Meanwhile, In Space - Part 1
Posted on Mon Aug 26th, 2024 @ 1:23am by Ensign [DECEASED] Rimal Iska & Ensign Charlotte (Charlie) Washington
Into the Qniverse
Location: USS Athena :: Mess Hall
Timeline: While Crew is off in Fairytale Land
1633 words - 3.3 OF Standard Post Measure
"I wouldn't have considered that." Iska looked to Charlie as the two walked toward the mess hall for their lunch breaks. There was mild unease in Iska's shoulders over the idea of being in charge of the security department, hoping to the Prophets that he didn't mess it up. At least he wasn't alone in this endeavor, and also not the only Ensign in this position. "I guess it makes sense for the SIF and deflector controls to be connected, now that I think about it. But also... why would they be connected?"
Charlie just stopped for a second in front of the doors and gave Iska a quizzical look. "What? 'It makes sense for them to be connected, but also why would they be connected? I feel like what drew you to the conclusion of 'it makes sense for them to be connected' would be the answer to your question." She chuckled and then pointed towards the mess hall doors. "Ok, once we step foot in there, no more shop talk. Agreed?"
A couple of seconds passed before Iska closed his eyes to mentally slap his forehead. That was a dumb question and he knew it. He was just hoping for an explanation from Charlie's perspective, because he could see from a ship security perspective how they'd be related, but not why they'd be connected from an operations perspective. In hindsight, they were probably connected for the purpose of ship security. "Agreed," he said with a nod. "To change the subject, after hours plans? My book group is going to start Quantum Hindsight today. There's apparently a lot of good reviews."
"Just dinner with Henry, maybe some time at the gym. I've been thinking about joining one of the ship's clubs, but haven't had much of a chance to do it yet." They entered the mess hall, which was basically empty outside of one other crew member reading a book in the corner. "What are you going to have for lunch today? I'm leaning towards a burger with a side of Enaran algae puffs."
"Enaran algae puffs?" Iska was curious as they walked through the empty mess hall. "I just might try those with an Argendi sandwich." There was a pause, then he asked, "I didn't confuse the time, did I? This seems to be very empty for lunch."
"Huh, yea, it is. Then again, it is a little early for lunch, maybe most just haven't wriggled free yet?" Charlie turned to the replicator and ordered her meal. Matter seemingly swirled through the air and then suddenly lunch was presented, only it wasn't exactly lunch. "Uh, I didn't order this," she looked at what the replicator produced in confusion. In place of a burger and algae puffs was a bowl piled high with ice cream, cookies and every topping imaginable. "Not that I'm really complaining. If the universe tells me to eat ice cream, I'll eat ice cream." She shrugged and pulled the massive bowl out, eyes wide with anticipation.
It was a little early, so Iska shrugged. He matched Charlie's confusion as her 'burger' appeared, looking between her and the large bowl of sugar. "That's odd. Computer, one Argendi sandwich and Enaran algae puffs." This time, the replicator didn't seem to do anything, and the Bajoran frowned. He typed on the nearby controls to see if he could see what might he going on, but then the hum of the replicator dragged his attention back to the inset in the wall. He watched as a sandwich appeared on a plate and a small bowl next to it.
"Huh, maybe it was just a weird glitch," Iska commented, picking up the food. To be sure, he inspected the food nestled between the bread of his sandwich. Was his bread... moving? Wait... was that a small tail?? Looking to the bowl, his eyes widened when he saw that the 'algae puffs' were instead little curled up reptiles. "Rey pahna!" he exclaimed. A shudder racked his entire body, and he dropped the food out of surprise. Once the plate and bowl hit the floor, the small lizards flew, spreading out across the floor in feont of them. Iska stepped back and flicked his foot when one of the lizards plopped onto his boot.
"Aww, it's just a lizard. He's kinda cute really." Charlie picked the little guy with an endearing smile. "Do you guys have these or something similar where you grew up? We always used to wear them as earrings back in Florida." She picked up a second and put their mouth close to each ear allowing them to latch on and then showed them off as if they were the latest fashion trend in earrings.
The Bajoran stared dumbfounded at Charlie as the presence of the lizards seemed to not bother her. "Sorry, do replicators in Florida put lizards in your food?? Does this not phase you??? What type of backwards-" Iska jumped when he felt one of them start to crawl up his pant leg, bending over to grab it before it got too far. He removed it by the tail, then placed it in his hand cautiously. "Of course we have creatures like this on Bajor, I just wasn't expecting them in my sandwich."
"Oh, no, I mean there is definitely something wrong with the replicator. I just meant that the lizard don't really pose a threat. Let's see what's going on here," Charlie removed the front panel on the replicator to peer inside. Everything seemed to be in working order, there was nothing standing out that would cause the device to behave in such a manor. Maybe it just needs a recalibration? Charlie thought. She typed in the appropriate sequence and a few moments later the replicator beeped in response to the recalibration completing.
"Let's try this again. Should work ok now," Charlie replaced the panel. "One hot coffee, please," she commanded and the swirl of mattered appeared once more but then a giant brown round ball appeared on the platform instead of a cup with dark liquid. "What is...oh no no no," the ball slowly uncurled revealing itself to be a massive bug that looked something like a mix between a cockroach and millipede. Charlie ran to the other side of the room. "That feels like a security problem, and that's your territory!" She said to Iska.
Iska muttered something about 'not being scared, just startled' as he watched Charlie work. The inner workings of a replicator were well outside his expertise, but it didn't stop him from being curious. He then gave her a confused look when she suddenly backed away, and turned to see the rather large insect on the platform. Replicator weirdness aside, it was far more tolerable than lizards. "Awww," he said, picking up the large insect. "I used to have one of these as a pet when I was a kid. Well..." Iska leaned in slightly to inspect it closer, "... ok, not this species, but something similar. It looks like the Armadillidiidae Blattodea from... ah, shoot, I don't remember the name of the planet, but I read about it. A planet full of these fascinating little guys."
"Little? That thing is the size of your torso!" Charlie exclaimed. "And it's definitely not fascinating. More like disgusting. I'm going to go to engineering and see if Lieutenant O'Connell has gotten any reports of misbehaving replicators and see if he can help with our...situation. I'll leave you to deal with your little friends here? I'm sure an experience security guy like you can handle a couple lizards and a giant cockroach, right?"
How was it that Charlie was ok with tiny lizards nestled inside the food, but this single large harmless insect freaked her out? Iska chuckled, "Fine, fine, I'll deal with them. Might keep this guy as a pet. What do you think of Reppy as a name, since he -- sorry, she, because of the shape of the abdomen-- came from the replicator?" Glancing up, he realized that Charlie was still holding onto her almost comically large bowl of ice cream. "You gonna walk into engineering with that?"
"I fully plan to consume it on my way to engineering, thank you very much. It is my lunch after all. Good luck with...all that," Charlie waved at the reptiles and added a look of disgust as she motioned towards the insect he was holding. "Hopefully O'Connell will have some ideas. The last thing we need is a bunch of 'Reppys' running around the ship." Charlie shuddered at the thought before walking out with a large spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.
At least you get a decent lunch, Iska thought. "I'll manage here," he answered aloud with a faint chuckle. Cradling 'Reppy' in one arm like a newborn, he began collecting up the lizards. Six of them were created in the replicator incident, and he realized after catching two of them that he needed extra hands. Briefly running to the kitchen, he grabbed a jar and plopped the lizards inside, then brought the jar out to collect the others. When he was done, there was a solid minute of Iska standing there, a large isopod in one hand and a jar of lizards in the other, looking around to find the best place to store them so they wouldn't escape. The brig felt too large for them, but he couldn't just leave them in the mess hall.
Still looking a little confused, Iska made up his mind to just take them to the brig. At least they wouldn't be able to escape.... he hoped.