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The Doctor Has it

Posted on Sat Jul 25th, 2020 @ 1:06pm by Lieutenant Noah Reed M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Savin & NVeid tr'Rehu

Mission: Character Development
Location: Deck 7 - Sickbay
Timeline: Prior to away team rescue
1464 words - 2.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Slowly, Nveid walked into sickbay. Though he'd been on board for a day or two now, he'd mostly used it to get used to a new ship again, before actually reporting for duty. Since he wasn't sure whether his child would be allowed on board a Prometheus class starship, he had arranged for the boy to stay with one of his aunts. He was relieved relations with his much younger half sisters were improved on such a level that he trusted for them to take care of his son. It was, however, something he did need to discuss with the captain, but he didn't consider current tight situation to be an appropriate time.

Tugging down his uniform jacket, he caught his reflection in a glass panel and quickly ran a hand through his hair. "Doctor Reed?" he called out, his voice heavily accented, but clearly spoken.

Noah Reed stepped out of his office, his eyes still stuck on the PADD he held, which displayed a research paper about Romulan blood types. He snapped out of it and looked up at the pointy-eared surgeon. "Ah, Doctor tr'Rehu. How are you today?"

"Ready for duty," the Romulan hybrid answered brightly as he walked up to the man. "I apologize for not reporting before, I find I needed some time to settle first, especially being away from my child." He nodded towards the PADD. "What are you working on?"

"I'm glad you're ready for duty. Family comes first, of course." He held up the PADD he was studying. "Oh, this is just a study of Romulan blood types that came out recently by the Vulcan Science Academy. It examines the history of the blood types and how once the great schism occurred, what effects that had on the evolution of the cells from that point forward." He pursed his lips into a grim smile. "It doesn't sound as interesting when I say it out loud, unfortunately."

"My child is not here with me, though if possible I would like to have him here," Nveid clarified, glancing at the readings. "Are you also taking hybrids into account or are you solely looking at pure blood Romulan and Vulcan differences. As far as I know, there is only one factor difference between Vulcan and Romulan blood."

"A very good question, doctor. I'm starting my research with both Vulcan and Romulan blood and then I'll go into the hybrids once the foundation bases are done." He smiled eagerly at the challenge ahead.

"Have you asked the chief counselor to contribute?" Nveid asked, "he's a full Romulan." The hybrid smiled apologetically. "I've served with him before, hence I know. I'm sure if asked he'd be happy to help, if anything because it might help him in the future should he have a need of blood?"

Noah nodded approvingly. "You know, that's a great idea. The regular synthetic blood manufacturing process isn't the best. If we could keep a large enough supply on hand, that would help in an emergency. Perhaps he could come in for regular donations to keep it stocked up." He clasped his hands behind his back and returned the smile. "What do you think?"

"I think that's an excellent idea, for myself as well as my blood isn't full Romulan. It has Betazoid factors. Vulcan blood works, but it needs to be filtered." The hybrid surgeon smiled in return. "Auto-transfusion is always the best option, especially in special cases. I'm sure he'd agree with that as well." He tilted his head ever so slightly. "Do you keep the Rigellian drug to increase blood cell production?"

Noah nodded and spoke excitedly. "Yes, I am. I have noticed that it's not a standard practice across the Federation but it most definitely enhances the transfusion process. I'm glad to know that you're so well versed in the details of it all."

"Well versed, no." Nveid shook his head. "I know from reports that it does work for Romulans. I do recommend you use it with only two of us on board."

Reed walked over to a large wall display screen and brought up the lab schedule. "Since you're the only one aboard with your unique blood makeup, we'll have to rely only on your own blood supply, which means we can only take a liter every month or so, according to my calculations." He turned around to confirm with N'Veid. "Does once a month sound alright?" A warm smile crossed his lips as he added, "And hopefully we won't need to ever use it."

"A whole liter at once?" Both eyebrows shot up. "This is of course assuming you'll put me on the Rigellian drug for that duration?"

"One liter a month is pretty standard but of course I'll put you on the Rigellian drug. You shouldn't have any problems returning to duty on donation day."

"That's comforting. When would you like to proceed with the first donation?" Now, it felt, was just as good a time as any.

Noah mulled over the suggestion to get started immediately before nodding to the doors leading to the blood lab. "I can't argue with that logic, doctor." He lead them into the lab that had several stations set up for drawing samples from patients. For a small sample, a simply hypospray would do but to get a large amount and store it required a little more work. "Have a seat and we can get started."

"Of course." Nveid settled in one of the chairs and rolled up the sleeve of his tunic. "Is this sufficient?" he asked, gesturing to his rolled up sleeve. "I will probably get some rest after you are done, though I would appreciate a mild stimulant to prevent me from passing out before I get home."

"That's perfect. And you shouldn't have any problems with the amount taken and a slight stimulant, of course." He wrapped Nveid's arm with the hemoglobin withdraw sheath, similar to an old-fashioned blood pressure sleeve. "Just relax and we will get started." He tapped the console attached to the chair and brought it online and prepared it to draw one liter of blood before hitting the initiation button. "This shouldn't take too long."

"Obviously," the Romulan hybrid answered, while clearly avoiding to look at the withdrawal of his own blood. "What made you so fascinated with Romulan blood chemistry?"

"It stems from the broader topic of my doctoral thesis on inter-species mating and one study I conducted involved altering the blood from one or both parents to facilitate an easier pregnancy," Noah replied as he folded his arms with a smile.

"No doubt many couples having trouble conceiving would benefit from such a study. I assume this also stems from Terran Rhesus factor studies, and the consequences involved to both mother and child?"

"That's exactly right! I just took that concept from Terrans and expanded it... and discussed the numerous complications that expanding that topic entailed." He chuckled as he remembered it as if pulling on a thread of a large sweater.

"Perhaps it is a good idea then, to ask for the assistance of couples with hybrid children, and ask them to donate blood. Not just Romulan, but any species," NVeid suggested. "I would volunteer my son but it would be useless as he is adopted. He is, however, a Human Betazoid hybrid. His mother was Betazoid, his father Human."

"That might be a good idea," Noah mused. Once the liter was withdrawn in a safe speed the machine beeped intermittently to signal that it was done and shut down. "That should do it," he added as he removed the cuff from NVeid's arm.

Feeling a little dizzy, NVeid remained on the bed. "That it should," he agreed, looking a little pale as he avoided to look at the container which held the withdrawn blood. He never could look at his own blood, which was one of his weaknesses. "I don't feel so well," he admitted slowly.

"Not to worry," Noah replied as he popped a vial into a hypospray and pressed it against his neck. "This enzyme compound should help with the lightheadedness and increase your insulin level lightly to compensate. Just lay here for ten minutes and you should be ready to go." He unlocked the hemoglobin container and handed it to a female nurse that was walking by. "Please place this in cryo-storage with the others. Thanks, Nancy."

NVeid nodded slowly. "I will go home, when I am ready to get up," he promised, still looking a little pale. "Thank you doctor."

Noah walked up to NVeid and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "No, thank you."

Dr. Noah Reed
Chief Medical Officer
U.S.S. Athena

Dr. NVeid tr'Rehu
Ship's Surgeon
U.S.S. Athena


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