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Puss in Boots - Part 1

Posted on Mon Jul 29th, 2024 @ 9:08pm by Ensign George Paxton & Ensign Myfanwy Cahiracon

Mission: Into the Qniverse
Location: London, circa 16th C.
741 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Myfanwy blinked as the world around her changed, she felt very disoriented. The world seemed so much larger or was she so much smaller?

George looked around, befuddled. What was once a party had now transformed into a medieval looking road with a village in the distance. He quickly stood up and making a circle to survey his surroundings noticed an adorable looking cat like creature.

"Aww...psspsps, here kitty kitty, come see," he kneeled down and called towards the creature.

"You need not be so . . . condescending," said Myfanfy-in-Boots stalking over and swaying a bit more than usual in the process, walking with a tail would take some getting used to. "Paxton, yes? Inside this miniature Caitian is the mind of Myfanfy Cahiracon. Any idea how we ended up here?" She was a humanoid cat, perhaps two feet tall, with thigh-high boots, a black leather baldric from right shoulder to left hip, and a white lace cravat.

"Myfanwy?" George squinted for a moment only to realize in horror that he had indeed mistaken a crew mate for a cat. "I am so sorry, I honestly thought you were just a cat. Please accept my sincerest apologies. I would never be so unprofessional."

Myfanwy struck a pose, more dramatic than intended, with her hands on her hips. "Apology accepted, it is an unusual situation. Any idea how we came here and why?"

"I can't say for sure, but if I had to guess? Q. Were you at Commander Zora's party before you arrived here?" He asked.

"Nearby, yes," said Myfanwy. "Q? You hear about them but I never really thought they existed. But I will have to reevaluate that stance." She looked around. "So, what are we doing here? And why am I a cat?"

"I have no idea, but Q showed up at Zora's party so my money is on him. He must have put us here. As for why you're a cat, no clue. That seems odd even for a Q scheme. Not that I've ever been a part of a Q scheme before, it's just out of character from what I've read about. Have you read a lot about the Q?" George rambled, somewhat nervous about what was to come considering he'd never really been involved with the Q before. He took a quick breath and let out a small chuckle. "Sorry didn't mean to ramble like that, just not a bit nervous. This is all a bit confusing really. Do you think I could..." he reached out a hand as if to pet her. The cat fur was just so enamoring.

Sadly, cat eyes were not suitable for rolling. "Go ahead," she said. "Those clothes you are wearing, They are not ver nice. We should see about getting you something better. . . to . . . wear . . ."

"Oh ny gosh, you're so soft! I mean...I'm sorry, this is truly unprofessional. I'm just such a sucker for cute cats. Not that you're cute...I mean not that you aren't either!" George's face was suddenly flush bright red. He looked down at the ground, entirely embarrassed before noticing his clothes. He took a deep breath and tried to gather his thoughts. "You're right, these clothes are awful." He looked back up cautiously. "Let's head to that village, maybe we can find some help there."

"Help, help," mused Myfabwy heading toward the village. "Yes, I am supposed to help you! But to do what?" She pondered and in the distance behind the village, a larger castle began to emerge into view.

Suddenly, an ornate carriage passed them by on the way to the castle. So quickly that it almost pushed George and Myfanwy off the road. George peered into the cab, hoping possibly someone inside might help them when he became completely distracted by the beauty within. Sitting on the cushion inside was a lovely woman with long dark hair that effortlessly cascaded past her shoulders. Her eyes were as bright as the blue sky itself and her skin glowed like stars dotting the night sky.

"We must follow that carriage! We need to find out who is inside," George exclaimed.

"Very well," said Myfanwy, who was surprisingly quick as a cat. "Footman! Footman! Whose coach is this?"

'Why, it is the King's coach!" said the footman, riding on the back, all full of self-importance.

"Thank you," said Myfanwy falling back. "I have an idea. But I will need some grain and a sack."


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