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Posted on Sat Feb 3rd, 2024 @ 12:28am by Commander N'Garzi Zora & Commodore Jacob Kane & Lieutenant Commander P’rel M.D & Major Jason Burke

Mission: The Trojan Horse
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: MD2
938 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

" we can reasonably determine, the layout of the complex has not altered significantly, although we cannot be certain." P'rel finished, wrapping up her briefing on the scans from the intelligence drones deployed by Valiant. It was hardly a resounding a conclusion, the scans were so disrupted by the atmospheric interference that all she could really do was confirm there hadn't been some kind of huge expansion. There might be small changes here and there, but at least the Major's team weren't going to hit an entirely unfamiliar structure. Probably. She turned Kane's briefing screen off and returned to her chair opposite him, with Zora to her right and the Major standing very Major-like further to the right still.

"Major?" Kane looked at the Marine.

"Wouldn't be the first time we've dropped into uncertain conditions," Burke replied. "It's that old expression: the plan only survives as far as contact. Once the plasma starts blasting, a lot of things go out of the window."

"That's why we need to keep things as covert as possible right up until the last moment," Kane nodded, looking at his two officers. "What progress have we made on that front?"

"Leiko and Keating are working on reducing our engine power and directing it into the shields," Zora said. "I've been assured that should make us harder to spot by any undesirables however it will mean a reduction in our warp engines. I also believe Ryan is working on making us undetectable once we enter orbit, right?" She asked, turning towards P'rel.

"Affirmative" the Vulcan second officer replied before looking back towards the Commodore to continue her response. "I spoke with Commander Keating regarding lowering our profile on approach to the system and as Commander Zora indicated, that work is now underway. Furthermore, I believe Chief Skrit has met with one our your..." P'rel turned to the Major, "...soldiers..." she said, not hiding her frank displeasure regarding Starfleet having combat troops and then turning back towards Kane once again; "...I believe it is they who are now liaising with Lieutenant Ryan in an effort to make the landing shuttles undetectable". She steepled her fingers in her lap; "Though I have no knowledge of any efforts to make Athena less detectable once we enter orbit...perhaps there has been an oversight. Commander?" she finished, quipping at the XO.

"Apparently so," Zora replied in her usual calm and considered tone. She was well aware of P'rel's attempt to make her seem less competent around the Commodore and Major and she wouldn't rise to the bait. "I will speak to Ryan and correct this oversight."

"Good. Communication is going to be key, and I wouldn't want to leave too much to chance," Kane said, ignoring the tete-a-tete. Upon arrival, speed and stealth are key. I want our science and engineering teams making that a top priority," he said. "Ryan and Keating need to be on top of both our profile and the marine teams' drop off."

"Commander..." P'rel began, turning her head slightly to acknowledge Zora; "are you monitoring the sensor projects, or do you need to offload some of that work?". She was, truly, inquiring as to whether she should pick up with Finn, but there was an opportunity to 'dig' at the XO and she chose not to make an effort to resist the temptation.

"There's no harm in making yourself useful," Zora replied. She wanted to add for once but decided against it. Forever the diplomat.

"I believe we need to discuss the hostages, and the condition they are likely to be in once recovered" the Vulcan contributed flatly, turning the conversation back to the mission and in doing so dismissing Zora's own reply.

"We don't know what condition the hostages will be in, so our medical department needs to be prepared to receive casualties," Kane continued. "Doctor Ki and Mr Savin should be drilled on what to expect from Ta'ang and his people; torture methods, responses, that sort of thing." He paused, considering. "And our security detail should be ready to receive any captured terrorists."

"If there are any left standing..." Burke noted, with a hint of meaning.

"Indeed," Kane nodded, understanding. He looked at his two officers.

Seeing the expectant look from the Commodore, the Vulcan was the first to speak up and, in doing so, avoided further interaction with the Counsellor she hoped. "I will work with Lieutenant Zade on securing the ship in such an eventuality, and making us combat ready should our sensor efforts fail..." she side-eyed the XO, not quite implying that failure on the stealth projects would be her fault, but also not avoiding the slight implication either.

"We should always be combat ready, regardless of plan A," Zora replied almost in a monotone way.

It was typical of P'rel to take the cynical option, Kane noted silently. "Very well."

Burke pitched in, "I'd suggest your people get a little extra practice in on the range. We don't know if my team will need any sort of rapid response, and I'd be comforted by the knowledge that we have that option on the table."

"Lieutenant Zade should coordinate that," Kane nodded. "That new Operations officer, Lieutenant Kyan, has some combat training. Make sure she's added to her response team."

P'rel nodded to the Commodore, simply replying "Sir".

"Anything else?"

"No sir" P'rel answered robustly, determined simply to just get the civilians back unharmed.

Zora simply shook her head. The less time they spent discussing the plan the sooner they could begin the rescue.


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