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Melpomene & Thalia

Posted on Sat Mar 26th, 2022 @ 5:14pm by Lieutenant Xavier Leiko & Ensign Kateyo Fenn & Lieutenant Commander Finnley Keating VII & Lieutenant Kevan Dash & Senior Chief Petty Officer Mason Malone

Mission: Character Development
Location: Dionysus Bar
Timeline: After the mission
2344 words - 4.7 OF Standard Post Measure

It was a popular night in the lounge. Most tables were taken by colleagues sharing stories over drinks and the bar top was filled with a variety of crew seeking a relaxing night after a long shift. Finn looked around, hoping that Mason had managed to secure a spot already, and found her prayers answered as her eyes fell on the security officer sitting at a small table in the corner.

"How was your time with George?" Finn asked, plopping into the seat across from the security chief.

"Barring the prospect of abseiling, we actually had a great time," Mason smiled, "George wrestled an alligator to save me as we tried to cross a stream."

"What?! You didn't go canyoning down? You took the boring trail down the mountain?" Finn jokingly scoffed before laughing. "As for the gator, I put that there specifically for George. Didn't realize he would wrestle it though. All you had to do was feed it a snack and he'd leave you alone."

Mason bit his lip as he shook his head. "No way I'm going down a cliff," he said firmly, "and I suppose...I was sort of the snack I guess? It was kinda sweet though even though I wouldn't have been harmed. We did keep the safeties on."

"Probably just his gut reaction. He's told me a couple of interesting stories surrounding alligators during his childhood years in Louisiana," she chuckled. "Did anything else happen while you two were hiking through the mountains?" Finn raised a curious eyebrow.

"He nearly slipped down a cliff early on, and after wrestling with the gator, he pulled me into the water," Mason answered after a moment of thought. He deliberately didn't mention the slight kiss, as he didn't consider that to be any of her business. As far as he was concerned, 'nothing happened' in the romantic area. It had been a kind of reflex, he felt, and it was only slight. There'd been nothing really romantic or intentional about it, well except for that last one maybe. But still... that was private wasn't it?

"You mean he gallantly saved you from an alligator and then pulled you into the water? Sounds like some A level flirting if you ask me," Finn gave him a teasing smile, but then put her hand up before he could protest. "I'm just joking. It sounds like you've made a good friend anyway," she shrugged. "I'm going to run up to the bar and get a drink. Do you need a refill?"

"I'll get that," Kevan interjected, arriving at the table just as she started to stand up. "Sorry I'm late. Long shift. My round?"

"Late?" Finn quickly glanced sideways at Mason, unaware that Kevan was planning to join them, before looking back at the intruder. "Uh, sure. I'll take a whiskey sour." She said, having decided to play nice. It was the least she could do after causing so much social destruction at their last get together.

Mason shrugged. "Mine on the rocks please," he added as he watched his friend retreat. "Don't look at me," he remarked towards Finn, "I'm happy for him to join us, as long as it won't get to be another disaster."

Finn held her hands up in surrender. "I promise not to screw things up this time."

"Just don't kiss me, hm?" Mason chuckled, shaking his head as he recalled the incident.

"I'll leave that to George," Finn smirked. She may not have known what actually happened on the holodeck, but based on the description Mason gave, it was easy enough to assume that intimacy might not be too far from their future.


"You're only mad cause she kicked your ass."

"She did not kick my ass," Teyo said, a slight slur to the end of every word. "She only won because I did the gentleman thing and let her."

Xavier laughed, hard. "She's the chief of security. I'm amazed you lasted as long as you did."

"You weren't even there," Teyo said indignantly. "How do you even know?"

"Jenkins sent me the footage. That break, what were you thinking? I'm surprised you're not still in sickbay."

"Next time I'll win," Teyo mumbled to himself as he waved the waiter over for another round of drinks.

"I think we have had enough," Xavier said, with a slight hiccup.

Teyo shook his head and watched the waiter pouring their drink from the other side of the room. At the bar, he spotted Kevan and was about to wave him over when he saw the fellow Trill taking three glasses over to his table with Finn and Mason. "Son of a-"

"Oh, it's your boyfriend and wannabe girlfriend," Xavier said, following his friend's eye line over to the table.

"Don't be stupid!" Teyo spat, his eyes still glued to the table of three.

"You can't take your eyes off them," Xavier said with a huge grin. "You might as well join them," he added sarcastically.

"Maybe I will."

Xavier laughed but Teyo had that twinkle in his eyes when an idea crossed his mind and Xavier knew that he was up to no good. But before he could say another word, the Trill was out of his seat and making his way across the room.


Teyo walked over to the three officers, grabbing his drink from the waiter on his way. Mason was sitting with his back to Teyo and so didn't see him approach. Teyo reached the table and wrapped his arms around Mason's shoulders and neck from behind. "Hey Mase, the other night was fun and was wondering when you wanted round two?" He then planted a kiss on the top of Mason's head so there would be no doubt to anyone present what Teyo was implying.

"Round two?" Finn raised an eyebrow at the display, wondering if there had truly been a round one or if it was just another one of Teyo's shenanigans. She had jokingly told Mason that he should try dating Teyo, but it was purely in jest. Nevertheless, she couldn't be angry with Mason if he had gotten involved with the young engineer, but it would still sting to know that he was willing to be with such a delinquent over Finn herself.

Mason froze as he felt the arms be wrapped around him and the kiss on top of his head. His eyes travelled from Finn to Kevan and back to Finn, before he shrugged Teyo off. He had intended to keep this quiet, not a secret per se but he sure hadn't intended on telling people about this just like that. "Was it?" he finally asked, turning his head up towards the other Trill. "You make it sound as if this had been planned," he added slowly, feeling his face redden as he found a sudden interest in the drink that had been set before him. "It wasn't planned, and it won't happen again.." The last words were barely audible, and filled with regret.

"Again?! So there was a....first time?" Finn's eye darted back and forth between Mason and Teyo. Filled with shock and disappointment in the idea that Mason actually did the deed with someone as unruly as Fenn.

Teyo feigned being hurt and upset. "You didn't tell your friends about us? One would think that you're ashamed of me?" He added, enjoying the various reactions from around the table.

"Kateyo stop," Xavier said, giving Finn and the others an apologetic look.

"You told me to express my feelings, and so I'm expressing," Teyo said, not taking his eyes off of Mason.

Mason said nothing for a very long time, keeping his eyes on his glass and wishing he were very, very small right now. "There is no 'us', Teyo," he finally said, still not looking up, "express all you please, but there's no us. And no...I'm not ashamed of you..." He fell silent, casting a careful look towards Kevan, wondering how he'd react to all this.

It was unusual for Kevan of all people to be lost for words. Normally the one to make a joke to lighten the mood, his mind was completely blank. The huge irony in all of this was that he had been in Teyo's position before. He'd enjoyed it, too, being the 'other guy'. He looked at the four others in front of him, his mouth dry as he realised how difficult it was being on this side of that equation. This side? We're not an item, are we? he silently reminded himself.

"I don't know why you're all looking at me," he shrugged, as convincingly as he was able. "We're just friends. Not my business what goes on."

Teyo gave Kevan a toothy grin, "your spots are flushing."

Xavier smiled too, recognising the Trill saying, equivalent to 'your thoughts are spiralling' on Betazed or 'your nose is growing' on Earth.

"Kev you're so clueless," Mason sighed, finally looking up. His cheeks were burning with embarrassment as he sighed again. "Everyone looks at you, because I wanted it to be you..." He twirled his drink around, then knocked it back in one go. "I think...everyone knows how I feel, about you.... Yeah, I did something stupid, I guess..." He paused, casting his empty glass a sad look, now wishing it was the real stuff if only to give him some courage. "I wanted it to be you," he repeated in a whisper.

Kevan's jaw tightened as Mason came out with the confession. He glanced at Teyo, trying to get a read on how the other Trill felt. "So...what? It's a spots thing?" he snarked. After their long conversation about how he'd been hurt before, this was what he was left with? Betrayal? He pushed himself away from the table. "I guess you got what you wanted, right? At least I hope you did, because this-" he pointed to himself and then at Mason. "Was never a thing. All in your head."

Mason bowed his head, swallowing a few times. "You.." he started, then shook his head. Anything he wanted to say now, would just come out wrong, he was sure of that. He blinked a few times, biting back the tears he felt sting his eyes. "No," he finally managed, "I didn't get what I wanted...instead, any chance is ruined now."

Teyo sidestepped and blocked Kevan's path. "What I wanted Kev was to awaken that fire in your belly, ignite that light in your heart. I know Mason can be..." he looked at the human who looked ready to cry his eyes out, "...completely wet. But the second you heard about us you felt something, ride that feeling, life's too short to not take chances, trust me." His eyes quickly flicked to Finn and just as quickly moved back to the Trill in front of him. "Plus he's pretty great in bed, I know! I am just as surprised as you, but you won't regret it."

Xavier covered his face with his hands. "So close," he mumbled to himself.

Kevan looked at Teyo. He stopped, let his shoulders drop and gave a little resigned sigh as he cast a second look back over at Mason. What was it he felt? Shame? Pity? "Tell you what..." he said, turning his attention back to Teyo. "How about if you ever touch me again..." He let his shoulder shove against the other Trill. "You will regret it. Hmm?" Locking eyes for just a fraction, he pushed firmly past and made his way for the exit.

Emotions soared through Finn as the scene unfolded. Anger, regret, disappointment. How had she gotten herself thrown into this mess? It was the last kind of awkward relationship triangle she needed to be anywhere near after her last relationship. She let out a heavy sigh as her hands moved to a facepalm. All Finn wanted to do was to leave. The fight or flight meter had finally crossed the line to the latter, but just before she got up from the seat, Finn looked at Mason. All of the pain clearly written across his face.

With another deep breath, Finn stood and grabbed Mason by the arm. "Let's go. We're leaving," she forcibly pushed him up from his chair as her eyes darted angrily towards Fenn. There was no way she'd leave her friend behind after a nuclear fallout like the one they had just witnessed, even if she was disappointed in him.

Feeling utterly numb and miserable, Mason allowed her to push and drag him along. He neither looked up, nor back, as his friend led him from the bar. He didn't notice the angry look she cast the remaining Trill, nor did he notice the Betazoid's facepalm. "I want to go home," he said, once they had long since cleared the bar premises.

Xavier watched as the three officers left, their night clearly ruined once again by Teyo's antics. He turned to face the Trill, his emotions must have been as plain as the nose on his face, cause Tey had the semi-decency to look slightly apologetic.

"What?" Teyo finally asked, knowing that Xav was too angry to speak. "I was hoping Mason felt the same, I put myself out there, not my fault he doesn't feel the same way."

"You're kidding me?" Xavier spat. "You've got to be kidding me? That's not why you did that, you don't give a hoot about Mason, or anyone else for that matter."

Teyo looked offended. "Then tell me Xavier, the not so great telepath, why exactly did I do that?"

Xavier had to admit, Teyo's words stung, and his face couldn't hide that fact. "I don't even know or care anymore," the Betazoid replied, putting his still full drink down on the now-empty table. "What I do know is that I've had enough. Enjoy your evening, Kateyo."

Teyo wanted to apologise, but Xavier was gone and out of the door before he could. Damn!


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