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Something special

Posted on Sun Jul 14th, 2024 @ 1:48pm by Commander N'Garzi Zora & Lieutenant Commander Savin

Mission: Into the Qniverse
Location: Down planet
1145 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

The parcel under his arm couldn't exactly be called 'small' but it wasn't exaggeratingly large either. This was a rare occasion where he was in civilian attire, wearing a deep brownred floor length robe covered by a sleeveless dark orange brown robe, held together at the waist by a long equally coloured sash.

A few feet away, he spotted the subject of his attention. "Zora?" He called out, drawing the first officer's attention as he approached.

Zora turned to face the Romulan, marvelling at his attire. "Savin," she returned with a smile. "Are you enjoying the festivities?"

"Yes ma'am," the Romulan answered, "I am indeed. It is good to see people unwind and out of uniform." He almost forgot the neatly wrapped parcel, then held it out to her. "I believe it is customary to offer a gift on one's birth," he added, "I hope it is to your liking."

"It is, though a custom I still haven't quite gotten used to," Zora said as she gracefully accepted the present. "We, El-Aurians, we live for so long, exchanging gifts can get tiring so we stopped doing it." She smiled and looked at the beautiful shiny wrapping and extravagant bow. "However, I am not one to offend others and their customs." She pulled at the bow and delicately pulled at the paper until it fell apart. "Is this a Vulcan harp?" She said finally.

"It is," Savin confirmed, "I had it made to a liking of one I grew up with that has been in my clan since I can remember. I learned that you like music and I assumed you like to play as well." He studied her for a moment. "Do you like it?"

"I do very much indeed," Zora replied as she studied the instrument. The detailing was exquisite. She ran her long fingers around the duck-shaped neck and polished wood of the solid instrument. The chosen wood was not familiar to her but it had been a long time since she had visited Vulcan. Turning the harp in her hands, she noticed a crest-like symbol on the back, a detail not normally etched into the stringed instrument. "Is this your clan's crest?" She asked as she studied the symbol.

"The clan that took my parents in yes," Savin confirmed, "though of course from my perspective yes it is my clan as I have never known any other." He smiled at her. "I would offer to help you tune it but alas, I do not know how to play it. Jerant had a good ear though, he may be able to help if needed." He glanced around. "Are you enjoying yourself as well? It seems a lot of the crew has gathered in your honour."

"I should be able to tune it fine," Zora replied as she plucked at a few of the strings and grinned. She had been playing a variety of instruments for most of her adult life and figuring out how to play them was one of her favourite things to do. "I am," she answered after a second of contemplation. "I'm not usually one for parties, but it is great seeing the crew unwind. Are you?"

"You already asked me that," Savin pointed out, "and it is good to see you relax as well. You earned it after the most recent events. I am pleased to see you fully recovered from your injuries." He briefly glanced towards the gathered crowd. "Why do you not like parties?" He finally asked, genuinely curious about her motivation. He wasn't a fan of crowds either, it was difficult to keep track of a conversation in such circumstances.

"I should correct myself, I am not one for parties in my name," she stated with the briefest of grins. "It's much easier to drift away when people aren't there for you. It's a small grumble really." She took a moment to take in the happy faces of the crew and felt content. "Have you recovered from our last mission?" She asked, turning her attention back to the Counsellor.

"Mostly," Savin admitted after a brief moment of consideration, "P'Rel made me stay in sickbay for quite some time so I had plenty of rest. But I am being careful, I get out of breath quick and I need to rebuild my strength. What about you?" He reasoned being made to stay was the acting CMO's way of revenge, for their somewhat forced counseling sessions, which he found amusing rather than annoying.

Zora's hand moved to her face where the Gorn had struck her. She knew the damage had been repaired but she could have sworn she could still feel the deep wound and ragged edges of the alien's attack. "Mostly," she replied honestly. "Some scars take longer to heal," she added with a slight shrug. "And alcohol really helps too," she laughed. "What's your poison?"

"Poison?" He arched a single eyebrow at her in question. "Oh... you mean alcoholic beverage?" He shook his head at that. "Alcohol is only a temporary measure, and I do not indulge." He very rarely consumed alcohol, feeling he couldn't afford the loss of coherency with his handicap. "I do not like alcoholic beverages at that," he admitted, "that is...I have not yet found one to my taste. What are you having?"

"You can have a nonalcoholic drink too Counsellor," Zora said with a laugh. She studied him for a while and then grinned. "You look like a virgin Wokari Whirlwind person. I think you'll like it, it's a bit bitter but it's quite subtle."

"I shall endeavour to try this drink," Savin promised, as he raised his glass, "but for now I am enjoying a very lovely locally made iced tea." He watched her too for a moment. "You should smile more often," he finally spoke, "you are quite... beautiful when you do." It was an honest comment, he did think she looked beautiful. "I have taken up enough of your time, there are surely others who desire to express their well wishes to you."

Zora nodded her head slightly. "You're right, I probably should mingle more, but please come and rescue me if I look distressed," she joked. "By the way, I have a few years on you so take my advice; never tell a woman to smile more if you value your life."

"Noted," Savin acknowledged, "but my observation remains a fact. You are beautiful when you smile, especially out of uniform. I mean... dressed like this." He shook his head, his smile apologetic now. "I am making it worse, am I not?" He paused. "I will come to your rescue any time, all you need to do is get my attention."

"Yes you are," Zora said with a light smile. "Thank you for the gift Counsellor, enjoy the rest of your evening."


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