corner and taking out the other patrol. She rushed in to catch the body before it hit the ground and made noise, instead guiding it down. Once the patrol was on the floor, she pointed her weapon up again and scanned for others while slowly standing. It was clear, so she glanced to Kane to confirm he and the others were ready before signalling to continue.

Astrja confirmed the guard was out and then tapped into the guard's com unit using it to construct a map of the base, she shared it with the others.

Zade briefly paused as she studied the incoming information. She muttered something under her breath when she saw the more detailed layout, her lips pursed into a frown. The map that the marines had drafted was close, but some of the guessed areas were wrong, which complicated their route. It mostly lengthened the trip, but what concerned her was the section that put them out in the open. That section was, unfortunately, along the path that got them to the hostages. They had a little time before they got to the exposed area, enough time for her to figure out how to safely handle it.

"It won't be long before those patrols are missed," Kane said softly as Ryan and Malone rejoined the group, following Zade's plotted route. "We'll have to use speed over caution. We'll be up against time as well as numbers soon."

"Agreed,” she quietly responded. Moving quickly, the Trill led the way to the final stretch, that exposed section. It was wider than the corridors, serving as some kind of staging area with balconies on either side that provided sufficient view of the ground level. On the opposite side of the space was a door, their final destination. She didn’t immediately see anyone, but it didn’t mean that the room was empty. There was no way around it, so they’d have to move fast.

Pausing again to scan the area with her eyes, she opened the suit comms. “Ryan, go left with Kane. Malone, Kyan, go right with me,” she quietly said, gesturing to the left and right walls of the very open space, respectively. The balconies provided at least some cover, forcing potential enemies to fire across the room instead. “Kyan, be ready to get that door open, then we take the room together. Go.” She led the way, her weapon aimed up at the balcony on the opposite side of the room.

Mason followed close on their heels, never saying a word because what was there to say? His weapon was held ready and he tilted his head a fraction to listen for anything other than the two women he followed. His body was tense, ready to spring into action when needed.

When they reached the other side, Zade put her back to the wall and focused her weapon and attention into the room they just crossed. “You’re up, Kyan.”

Astrja already had a small sonic-prybar ready and neatly popped the control panel. Next, she directly wired her datapad to the mechanism, a few seconds later, she nodded. "Ready on your command," she said just loud enough for Zade to hear.

Once notified that the door was ready, Zade turned her attention back to the door. “Do it.” The doors opened, and the Trill quickly made entry, moving out of the way so the others could fill in.

Mason followed suit, staying opposite of his boss to cover a wider area, his eyes scanning the room across the barrel of his rifle. "Where are they," he whispered, referring to the hostages. He'd been given a job, but he wasn't so reckless to just go run and look for them. Those days were well behind him.

The breach action was unrehearsed, which would likely add to the chaos of the situation. Kane, as experienced as he was, recognised that. He had skilled people with him but they would potentially lack in coordination or familiarity. But that meant there had to be trust. So he went left, while Zade went right. And hopefully the others followed in behind them.

There was only a brief hesitation as Ryan watched the second group disappear before she turned and followed Kane. Had there been any scope for curiosity, she might have questioned how eerily apt it felt to be staring at the back of his head whilst watching for movement that his lead might flush out. It wasn't the right environment for that particular brand of vigilance and yet it felt instinctive, right down to the anticipation of sweltering heat and swarms of mosquitoes. She pushed the niggle aside as the man slowed, and came to a crouch directly behind him.

The control room was roughly oval-shaped, with a trio of tall consoles forming the only real 'cover' for anyone to hide behind. The fact that the Starfleet team had the element of surprise would play in their favour, with Ta'ang's men outnumbering them but with nowhere to take cover and forced to react on instinct rather than with any plan.

The air lit up with heat and sound as weapons fire was exchanged over the course of several seconds. From his position in one 'corner' adjacent to one of the three tall consoles, Kane held his position for a moment as the sound died-down.

"Clear?" he barked, wanting some verbal confirmation over any visual one.

"Clear," Mason replied to cover his immediate location.

Zade also verbally confirmed, looking around the room for any surprise attackers. Their presence would be known now.

A final rifle shot sounded, the long-distance shot whizzing down the length of an adjacent corridor and hitting its mark square between the shoulder-blades. "Clear," Alexis confirmed, pulling away from the scope she'd been staring through.

"Malone! Check for hostages through the East access door. Zade, you cover." Kane motioned with one hand. "Ryan - on those consoles. I want full control of the facility's systems."

Giving a small nod in confirmation, Mason started to move just as he'd been taught to do. He cautiously moved forward, his weapon aiming ahead of him, his finger resting on the trigger. He didn't need to check whether the Trill was following, he knew she was there. "Moving out," he said as he moved towards the door. His eyes never left their target as the doors got closer. "Ready to move through when you are," he said.

Astrja leapt over the downed enemies and took a seat at one of the consoles. She quickly plugged in her datapad she ran a system sync, letting the advanced intrusion system subvert the controls as it went. She monitored the obvious systems to ensure that nothing was reacting unexpectedly.

"We need to bring down their communication network," Ryan declared, opting not to take a seat as she moved to occupy the console next to the Andorian. "And see if we can seal off some of these sections to isolate any potential reinforcements."

"Sure," nodded Astrja. "Mining systems react quickly to danger alerts, even manufactured ones." Her fingers danced over the datapad. "Shut down the local alarm and . . . go. Other sections are sealing now." She looked up to Ryan. "Shut down or subvert their coms? We have the comm hub, we can listen in and broadcast what we want."

"We have it for all of a few minutes before we sweep and evacuate," Ryan pointed out curtly. "Pull what you can of their recent logs and then shut it down."

"Yes, ma'am," said Astrja her fingers flying over the datapad, locking the local comm grid and then shutting off their jammers. She began a full memory dump and then programmed the system to go into a complete maintenance mode, which looked as though it should take half an hour to execute, as soon as their shuttle left.

Confirming Kane's order, Zade followed Mason, and she moved to the opposite side of the door as him. Readying her hand over the access panel, she gave Mason a nod. "Three, two, one." After she said 'one,' the Trill activated the door, her hand quickly moving to her weapon so she'd be ready to make entry.

Mason gave a curt nod in return then moved, crouching low he slipped inside, sweeping the room.

The room was slightly smaller than the one they were just in, perhaps once serving as a meeting room of break room. There was less cover here than in the previous room. To the left in the corner, the hostages were huddled together, and to the right there were three pirates at consoles. A very faint hum in the air hinted at the presence of a forcefield.

"Hngh?" The Orion leader managed to grunt out before anyone truly responded.

Before the pirates could sufficiently react, Zade aimed at them, and between her and Mason, all three dropped to the floor. She finished clearing the room, well aware of the hushed reactions when her weapon passed by the terrified hostages. "Clear!" She called out. Lowering her weapon, she turned to the hostages. "We're Starfleet, from the USS Athena. We're here to rescue you. Malone, let's get this forcefield down."

"Right away ma'am," the security officer answered crisply as he looked for the controls. Rather than trying to work them when he found them, he took a single shot to short circuit them. "If there are injured among you, we need to know," he added as he moved to have the hostages between himself and Zade for safety.

" too badly hurt..." A low voice came from the group of weary and shell-shocked hostages. A young man, probably in his early twenties, rose slightly from haunches. "Hamilton Broll. I wasn't sure my message had gotten out..." he admitted. "Thank goodness it did..."

As the hostages prepared for evacuation, Zade did a head count to be sure nobody got left behind. Mason's position on the other side of the group would help assure they all made it out. She gave the one who spoke up, Hamilton, an assuring smile and a nod. "We're going to get you all out of here." Leading the way back to the control center, the Trill reported, "the hostages are accounted for, Commodore. I counted eleven."

In the control center, satisfied they had the position secured, Kane finally let himself relax a fraction. "Kane to Athena. Mission objectives achieved, we're extracting with the hostages now. Be prepared for our evacuation." He turned to the rest of the group. "All right people, let's not wait around for any reinforcements. We need to get these hostages out. Let's go."


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