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Tue Oct 15th, 2024 @ 5:54pm

Lieutenant Ame Solis

Name Ame Solis M.D.

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Bajoran
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 126 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Green
Physical Description The woman before you is Bajoran, she's of average height and average build, with a barely there tan. Her near-black hair is cut in a blunt wavy bob that finishes just below her sharp jaw and parts just off-centre. Her slightly angled dark brows are neatly maintained unlike her hair, beneathe are murky green eyes splattered with muddy brown. Her complexion is marked by a single mole on her right cheek, not far from her strongly ridged nose. Thin rosy lips are tainted with an unforgiving expression that is forming some judgment.

Visible from behind is the intricate lacework of a tattoo starting along her hairline on the back of her neck, and fanning out across her shoulders. The size of the piece cannot be determined by most attire.

She speaks quickly, dry and gets to the point. Uses vocal fillers to drag things out where needed. There is a slightly nasal husk to her voice and her tone is mid-range and lacks emotion due to her dry sense of humour. When she's angry she uses short sentences to the point, nervous is quiet.


Spouse Jackson Moore (Divorced)
Children None
Father Solis Jo'len [General Surgeon]
Mother Solis Kalah (Deceased) [Starfleet Tactical Officer]
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Various wider family, uncles and aunties.
In-Laws: John and Kathy Moore

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ame’s directness often comes off as abrasive, especially when dealing with less experienced officers or patients who question her methods. Her sharp tongue and impatience with incompetence can make her difficult to approach. In the high-stakes world of trauma and cybernetic surgeries, Ame makes decisions based solely on logic, often appearing cold and detached. She believes emotions have no place in the operating room, where split-second decisions can mean the difference between life and death.

Nothing less than perfect is acceptable in Ame's eyes. She holds herself and those around her to incredibly high standards, which can be both motivating and intimidating for her team. Her overconfidence in her orthopaedic and cybernetic abilities can border on arrogance. Ame often believes she is the best in her field, which can lead to clashes with colleagues and superiors. Ame is exceptionally stubborn, fiercely defending her ideas and methods. She is touchy about her mistakes and refuses to back down once she has set her mind on something, often pushing through despite significant obstacles.

Ame is ambitious and adventurous, always seeking to push the boundaries of medical science. Analytical and decisive, she is focused on her goals and independent in her pursuits, often working tirelessly to achieve her objectives. Despite her flaws, Ame is fundamentally honest and courageous. She has a strong moral compass and is centred on her beliefs, always striving to do what is right, even if it is difficult or unpopular.
Strengths & Weaknesses Ame's knowledge of surgical and trauma techniques is on par with some of the greats, she has a love of combining new technology with her medical knowledge. Taking great interest in engineering when it comes to cybernetics and synthetics. She works well under pressure and is a perfectionist.

Ame's emotional isolation and workaholism are significant weaknesses. Bitter over her cheating ex-husband, she dismisses romantic advances and isolates herself from colleagues and patients, making it hard to form meaningful connections. Her perfectionism and ambition lead her to neglect her own well-being and personal relationships, risking potential burnout and compromised judgment, ultimately affecting her effectiveness as a Chief Medical Officer. She needs to be reminded to step back at times to avoid this.
Ambitions Ame dreams of pioneering groundbreaking advancements in cybernetic medicine. Her ambition is to develop new techniques and technologies that can significantly enhance the integration of cybernetic implants with biological systems, improving the quality of life for patients and pushing the boundaries of what is medically possible.
Hobbies & Interests Her passion for cybernetics extends beyond her professional duties. Ame often spends her free time researching and developing new cybernetic technologies, experimenting with innovative techniques to enhance human and alien capabilities. Her quarters are littered with partial projects and mounted parts that she's particularly proud of.

Ame loves exploring new planets and uncharted territories. Whenever the starship allows access to a new world, she takes the opportunity to hike and explore the natural beauty and unique ecosystems, satisfying her adventurous spirit and curiosity. She has a fondness for water and the wind; surfing, sailing and other sports are a keen favourite.

The Bajoran finds cooking to be a relaxing and creative outlet. She enjoys experimenting with different cuisines, blending Bajoran and human recipes to create unique dishes that she occasionally shares with close friends and colleagues. She has a particular love of barbeque from her time on Earth with her ex-husband.

Personal History [0] 2367 - Born in Eastern province to Kalah and Jo'len Solis. Smuggled out from Bajor to Starbase 621; where her mother joined Starfleet and Jo'len was left to raise a baby with his in-laws. Escaping the occupation.
[5] 2373 - With the start of open war with the Dominion, Kalah is killed during the Battle of Torros III serving with Starfleet.
[7] 2375 - End of the Dominion War, Bajor is now safe and Ame’s grandparents return to their home on Bajor, with Jo’len remaining based on a federation starbase with frequent home visits.
[16] 2383 - Aged 16, almost dropped out of school causing trouble. She focused on medicine and science through her father. Taking up physical activities of hiking and hunting with her Grandfather on Bajor.
[18] 2385 - Enlisted in Star Fleet Academy leaning toward Medical and Science
[21] 2388 - Tattoo's given.
[22] 2389 - Basic Starfleet Academy completed. Cadet cruise as a medical officer and graduates as a Lieutenant Junior Grade. Goes on to specialise in Medicine
[23] 2390 - During her early years as a medical officer, Ame participates in a critical research project that leads to a breakthrough in trauma surgery techniques. Her contributions earned her recognition within the medical community and commendations from Starfleet Medical.
[26] 2393 - Completes Doctorate and then continues to study her specialisation through holo and advanced learning. Assigned to USS Endeavour.
[27] 2394 - Marries Jackson Moore (SF Helmsman) after rescuing him during a rescue mission to retrieve his ship. Promoted to Lieutenant.
[28] 2395 - Ame leads a medical team on a humanitarian mission to a disaster-stricken colony. Her exceptional leadership and medical expertise save numerous lives, earning her the Starfleet Medal of Commendation and solidifying her reputation as a capable and dedicated medical officer.
[31] 2398 - Ame is selected to accompany a diplomatic mission to assist a new federation member, where her skills in trauma and cybernetic surgeries are crucial in treating injured diplomats and gaining the trust of a new federation member. Her success in this mission highlights her ability to operate under extreme pressure and in diverse environments.
[32] 2399 - During a leave period, Solis returns to Earth in search of her estranged husband only to find him in the throws of passion with another woman. In a fit of anger, she begins to throw his belongings from the second-floor window of their home. She refuses to acknowledge him after returning to Bajor briefly where she's reassigned to the Starbase 621 where she was raised.

In addition to her medical duties, Ame takes on a difficult (to her) mentorship role, training junior medical officers and sharing her expertise in trauma and cybernetic surgeries. Her efforts help develop a new generation of skilled medical professionals, further demonstrating her leadership and dedication to Starfleet's medical division.
[33] 2400 - An attack on the Starbase leaves many senior officers incapacitated and Ame has to step in to complete damage control as an acting commander. Testing her skills as a leader and allowing her ability to handle traumatic events. In recognition of her abilities, Ame is reassigned again to be out in the fleet where her skills would be at better use on the USS Corvus.
Service Record 2382 - Starfleet Academy admission
2386 - Starfleet Academy graduated as Ensign, further Medical Training
2390 - Medical Doctorate completed, promoted to Lieutenant JG. Assigned to USS Endeavour as a Medical Officer
2393 - Promoted to Lieutenant. Reassigned to USS Forrest as a Medical Officer
2396 - Assigned to Starbase 621 as a Assistant Chief Medical Officer
2398 - Assigned to USS Corvus as Assistant Chief Medical Officer
- Assigned to USS Athena as Chief Medical Officer