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A Trill-ling Adventure

Posted on Mon Aug 5th, 2024 @ 9:32pm by Ensign Kateyo Fenn & Senior Chief Petty Officer Mason Malone

Mission: Into the Qniverse
Location: Space Has No Meaning
Timeline: Time Has No Meaning
1706 words - 3.4 OF Standard Post Measure

There was a blinding light and then nothing.





Teyo was slowly becoming aware of his surroundings. Though he wasn't quite sure where he was, a sense of familiarity started to set in as his eyes adjusted to the new light on this new planet. He was certain that he wasn't on Legoria II anymore, for one thing, the twin suns had gone. The air here felt different, lighter somehow, closer to the air on the ship, but he was certain he wasn't on the ship. He looked around but nothing felt familiar and everything felt familiar at the same time, how was that possible?

Teyo noticed it wasn't only the environment that felt different but he did too. He pulled at the edges of a memory, he had been arguing with someone but he couldn't remember who or why. It was like trying to hold on to a dream but the details were slipping away, the faces turning to smoke as he tried to hold on to them. All he could remember were the emotions, well one emotion in particular; anger. But that was gone now, his anger had disappeared quicker than Legoria II. He felt at peace, serene even. Teyo had never felt such clarity in his life and it honestly scared the hell out of him.

Teyo heard movement and when he turned in that direction he saw a face that he knew. "Mason," he said in a dream-like voice. "What's happening? Where are we?"

Mason had been watching Teyo intently from the moment they appeared here, wherever here was. Somehow it felt familiar, but at the same time intensely alien. There were buildings, there were roads but rather than asphalt, they seemed more like sand or cobblestone, or a mix thereof.

His eyes traveled to take in their surroundings and he turned briefly to look around before settling his attention back on his friend. "I don't know," he had to confess, "but if I were to hazard a guess I'd say Earth. But... given the utter lack of technology, I'd say Earth from a very long time ago. I'd have to listen to people talking to know where, exactly." He paused again, attention back on Teyo. "You seem a bit out of sorts, are you alright?"

"I feel different," Teyo said, his words sounding as though they belonged to someone else. "I have memories that I don't remember gaining. There are voices up here," he tapped his temple with his finger. "No, not voices, personalities. Feelings and memories that don't feel like me, fighting for control." He shook his head as though trying to shake out the voices. "I feel whole but split," he finally said, sadness in his voice. He didn't understand what was happening to him.

Mason watched him closely, aware of the note of sadness. "You weren't joined, were you? I mean I don't remember you ever saying, but if you are, could the symbiont be acting up? We seem to have gone somewhere without technology...I don't see anything that could help us to make sure."

"Joined? No... hell no," Teyo replied indignantly. "Who wants to go through the hassle of being an initiate..." He trailed off. A flash, a memory came back to him. He was so scared... no, nervous. He wanted more than anything to be joined, he wanted the future that had been promised to him. He was lying in a hospital, the thin grown barely covering his modesty, but he wasn't scared about his life ending, he was excited that his life would soon be starting. It started sooner than he had expected. He went from being one to being many; he was whole.

"Impossible," Teyo said out loud, more to himself than Mason. His arms cupped his abdomen; inquisitive, curious, protective. What's happening? "We should walk, find out where the hell we are," he said to Mason. He fought to keep his voice even and his movements non-panicked as he took a few steps up the path that led to who-knows-where.

Mason nodded slowly, a look of concern in his eyes. "Walking seems to be our only option... Either we're stuck on a world with no technology whatsoever, of it's not just a matter of where we are but when as well." He paused as they started walking. "I don't know much about Trill beyond the language, obviously...but why didn't you want to be joined?" He nodded ahead. "If you want to tell me of course, you don't have to. But we got a while to go it seems, so...might as well?"

Teyo stopped too and just stared at Mason. It had been a while since the two of them had spent time together and it was moments like these that he remembered why. "You have just indicated that we have potentially moved through time and space, but you would rather discuss my feelings towards Trill society?" He asked, unable to keep the exasperation out of his voice.

"A distraction," Mason explained, "you look like you're off your rocker and that's very unlike you. I thought maybe telling me about your society, something that's close to you would help settle you. I can listen and look around." He smiled apologetically. "You do remember what I used to be before becoming an investigations officer right?"

"I am settled," Teyo said defensively. "Let's just stick to the task at hand."

The Human started walking again, keeping half an eye on his companion while scouting ahead. "There's evidence of people..look, there's tracks.." he pointed ahead on their path, then crouched to examine something. "These look like horse tracks, and a cart. And domesticated animals..." He pointed at specific prints. "These are dog paws. There may not be any technology, but this is evidence of civilization."

"Good work," Teyo said, genuinely impressed. "I bet you were a great boy scout." The pair of them walked for a while longer and finally reached the top of a hill. Teyo paused, catching his breath, and looked around to see if he could get the lay of the land. Down on the other side of the hill was a distinctive little cottage. It was bright yellow with a pinkish-red thatched roof. Bright red wild roses covered the walls and crept up towards the tall chimney that billowed smoke from the top.

"Damn, I think I know where we are," Teyo said, not sure if he trusted the words coming out of his mouth but knowing them to be true.

Choosing not to answer the boy scout comment, Mason continued to look around for clues as to where and possibly when they were sent. He was startled from his thoughts when Teyo suddenly spoke up. "Oh?" He studied the Trill, looking at him expectantly. "Well, don't keep me in suspense Tey, I'm not a telepath... where are we? And more importantly..when?"

"It's not so much of when," Teyo said, his voice sounding smaller than usual. "I don't suppose you're too familiar with Trill folklore?" He asked and then continued when Mason shook his head. "There's a story called 'The Symbiont and the Alien', which every Trill child knows from school. I don't know how much of it is true and how much is fiction. Some people say it's a Symbiosis propaganda story, anyways the origins aren't important," he said as he once again cradled his abdomen. "I think this is where we are, I think we're in that story."

"Propaganda usually does have a point of truth as origin doesn't it? As in, a part may be true but it's twisted to suit the need of the storyteller?" Mason asked in genuine interest, "can you tell me what the story is about of shall we just see where this goes? You're the resident expert here, I only learned some of the language." He glanced around then ahead at the cottage. "Come, we'll head there and then we'll see what happens. Whatever this is, I got a feeling we have time and aren't going anywhere near home until this plays out."

"You really should study more history if that's your view on propaganda stories," Teyo replied as he followed the human towards the cottage. He wanted to be annoyed with the man, his rather simplistic view of the situation was frustrating, but the thing inside of him called to Mason, yearned for him. It took every bit of self-control he had not to grab the man's hand and pull him in for a kiss. "We really shouldn't be here," Teyo said as each step towards the cottage became harder to tread. "There's got to be another way home."

"Like what? We can just sit down and refuse to move and see what happens then, but I doubt that'll help us?" Mason looked over his shoulder towards the straggling Trill. "Where's your sense of adventure Teyo? We're here for a reason... Maybe we can learn something of this propaganda story, or dispel it. Either way I think it merits investigation, and you know this story, while I have an outside view." If anything, Mason was curious as to why the engineer suddenly seemed to straggle. "What are you afraid of?" He challenged as he continued to walk, albeit at a slower pace so Teyo could catch up.

"I'm not afraid," the Trill said, becoming defensive again. But that was a lie he was afraid, he knew what awaited them in the cute little cottage. Everything in his being told him to turn around and run in the opposite direction but a force stronger than he was pulling him towards it. Love, lust, belonging... the cottage meant all of these things in equal parts. But there was also a darkness here. It was like being trapped in the gravity well of a black hole, knowing that danger lurked beyond the event horizon. Pain, anguish, death!

How could he tell the man he loved that once they entered the cottage it would seal their fate and how long had he loved Mason? No, not Teyo and Mason, a voice inside of him said with certainty... Jago and Nuben!


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