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First time appointment

Posted on Tue Mar 4th, 2025 @ 3:34pm by Lieutenant JG Edward Mitchell & Lieutenant Commander Savin

Mission: Character Development
Location: Counselor's office
Timeline: MD-03
934 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Contrary to what one might expect given recent events, Savin found his schedule relatively empty for today. Barring his appointment with the Chief medical officer, which didn't even constitute a counseling appointment, there was only one other on his current schedule. It seemed like the lieutenant in question was a new arrival to the medical staff, because he couldn't recall seeing him on the roster before. Of course, he could've misread but he seemed that unlikely. The indicator on his desk drew his attention. "Come in."

"Commander Savin? Just checking in with the most recent updates you asked for," Eddie reported a little breathlessly, holding out a PADD. "No major physical injuries left over from the, uh, Q-incident. And it sounds like everyone has reported for their mandatory psych evaluations. Anything else you need from me?"

"Thank you." Savin accepted the PADD and put it on his desk before gesturing at the young man to take a seat. "How are you settling in lieutenant?" He had observed his breathlessness and he wasn't going to send him back to sickbay in this condition. "I understand you have not been aboard long... do you get along well with the sickbay staff?"

"All fine thanks," Eddie nodded affably. "Just over two months. Think I know where everything is now, though I did get lost on the way to the mess hall last week," he chuckled self-deprecatingly. "Honestly, Dr Ame has been very easy to work with so far. All the staff have."

"It is quite easy to get lost," Savin readily agreed, "I will be assigned the occasional shift in sickbay as well, on my own request. The doctor is a refreshing individual, I believe you will be able to learn a lot from her. Have you been engaging with crew outside of sickbay? Ventured into other departments?"

Eddie nodded. "Here and there, yeah. Can be hard to make friends with people when you're stitching them up with a dermal regenerator - turns out that's not the most helpful time to ask someone to lunch - but I'm making my way. It's a good crew."

"Indeed they are," the counselor agreed, "if I may make a recommendation, see Rynlan in the mess hall. He will be up for conversation while he provides you with a meal. He may also he able to introduce you to other crew members. The gym is also a good means to meet others, provided you like a workout."

"Oh I know about that one - 0530 hours, every morning!" Eddie grinned. "Like clockwork. Right before Beta shift come off, it's nice and quiet. Should join us sometime, we'll get you marathon-ready in weeks!"

That was certainly a surprise, to be invited. "As I should probably follow my own advice, I may take you up on that," Savin answered with a smile, he was usually up that early to prepare for his own routine even though he did start a little later. "I must have just missed you and your group in the morning," he added.

"Like I said, bright and early. If the various shipbound assignments have taught me anything, it's when the perfect time to hit the gym is; that sweet-spot between shifts. It's the same everywhere." He chuckled. "You don't strike me as the type to hit the weights hard, if you don't mind me saying."

"Looks can be deceiving," Savin smiled, "I do not use weights, but I do use shifts in gravity on the holodeck. I may not look physically strong but I assure you, I am. And sometimes speed is a necessity too. But, I am not opposed to engage in something new, provided it is not involving water "

"Water?" Eddie wondered if there was a story behind that. He resolved to find out later. "I mean, uh, sure. Romulan, Vulcan; gonna have the advantage of that high-gravity stuff. Maybe get you into some Ambo-Jitsu at some point, huh?"

"I do not swim," Savin explained, "I do have an advantage with having grown up on Vulcan, but due to circumstance I am not fond of large bodies of water. I do would like to know what ambo-jitsu is but I am always keen to learn more forms of martial arts."

"You haven't?" Eddie paused, just having assumed it was one of those things everyone knew. "Big pole-thing, like gladiators?" Shrugging, he dismissed trying to explain it. "There's a whole bunch of people who participate. Most of the security-types do; seem to think it's their way of coming off as tough guys."

"Interesting." The counselor gave it some thought. "Let me know when, and I will attend," he suggested, "I am always interested in learning or attempting something new, especially when it comes to sparring."

"Great stuff! Marco from phaser control won't know what hit him..." Eddie chuckled conspiratorially for a moment. "Wednesday at 2100! Can't wait to see the ship's counselor knock a few of them on their asses..."

"2100 is not bright and early," Savin pointed out with an amused expression, "and there is no guarantee that the counselor will 'knock anyone on their asses' as you say. What if it is I, who is knocked down? Am I not to learn something new?" He too chuckled, clearly excited about being invited. "However, I shall endeavour to live up to your expectations. Wednesday 2100 it is. Was there anything else you wished to discuss or convey?"

"Huh?, no that should be good..." Eddie grinned, rubbing his hands together. "I'll see you there?"

"Barring unforeseen circumstances, yes I will be," Savin promised, "you may carry on with your duties."


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