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It's all about the colour

Posted on Fri Feb 26th, 2021 @ 2:58pm by Lieutenant Kevan Dash & Lieutenant Commander Finnley Keating VII & Lieutenant Xavier Leiko & Senior Chief Petty Officer Mason Malone & Petty Officer 3rd Class Sam Saghir

Mission: The Shadow of Arachne
Location: Risa
Timeline: Immediately following "Unexpected Company"
1520 words - 3 OF Standard Post Measure

Sam, with his eyes to the floor, managed a sideways glance at Keating and proffered a weak smile. It was nice, of course, to see other people from Athena, and ultimately he was sure that they'd have a nice day together; nonetheless the universe had handed him time alone with the beautiful bikini clad Lieutenant, and then had seemingly taken it away again with a cruel twist of humour. His melancholy was broken when a shop front caught his eye, he sniggered and tapped the arm of one of the new companions who was walking slightly ahead of him. "Look" giggled Sam, pointing to a bright neon-type sign across a glass fronted shop building, the words "Kayne's Nail Salon" flashing above the open doors.

Xavier had been planing to spend the day alone until he ran into a group of officers from the Athena. He had been tempted to decline their offer, but he had the day spare, since his friends weren't arriving until the morning, and it was a good idea to get to know his crew mates, especially if he was going to be the new chief of operations. He was completely lost in thought when he felt the nudge on his arm. It was the young guy who had been with Finnley when he first met the group, the young man who Xavier was painfully aware that he was currently c**k-blocking, just by being here.

"I bet that's where the Captain is right now," the Betazoid said with a wide grin. "I can just see him with some neon pink acrylics."

The additional company was nice, Finnley thought as they strolled along. She hoped the added companions would ease Sam's nerves, even though she did somewhat enjoy tormenting him merely with her presence. Her thoughts were interrupted a moment later as Xavier mentioned Kane with acrylics. The mental image of the Captain with bright pink nails caused her to bust out laughing. "Can you just imagine him trying to type anything on a console with a big set of pink nails?"

Mason chuckled. "Who knows, maybe it's something he does on his free time?" He shrugged. "I wouldn't mind getting some colour on my nails, it's not something I've done before but hey it could be fun, right?" He nudged Kevan in the side. "What about you?"

Kevan was surprised to be asked. He instinctively glanced down at his own hands and was about to decline when he remembered his promise to himself that he'd try not to be as self-conscious and be more willing to do things that were a little more wild. "Uh, okay..." he shrugged. "Never done anything like that before."

"Me neither," Mason smirked, "it'll be fun. I want bright neon colours... no acrylics though. Just colours."

Easing up a little without the intensity of being alone with Finnley, Sam smiled at her, desperately trying to avoid following the lines of her half-open hoodie zipper towards her chest. "Isn't this the beginning of a famous joke somewhere..." he laughed; "four starfleet officers walk into a nail bar on Risa...".

Xavier stopped dead. "Wait are you telling me guys telling me you have never had your nails painted? We have to do it!" He added with a wide toothed grin. He then turned to Sam, "the ladies will dig it, trust me."

"For him maybe," Mason laughed, "I don't want to attract any ladies. I only want the attention of one man." Well one man in particular... Mason stole a glance at Kevan, but didn't want to be too obvious about it as he didn't want to further embarrass the man.

We could go to the beach or mountain climbing or literally anything even remotely adventurous, but no, we're going to get our nails done, Finnley thought before letting out a sigh. "Alright, I guess if we're all doing it then so be it." She shrugged and then opened the door to the salon for her companions. "After you guys."

Xavier followed Mason's gaze as he turned to Kevan. 'How the hell did I end up on a double date?' He thought to himself. "Some guys like nail varnish too," he said jokingly. "At the very least, it might be fun." Xavier went through the door that Finnley had open but as he passed her he turned to face her, "you owe me Lieutenant, especially after you attacked me in Engineering," he said with a wink.

Finnley flashed a sarcastic smile at Xavier's comment and filed in behind the others. The walls were lined with a wide array of colors in small jars and there was a small replicator type device that looked to produce additional polish types. As if what was already available wasn't enough. Some even had interesting effects, like one that resembled the natural phenomenon of bioluminescence back on Earth. It was so mesmerizing that the engineer didn't even notice the receptionist hologram that appeared as they entered.

"Good morning to you fair guests!" the holographic receptionist gushed at the group of new arrivals. "How can we help you all this wonderful fine day?" The super-friendly nature of the program was probably a little too much.

"Uh..." Kevan - and indeed the other men - looked at Finnley for help, as the only girl in their group.

"What? Don't look at me!" Finnley held her hands up, feigning ignorance. It had been years since she'd had her nails done and even then it hadn't been her favorite activity. Besides, it wasn't like she had chosen to walk into the salon. In fact, she wasn't very enthusiastic about the idea to begin with.

"Oh. We're getting...our nails done?" Kevan offered. The holographic receptionist grinned vacantly before motioning them to take the five recliner seats lined up in front of a long and wide mirror.

"Please, take a seat each. You can choose your style when you're ready!"

"Thanks," Kevan mumbled, figuring he'd done the talking so he'd go first and grab one of the chairs.

Mason slid in the next chair, resting his hands on the desk. "I'd like some bright and neon colours," he said confidently.

Xavier took a seat next to Mason. "I'd really like a manicure," he said as he inspected his nails. "Crawling around Jefferies Tubes all day really does a number on your hands. Then I'll have them painted in Galaxy Glow," he decided eventually when he spotted it on the chart on the wall. The dark colour would match his eyes, but the sparkles would match his personality.

"Whatever he said," Kevan shrugged, figuring the Betazoid knew what he was talking about.

"The same as them, but just clear polish is fine. Galaxy glow sounds a bit too flashy for me." Finnley chuckled slightly as she sat in the next available seat.

"I don't know Lieutenant," Xavier said, turning to Finnley and flashing her a wide smile. "I think you can pull it off. You'll be known as the dazzling engineer."

"The dazzling engineer is the last thing I want to be called around engineering, but if it'll make you happy how about....that ocean blue color over there?" She pointed to a small jar close by filled with a perfectly subtle oceany color. Subtle enough to avoid any nicknames involving the word dazzling.

"Much better," Xavier responded.

Mason waggled his fingers. "Manicure does sound good," he added, "maybe a pedi too while we're at it?"

"I don't even know what that means," Kevan sighed, leaning back and closing his eyes. After the long walk he'd been on with Mason, he was ready for a rest. "Just do whatever."

After an hour or so they were all done with their various treatments, some of them clearly happy with the time spent, others... not so much. Xavier was admiring his Galaxy Glow coloured nails and wondered how long they would last once he was back to work, he pushed the idea from his head, he still had a full week ahead of him before he had to think about work and he intended to enjoy every minute of it. It wasn't just the new nails why he was in such a good mood, he had received a message from Ari that he had already arrived on Risa, a full day ahead of schedule, just hearing from his ex-boyfriend made his heart race.

"That was fun," Xavier said when they were all outside of the salon. "I'm sorry to cut our time short, but there's someone here I need to meet. We have to all do drinks on the ship, I've enjoyed getting to know you all more, and not getting kicked in the ribs," he added as he flashed a smile to Finnley. He wasn't letting her off anytime soon.

Mason grinned as he examined his brightly coloured nails. "This was unusual, but fun," he exclaimed, before flashing Xavier a smile. "Can't keep people waiting," he offered before turning back to Kevan. "So what would you like to do now?"

Kevan was already fast asleep before the question was asked.


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