Every move you make
Posted on Fri Jan 31st, 2025 @ 8:58pm by Lieutenant Commander Savin & Lieutenant Ame Solis M.D.
Character Development
Location: USS Athena: Holodeck 4
Timeline: Pandora's Box: MD04 PM
4849 words - 9.7 OF Standard Post Measure
The holodeck shimmered into life, casting its artificial sunlight over a spacious, ornate ballroom. Ame had selected a classic setting for the occasion, complete with polished wooden floors, towering windows draped in heavy curtains, and a grand chandelier that glittered above. The music she'd chosen wasn't overly dramatic but had enough rhythm and warmth to make its way through the floor—a thoughtful adjustment to ensure Savin could feel the beat even if he couldn't hear it.
Adjusting her jacket awkwardly, Ame glanced at her reflection in one of the mirrored panels lining the walls. “What am I even doing?” she muttered to herself, tugging at the sleeves of her outfit. The idea of formal dancing had always felt so alien to her. Graceful movements and elegant steps weren’t exactly her forte. Still, it wasn’t about her. This was Savin’s choice, and despite her reservations, she would suck it up and take the opportunity to grill him as much as he tried to not make every conversation a counselling session.
Savin wasn't quite sure what to expect, so he had dressed comfortably as he always did when exercising. When he entered the holodeck, he couldn't help but feel amazed at the grandeur of the room. Despite it being a holographic projection, it still somehow felt like it was a very old and majestic place.
As he took the room in, certain the acoustics were excellent, his eyes finally settled on the chief medical officer. "You look amazing," he said, unable to keep his eyes off her now. "Almost like royalty waiting for her prince to take her to the ball." It wasn't a lie or idle compliment as it wasn't in his nature to do so, it was an earnest observation.
“The fact that I still hold my humanoid form outside of my uniform is amazing isn’t it?” Ame could not accept the compliment and found it made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. There was no ballgown, a black dress that finished just above her knee and was covered in embroidered flowers, paired with a burgundy velvet jacket, thick tights and her favourite heavy boots. After Savin’s last adventure on the holodeck, she’d seen a lot more of him than she’d wanted to.
Ame hadn’t even danced at her wedding, well, not like this. It was one of her three refusals to Terran traditions, one that Jackson was a little disappointed by but didn’t argue with her choice. “Computer, add remaining guests.” With the command, the ballroom filled with dancing couples of all descriptions. There was no way she would manage with just the two of them. This was more than outside of her comfort zone, but she put on her best brave face. “If I knew we were dressing down, I’d have dressed down …” She teased dodging a couple as they swirled around her.
With a moment of resolve, she lifted her hands to vaguely sign a greeting, she’d only managed an hour or so’s worth of learning but it was a shakey sign, the gestures that followed remotely resembled, ‘you go’ rather than lead. It took a moment of frustration before she resorted to finger-spelling the latter. “You lead.”
He appreciated the effort all the same. "I will try.." he glanced down at her heavy boots and cast her a sheepish smile. "Will you be able to dance on that? Should I be concerned about my feet?" It was an attempted joke but he wasn't certain how it would be perceived. Carefully, he reached out, first to save her from another swerving couple, then to adjust his hands to her shoulder and waist. "You will need to give me an indication of the rhythm, until I can make sense of the vibration through the floor and air."
“Surgical precision,” Ame answered with a smile. “You’ll be fine.” She held her breath as she was steered away from an ongoing couple before she was straightened up. The vibrations through the floor were strong and initially made the fine hairs on her skin stand on end. She nodded affirmatively at his request and made a four-count in her head before squeezing her thumb against his hand in the accompanying rhythm. “Is that okay?” She enquired after a few bars worth just to make sure she was able to keep time.
"Yes." He adjusted his posture, drawing her a little closer to him, mentally counting with her mild squeeze to his hand. "Ready? Remember I am not an expert but I do know the basics." When the beat measures for it, he took a step forward, thereby lightly pushing her away to lead her among the other dancers. They were also a very good indication of the beat, along with the vibration he felt through the floor.
The Bajoran held her breath, she couldn’t help it. “More than I’ll ever be.” She answered preparing herself and the inevitable catch-up steps she’d have to make whilst making sure not to trip over her own feet let alone Savin’s. Her hand continued to squeeze the rhythm, as she was pulled in and another held breath was eventually released. There was a pang of guilt that followed her agreement with Jackson to try and work things out, that she was out dancing with another man. But there was no romantic intent, was there? So what really was the harm? Mentally she shook herself off. It wasn’t the same.
The sense of guilt that suddenly seemed to wash over him was so strong, Savin misstepped and let go of her hand as if stung. But there was more in that brief contact of skin, undesired feelings. He shook his head. "You are not ready," he commented quietly, "you wish to be elsewhere." He straightened and looked at her in earnest. "I appreciate your gesture doctor," he continued, "I really do, and perhaps we can do this some time but right now, you are in conflict and you need to resolve your own feelings first."
Ame took a second to still herself, stopping in her tracks and causing the couples around them to stumble and phase through her in the line of safety protocols. “Savin. I have feelings and conflicts. You just haven’t seen all that until now.” She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair, “I don’t want to be somewhere else. There is nowhere else for me to be. This is where I need to be.” Her brows knit into a furrow, “Yes, this is something outside of my comfort zone, it’s innocent and building a connection. Isn’t it?”
"It is," he confirmed quickly, "I have no ulterior motivation and I believe you do not either. Therefore I must conclude that this is, indeed, innocent. Unless you believe that I have given you a different impression, in which case I must apologize. I assure you, I have no intentions beyond friendship. And it is my impression that you do need a friend." He called to the computer for a pair of soft leather gloves. "Perhaps this will help," he offered as he pulled them on. "I have no desire to learn your private thoughts and feelings before you wish to share them "
A soft smile formed on her lips, they were on the same wavelength at least. “We’re fine. You are my friend. Thank you.” Ame answered offering out her hand to him, “I’m sure you’ll figure out my thoughts without the need for telepathy. I’m a simple creature.” She exhaled again, “Ready to try again?”
"I probably could," he agrees as he accepted her hand, "but I do not wish to know that which you do not wish to share. I also would not consider you to be a simple creature, what would be selling you short." Gloved fingers folded around her hand as he gently pulled her closer a second time. "I am ready when you are."
“I can be simple and still have a high standard.” The Bajoran reminded him with a nod. She counted out the four-beat bar against his hand just as she did before. “Go on then.” That was as much encouragement as she could muster, the focus on not tripping over her own feet or his. The last thing she wanted was another holodeck injury to add to the list at her own doing. “It could be said that you’re also a simple creature.”
"That depends on how you perceive me I suppose." Conversation was a little difficult if if he had to divide his attention between looking at her to see her speak, the holographic dancers around them for direction and their own movement so they wouldn't crash into other people as well as not step on her toes in the process. "I have very few personal requirements or desires."
Ame smiled, taking a moment to remain quiet as she could see the concentration on his face. Silently keeping time and double-stepping with one foot as she missed the lead he’d provided to take them in the right direction. The room seemed to spin around them and she struggled on where to keep her eyes. “Eat, sleep, work repeat. I think I’ve interacted with so many more people in the last few months than I have in years of service.”
"Would you consider that a good or a bad thing?" He asked as he spun them around another couple. He gently pushed her lower back to steer her around another couple.
She held her breath at the push, stopping the beat count she’d continued until that moment, “Uh … Maybe I holed myself away a bit too much. It sounds like you do the same to a point.” He lead the dance but she drove the conversation, clearly away from herself. “Makes it hard to meet people when everything revolves around work and not wanting work to end up as conversation.”
"I do. Somehow any normal conversation seems to stray towards an impromptu counseling session, no matter how I try to avoid it. It seems unavoidable, so...I suppose to a degree I am avoided, or I just stay clear of a crowd. Given my telepathic nature, I am not a fan of crowds anyway, it can be very overwhelming."
Ame did her best to pick up the beat again after she remembered to breathe. A few more missteps caught her back up with him rather than being dragged along at the waltz pace. She was definitely not made of that kind of dancing, but she did her best to not look like she was studying for an exam she knew she wasn’t going to pass. “I bet. I remember being dragged to bars at the Academy and I sat and studied or slipped out when no one noticed.” She smirked at the memory that she had rejected her husband flat out the first time they came across each other. “We are the eternally avoided unless in need.” She reminded him.
"When we are in need ourselves, or until we are needed?" He wasn't sure he had understood that correctly. "I rarely went out when attending the academy. I preferred the solitude of the library or the gym. My peers eventually stopped inviting me, for obvious reasons. Though other Vulcans in my year rarely engaged as well. Or rather...I should say, the Vulcans, not other Vulcans despite not knowing my true heritage at the time."
“The last one.” She clarified, her eyes drifted from his face and the room was spinning. She gripped him a little tighter and dared not let her eyes leave him. It reminded her of the awful zero-g training where they forced cadets to regain their bearings whilst drifting in space, sending a shiver right through her. “Is that how you met Inara? Must have been a shock to the system.”
He felt her grip tighten a fraction and he stopped, stepping aside so not to be in the way of the holograms. "I do not understand your reference," he stated, "and I met Inara during required tactical training. She certainly is a force to be reckoned with, I shall admit that. She did somewhat force me to get out of my books and studies, sometimes literally either stealing my reading materials or dragging me away." He chuckled at the memory. "She only succeeded because I allowed her to, obviously." Clearly, by the expression in his face and the sparkle in his eyes, they were fond memories. "Her being a telepath probably did help," he added thoughtfully, "she is one of few who can see right through me."
There was a stumbled as he stopped and moved them out of the way. Why are we stopping again? Ame’s hand stroked the side of her face, “A shock to the system … like being dragged out of your comfort zone? Maybe it's a bit unpleasant to start with?” She exhaled as she listened, finding it hard to believe that someone so small had such a lasting impact on him even after all this time. “She sounds a little like someone I know. What traits has she picked up from you? Why aren’t we dancing?” Her head tilted as she looked around.
"It makes conversation easier, and I was under the impression you required a break." He pondered her other question. "Traits? I am not certain... She picked up training with blades, does that count? Perhaps this question is better asked of Jerant, he may have noticed, though he went down a different path than me. He chose not to attend the academy and we did lose sight of each other for a few years after graduation."
Her brow arched, “What … no. I looked outside of the immediate area and spun but you looked back again. Focus inward, isn’t that what they say?” Ame drew her hand over her face again, “I’d let you know if I wasn’t okay. Remember, no more holodeck injuries.” She laughed quietly, the vibrations of the floor making her fine hairs stand on end again. “Do you not think Inara would like something like this?” Her eyes narrowed as she folded her arms over her chest, he’d let her go so she’d take the moment's freedom.
"No more holodeck injuries, besides the safeties are on full. The only probable injury is hurt feet?" Again a thoughtful look as he considered her question. "Ballroom dancing? I actually do not know, it is not something I participated in often for obvious reasons. As you are aware, I know little beyond the basics. And I actually only know this particular waltz." He studied her closed posture for a moment and smiled. "Under different circumstances I would almost be inclined to believe you are jealous," he chuckled, "Inara, in some ways looked out for me. And I suppose along the way she looked out more for people who were different, like myself."
Ame couldn’t help but laugh at the idea. “I’m not jealous, I have enough of my own issues to deal with. I’ve got the whole Jackson thing to deal with, now he’s back in my life.” A tired groan escaped her lips as she smoothed out the bottom of her dress. “Of course I’m going to set safety to high, I’m the one that’s likely to get injured and I know I won’t live that one down …” She grinned with a wink.
“Don’t you have that draw to have that deeper connection?” The question was genuinely honest and not to pry too much. “Sure when Jackson turned up yesterday I didn’t know if I was going to punch him or run back into his arms. Turns out it was neither of those and we behaved like adults, which felt impossible.”
"I never said you are jealous, only that I would be inclined to believe it," he corrected her. "Yes, I do have that...draw. But since Dessame, I have not experienced a similar feeling with anyone. That includes Inara." He paused, feeling a little awkward. "I do have feelings for her," he admitted, "but they do not feel the same, if that makes sense."
Her nose wrinkled as she laughed, “I know, I know. Stubborn is one of my endearing traits apparently, so I’ve been told.” Ame’s head tilted as she read over a lot of the medical files and historical documents to bring herself up to date. “Lieutenant Dessame Sar hasn’t been on board for several years … you’re worse than me. And I’m the woman who accidentally served divorce papers on Christmas Day.” She drew a heavy breath and uncrossed her arms, settling her hands on her hips. “Like platonic? Not an attraction?”
The pairs moving elegantly around them felt awkward so she badly two-stepped to the slow waltz. She was dressed for a dance so she might as well have done her own thing.
"Not romantic no. And I do not believe she has any romantic feelings for me either, at least she has not ever given me such indication." Unless of course he missed them, but he was fairly certain he hadn't. "You gave your husband divorce papers on a holiday?" The surprise in his eyes was genuine as he stared at her. "I am aware Dessame has left the ship several years ago. I have just not...found someone suitable? I mean, I have not felt a connection with anyone like I had with Dess." He still used the affectionate name he had for her, like he treasured a fond memory. "It was similar to the connection I have with Inara but.. different. I am not certain how to best explain this...how do you explain a feeling?"
“Are there not some things you keep from her? Like your injury?” Her head tilted curiously, the concept of being able to read another’s mind was something beyond her comprehension. “I didn’t do it on purpose, I didn’t physically do it myself. It goes through legal teams and goes out … not everyone celebrates Christmas, it is just another day. I was working duty on a Starbase dealing with the usual … antics.” Whilst he didn’t work directly in sickbay he would have an understanding that not all holiday experiences were joyous.
Her lips curled to a smile at the pet name, “I know what you mean. I didn’t move on did I? I’m hardly one to talk.” She couldn’t help but laugh as she ran her fingers through her hair. “I did the tough bit because he showed up and didn’t give me the chance. Even if you said he did. I don’t think I regret it. Maybe it's a conversation? The worst is what? I mean given everything thing she can’t just appear out of the blue until things settle down. Jackson is a different story, everything is stationary and waiting for us and the Spruance?” The Bajoran spun around with a dramatic flair, maybe it was the drink following her chat with Rimal and Noub.
"I keep plenty from her, which is my choice to make. She is a friend, not my mate. Whether or not you did or did not move on is not for me to judge, only you can make that decision." He smiled politely. "Inara did not appear out of the blue. She contacted me, and I invited her to the ship as we had not seen each other in quite some time. I did not know beforehand that she would be here." It sounded a little defensive, despite having no intention to. "Obviously, you did not know your ex husband would be here either....and now you choose to reconcile, which again is your choice to make."
Ame narrowed her eyes at him, he was letting things slip. There was something very primal about the word mate that pawed the back of her mind, a need for connection. “The contact was unexpected still, no?” Her brows raised challenging his tone even if he did not realise it. The tip of her tongue peeked through her lips as she bite it to stiffle her laughter.
“I made my choice. I've taken a risk and whilst it's awkward and painful I think it's right.” The Bajoran stood by her decision even if he didn't know the outcome. “Maybe you should just talk to her? I mean neither of them are going to be able to leave their ships for now.”
"Neither are we," Savin pointed out, "perhaps I will contact her. She will, no doubt, wish to check up on me. She was like that when we were at the academy, always checking in. Especially after a scuffle with the resident bullies." He shrugged then briefly looked back at the still running program. "Do you wish to continue, or shall we retire."
“Wait what?” Ame’s head tilted again, “I can’t leave here … I felt bad enough the other night asking NVeid to cover the end of my shift. That’s irresponsible and what if there was an emergency?” Leadership had not yet settled into the Bajoran, she still felt uneasy about the situation even if her duty lead the way. A smile tugged at her lips as he explained his connection to Inara, it seemed much more complicated than he let on. “I’m not sure that what you’re describing is platonic … I mean it sounds little more. To be honest you sound a bit like Jackson and me.” The centre of her brows raised with an air of concern.
"I mean retire for the evening..." He cast her a confused look. "Platonic?" Savin took a small step closer, hesitantly raising his hand. "I should show you," he said, knowing there'll were plenty of boundaries he was about to cross as two fingers gently touched her temple. The contact lasted mere seconds as he showed her the feelings that raged within but which he didn't know how to express.
Her lips parted about to counter and clarify the confusion when he touched her face holding her breath at the torrent of feelings, experiences and people. Faces she knew and faces she didn’t. Protection, love, friendship and challenges all rushed through her like a shuttle taking off. “Consent Savin! Consent.” Ame managed to protest after she returned to the present wobbling on her feet, “What the in the Celestial temple was that …” A stranger to telepathy the sharing of anything outside of a conversation and the terrible reading of body language.
He cast her a look that was a mix of apology and horror, knowing full well he has neglected the consent part. "My feelings," he explained, his voice a bare whisper, "ones I can neither define, nor explain. Funny, is it not, a counselor who cannot express what he feels?"
She doubled over a moment to gather herself, before she stood to make sure he could see her lips, “Yea… I can see why. You hold all of that in? We are the worst patients.” Ame ran her hands over her face. “You need to talk to her, them? I mean Inara, that’s all pointing to all kinds of things.” She admitted not really knowing where to start. Counselling was about listening, he wanted guidance. He needed a friend.
"Are you alright?" Horror and apology made way for concern as he watched her closely. "Yes, I hold all of that in." He frowned, again confused, "what do you mean, point to what? I do not understand." She was right though, they did make the worst patients and he had never really been able to talk to anyone.
“I’m fine, I’m fine.” Ame waved a hand dismissively, “I’ve never done that before. Had it done to me?” She breathed out slowly trying to compose herself with an ‘oof’. “Points to? It says to me that maybe things aren’t always as easy as ‘we’re just good friends’. I can’t see things the way you do, I just don’t have the ability or the training to. It doesn’t mean I’ll be right, but sometimes it’s worth taking a chance. Have the conversation, don’t dance around it.”
"Are you certain?" He watched her closely in concern as he knew a mind touch could be unsettling. "I apologise doctor, I should not have proceeded without further explanation. You are correct, obviously...but I cannot express nor explain what or how I feel. Not this, at any rate, because I lack experience." He arched an eyebrow at her. "I do not understand your reference in regards to conversation, what does dancing have to do with it?"
“Yes, I’m fine. It’s just a shock.” The Bajoran brushed off his concern again with a shake of her head. “Savin, it's done now … let’s not do it again without more notice and warning next time.” An uneasy smile formed on her lips as she considered the rest of his comments.
“You fight, to dance around someone you’re in combat with is to avoid them. Maybe it's just time to ask?” Her hands ran over her face and swept back her hair instinctively taking a step to dodge an incoming holographic couple.
"I will not without prior consent," he vowed, "time to ask what? Whether she has romantic interest or intentions? Or whether she is interested..." He paused, feeling confused. "I never had to ask Dessame, it just... happened. When shared a telepathic connection during an away mission, and it flowed from there. Are you suggesting I should ask Inara if she has feelings for me?" That, somehow, felt wrong.
“I mean Jax didn’t ask … he just did. Next thing I know I’m having the nurse clear her throat at me as I’m trying to prep him for his implant.” Her hand trailed to the back of her neck with a flush of her cheeks. “Maybe it's time to ask yourself if you can see that happening with any of those people. Connection is important to Betazoid’s whole love connection. thing. Imz-Imzadi?” Roian had chewed her ear off more than once about looking for his chosen one, but his conversations had a hidden undertone. One that showed she was clearly not the one he was looking for. “I might not be the best representative for romance.”
"I do not know," he admitted, somewhat uncertainly. "The first time I dared to kiss Dessame, she hit me. After that, it was she who took initiative. I believe I do have a connection with Inara, telepathic communication happens with ease. I can be...less alert, if that makes sense." He watched her closely for a moment. "You obviously have feelings for him, when you mention him, you change colour."
Ame’s lips pressed together clearly amused by what he’d described. She didn’t take him for the teasing type, but really she was very early doors in their friendship. “She does seem to have parallels to Inara … I mean she already laid you out. Beat you.” Her explanation was added to stop any further confusion.
“He does not change colour. I think that’s just a me thing.” The Bajoran smiled, “I’m not sure how you’d get on.” She shrugged it off and scratched the back of her neck again. “Maybe we’ll find out one day.”
"Find what out?" He shook his head as he held up his hand. "No, never mind. The more I ask, the more confused I feel. You are right, I need to speak with Inara, but I am not certain what to tell her, or even how. She and I are...opposites?"
She opened her mouth to answer but he quickly silenced her. He was probably right, she touched his covered arm. “Go on. I can shut this down. Go do whatever you need to do.”
"Are you certain?" He sighed softly. "Will you permit me to at least take you home first? I need to..think first. Find some order in this confusion before I contact her." Sleep might be out of order but perhaps meditation would help, if he could find the focus. "Computer, end program," he said at last, while watching his companion as he waited for her permission, or denial.
Ame couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “Savin, I am thirty-four years old. I don’t need to be walked back to my quarters. But if it’ll help you clear your mind …” She moved toward the arch with a shake of her head as the simulation flickered out of existence, moving in step with him. “Come on then.” She encouraged him.