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Holodeck Based Apologies

Posted on Mon Aug 26th, 2024 @ 1:48pm by Ensign George Paxton & Senior Chief Petty Officer Mason Malone

Mission: Character Development
Timeline: BACKPOST Immediately following 'Holodeck Based Training'
1456 words - 2.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Finn hurried away from the holodeck as George rushed towards it and Mason waited patiently inside under false pretenses. What Mason didn't know is that Finn had set up an opportunity for George to meet with Mason on neutral ground and talk things out. The original plan had been to meet close to the weapons locker, but things never exactly went to plan did they?

It took George longer than he would have preferred to reach the holodeck, but he'd run as quickly as he could. Once outside, he changed the parameters of the program to display a beautiful tropical island with lounging chairs and their favorite drinks set up on a table between. Soft tropical music played in the background as the sun set over the water in the distance. He straighten his loose fitted hawaiian shirt gripped the bouquet of flowers he was holding a little tighter before entering the room.

"Hey Mason," he held out the flowers with a somewhat awkward smile. "Sorry for the change in plans, I just...I just wanted a chance to talk. I know I've been a bit distant lately and when Finn mentioned that she was meeting you I thought maybe it would be a good opportunity."

Mason was startled when around him the scenery suddenly changed from a classroom to a tropical island and he was temporarily blinded by the sudden brightness. He watched the setting sun for a moment before turning at the sound of his name. For a moment he just stared, glancing between George and the flowers and back.

It took a few seconds before he reacted and accepted the awkwardly held out bouquet. "This certainly is a nice change," he answered, equally awkward as he wasn't sure what to do now. He wanted to reach out and just hold him, but part of him also just wanted to hold back. "You have," he confirmed softly, trying very hard not to sound hurt about it. He gestured towards the lounging chairs, walking towards them. "Anytime would have been an opportunity George," he offered gently, "my door is always open for you. Always."

"I know, but I felt as if this apology might need a bit more," he motioned for them to sit in the chairs and waited for Mason to sit first before handing him a drink. "I know I've been distant without much explanation, and to be honest even now it's hard to explain."

Accepting the drink, Mason leaned back. "You don't owe me anything," he said softly, "you wanted space, I gave you space. I'll admit it was difficult and lonely but you don't owe me anything." He smiled a little. "This is a nice surprise though, and I am glad you are here. And I'll listen... and I won't judge." But he did still feel hurt about being pushed away.

George sighed. "Why are you so forgiving, Mason? You didn't deserve to be pushed away for no reason, yet you don't even seem upset about it. I think I'd be pretty upset. I don't deserve blind forgiveness."

"No, I didn't," Mason answered as he set his glass down, "and I am upset about it." He looked up to see George right in the eyes. "But what would being angry about it get me? I love you, and I'm grateful you took me in after I was injured and I couldn't go home because the ship was split up. But I think being openly more upset would have had the opposite effect. So I chose to give you the space you asked for even though it hurt to be away from you. My sisters noticed, but gave me the space I needed to deal with it."

He paused again, this time reaching for George's hand, taking it between both of his. "I'm forgiving because argument and fighting gets me nowhere, and I'd rather have a friend in the end than nothing at all. And my feelings for you haven't changed but you need to tell me what you expect of me because I'm not going to wait forever."

George nodded with a soft smile. "I'm sorry, you're right. Maybe we can start over? As if our run in with the gorn never happened. Twist the rewind dial on our relationship back to then? It seemed like everything was fine then. Or maybe we shouldn't ignore what happened, I don't know." He sat back in his chair with a slight sigh, looking out towards the sunset. "I don't want to lose you Mason. I appreciated the space. I'd like to start back where we were, if thats at all possible."

"I don't think we can or should ignore what happened. But we do need to keep communicating, instead of just ignoring things. If anything, maybe this will make us stronger. But you need to tell me if you need anything, or time to yourself...I can do that, you know?" Mason smiled, watching him. "And I need to tell you sooner if for some reason I can't make a date, and I'll work on that. But the nature of both our jobs may be that notice may come late if at all."

Mason too glanced towards the sunset. "Want to go swimming as the sun goes down?"

"Sure," George placed his drink back on the table and started to remove the unnecessary clothes for swimming. "You're right, we shouldn't ignore what happened, but how can we move past it? How can I make it up to you for being a total jerk?"

"I need your understanding that there may be circumstances where I might not be the best of company for a few hours." Mason stripped down as well and grabbed George's hand, pulling him towards himself. "And if I do forget something, just come to me and we'll talk in person. That's all I need, your understanding and that we'll talk at a later moment." He cupped George's cheek, peering him in the eyes. "And remember that I'll always be there for you if you do need me."

"I think I can do that," he smiled back at Mason before leaning in for a short kiss. He had missed this feeling. "Now," he said as the two broke back apart, still staring in each others eyes, 'last one to the water cooks dinner tomorrow?"

"Sure," Mason smiled happily. "Ready?" He asked as he readied himself for a sprint.

"Go!" George raced toward the water, purposely not getting too far ahead of Mason. The point was having fun, not necessarily winning. Not that he could beat him anyway, Mason was much faster. yet he didn't seem to be playing that competitively either. Suddenly his toes touched the water and he looked over realizing Mason was in about the same spot. "I'm not sure who won?" He shrugged.

Unseen by George as he was a few paces ahead, Mason made as if he tripped and rolled through the sand to give George a bit more of a head start, before finally sprinting up to touch water at exactly the same time. "We both did," he smirked as he tried to ruffle the sand from his hair, "so I guess we're cooking together then." His grin widened as he tried to pick George up with the full intention of carrying him further into the water. With his balance off however, it only ended with the wet sand giving under his feet and splashing himself into the water.

George chuckled as they fell into the water. "Cooking together sounds pretty good to me. How about tomorrow night? After shift? We could finish the night with a movie after dinner too. I replicated a small popcorn maker that I've been meaning to try out."

"That sounds good. Maybe you can teach me to make that gumbo right? And I'll teach you my sister's cherry and apple pie." He smiled as he wrapped his arms around George, drawing him closer. "And I love popcorn... I'll take the early shift tomorrow, I'll have a chat with Lieutenant Zade later about it. That way I'll have most of the afternoon to prepare for dinner."

"Ohh, now that's a secret family recipe. My grandma might just throw me to gators if I gave it away, but I'll see what I can do." George reached out and caressed Mason's face. "Anything for you."

"Teach me a not-secret recipe," Mason smiled, leaning into the caress, "wouldn't want your grandma to get mad at you and I know you're a match for any gator anyway but still." For now, however, he grabbed George's hand and pulled him further along into the water. "Now, we swim first and have fun, while we have time."


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