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The Wind Through The Trees

Posted on Thu Jul 23rd, 2020 @ 1:47pm by Lieutenant Noah Reed M.D. & Lieutenant Ausra Danton

Mission: Character Development
Location: Deck 7 - Sickbay
1013 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure

Ausra entered sickbay and glanced around for someone who looked like they knew something about medicine. It was the stupidest thing, a tiny annoying almost not worth mentioning issues. But it was also driving her up the wall because she used her hands for everything in her line of work and everything she did seemed to irritate it. "Excuse me? Do you have a moment?"

Doctor Reed had just finished going over a research paper in his office before walking out to a lab station to input some recent samples. One of them was giving the computer a difficult time. He furrowed his brow at the problem when he heard a voice. Turning around, he saw a woman about his age. He smiled warmly and said, "Ah, good morning, lieutenant. What can I do for you?"

"It's stupid." Ausra began. "But I have a little hangnail . . . but I keep rubbing it while trying to do stuff and of course that makes it sting. It's causing me to go batty." Ausra said, sitting down on a bio bed without being asked. "Take if off. wrap something around it if you can't be bothered to heal it. I don't care."

Noah nodded as he listened to her explain the ailment and curled a curious eyebrow when she sat on the biobed. He walked over and took her hands gently, peering at them to find the culprit. Finding it, he narrowed his eyes and muttered, "Hmmm." He paused a moment before continuing, "It's a good thing you came in when you did. This finger looks like it's about due for an amputation."

"Hardy har har. I told you it was stupid. But it's also distracting and I can't have distractions when I'm trying to create a network of probes. One false little move and you never know what might happen. Boom," she said blandly. "And anyway, you didn't appear to be busy? So take off the finger if you must but just make it stop stinging."

Noah looked her squarely in the eyes and tried to hide the smirk from spreading across his mouth. "My dear lieutenant... I'm always busy." He then reached over to the nearby crash cart and picked up a hypospray and popped a vial into it. "This'll fix the irritation... and the angry look." Pressing it against her carotid artery, he pressed the release valve, which allowed the pain killer to flood her system almost instantly. "Now let's resolve this pesky problem, shall we?" He then replaced the hypospray and picked up the protoplaser. He switched it on and observed the neon purple light before dabbing it on her fingertip several times.

The hypospray didn't change her look that much though. "Thanks," she said, even if she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows at his smirk. "I bet you have to use that bedside manner on all types of patients," a feeble attempt at conversation but an attempt nonetheless.

"Uhm... You could say that." His smile slowly dissipated as he watched her finger color return to normal. He set the protoplaser back down on the cart and let out a satisfied breath. "Do I get a name for my trouble or does everyone call you lieutenant?"

"Hey you," she replied with the faintest hint of a grin. "Since most people don't know me yet, I'm new. The people I have met call me Ausra or they would if I had met more than two people and exchanged first names. You're number three if you tell me your name."

"I'll be number three, then. Noah Reed, ship's official 'people patcher'. See? You're making inroads with the crew already." He smirked again and looked around. "Well, that should do it. How does it feel now?"

"Much better thanks," She took the hand back from him and moved her fingers. "Now maybe I can get some work done. Thanks. Sorry, I know that was such a little thing but it really was driving me nuts. I kept rubbing it on everything and the stinging was driving me mad."

Reed waved his hand dismissively. "Oh, it's no big deal. You can repay the favor if I ever have a medical mystery to solve."

"Colonel Mustard in the Library with the wrench?" Asura asked. Before being on Athena she wasn't often involved in investigations, merely scientific experimentation which she supposed was sometimes the same thing. "Well you can let me know if you need something scientific done."

Noah raised his eyebrows in confusion for a brief moment. "I don't know any Colonel Mustard but he sounds shady," he said as he rose to his feet. "I'll let you know if I require your expertise. And thanks for stopping by your local 'fix-it' location."

"You've never played Clue?" Ausra asked figuring she'd been dismissed but still wanting to know the answer. "Have you ever played a board game?"

"I've played a few in my time," Reed said defensively. "I never played Clue, though. To be fair, I moved around a lot growing up and spent most of my free time reading journals."

"Ah. So you're in need of a second childhood then. I tell you what, I was thinking of having a game night in my quarters with some friends. Want to come?"

Noah cocked his head to one side as he contemplated the offer before nodding enthusiastically. "That sounds great." He wasn't quite used to being invited to things but the opportunity was too good to pass up.

"Good, deck five, let's say 1900 hours tomorrow so we have plenty of time to play," with that she hopped down from the biobed and walked quickly away without another word.

Reed stammered at her abrupt exit but couldn't help but feel intrigued by their scheduled activity. He figured that it would be an excellent way to get closer to some of the crew and not just be seen as the guy who patches people up. He grabbed the PADD next to the biobed and headed back to his office, thoughts about the game wandering into his head.


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