Chance Encounter
Posted on Tue Feb 4th, 2025 @ 3:22pm by Ensign George Paxton & Senior Chief Petty Officer Mason Malone
Character Development
Location: Gym
1294 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure
Following his chat with Nayisa on the holodeck, Mason had a very strong need to unwind. To clear his mind and rid himself of the stress he experienced. The gym usually was well equipped to help him with that. As he entered, he stopped dead in his tracks when he spotted George, not sure if he was ready to face him after the Q horror.
Gathering his courage however, he grabbed tighter hold on his gym bag and approached the man he loved. "Hi..." He all but whispered, seeming to suddenly have lost his voice. "Up to much?"
George immediately recognized the voice and turned around. "Hey you," he smiled. "I was just finishing up my workout. Looks like you're about to start yours?" He slipped his hand into Mason's without asking. He'd felt relieved that they had been able to salvage their relationship a few weeks back and now wasted no time in making sure Mason knew exactly how he felt about him.
Mason gravitated towards him, squeezing the hand that had slipped into his. "I don't really need the workout," he confessed, "I just need to unwind. I need to..." He hesitated, drawing closer. "I need to sort out my sanity. I promise, it's not you. It's all Q's doing..." He sighed softly. "I don't want to worry you, but I don't want to bother you either. It's frustrating, but I don't like how I feel. I feel like I want to hide, but I can't." He reassuringly squeezed George's hand again. "Can we go somewhere? Else, I mean?"
"Of course. Normally I'd recommend the mess hall but it's sounding like this might be a better conversation for a private setting. Your quarters? I'll happily make the walk there with you," George offered a reassuring smile.
Not feeling reassured but appreciating it anyway, Mason held him close as they walked down to his quarters. He said very little, but the desire to be close to his partner spoke volumes. Once they entered his quarters, he led them to the couch and he sat down, facing George. "I don't know what Q put you through and with who," he started slowly, uncertainly as he watched the man. "I was thrown in with Teyo, in a Trill story that was some kind of legend, or historical tale. I may actually have happened and it's the basis of their rules regarding reassociation."
Mason paused, watching him for a reaction. "Suffice to say...he was the rejoined party and me the prior host's husband. We were chased by security forces and we had no hopes for escape." He deliberately left the leading up to the chase out. "Teyo threw us off a cliff to spare us the agony..." By now, his expression was haunted, his face drained of colour. "He meant well," he continued, defending the actions even though it still horrified him, "but Q just put us right back in front of the guards after we died..." He shivered visibility. "They shot us instead, I remember being shot, and then nothing. I've been feeling off since our return to the ship. And I can't shake this horrifying feeling." His voice had dropped to a whisper as he finished. "I don't know what to do George, I don't know how to stop feeling like this. I've never experienced this before."
Before saying a word, George pulled Mason into a tight embrace. "I'm so sorry you went through that, Mason," he whispered before falling silent once more. His experience, though odd, had certainly not been anything quite so traumatizing.
Returning the embrace, Mason rested his head against George's shoulder. "I just don't know what to do. Apart from seeing the counselor, and maybe talk to Teyo." From his tone however, he seemed to dread the latter. "What would you do?"
"I'm not sure. I don't think there's an easy answer, but I guess I'd probably start with the counselor. I'm always here too Mase, if you ever want to talk. I don't know that I'm as helpful as the others but if you just need to talk it vent, you can always come to me," George said.
"Are you sure?" Mason cast him a grateful smile. "Where would I be without you George," he whispered, "I don't want to be a burden. But I'm grateful, your support means everything to me." He kissed the man gently. "I'll see the counselor, I'll talk to Zade too...and maybe Teyo." He smiled more genuinely now. "I love you, have I told you?"
"I love you too, Mason. I know I haven't always been there for you in the past, but I promise to never let that happen again. Whatever you need. I mean, as long as that need doesn't mean more than Teyo. I know how persuasive he can be," George chuckled slightly.
"He can be extremely persuasive," Mason admitted, smiling wryly, "I promise, beyond a kiss nothing happened. And I don't think it was really him that did, but rather the memory of the host he portrayed. Maybe I can find something in the computer about them as Teyo said it was a Trill legend we were thrown into. I'm not sure it was a legend, it felt so real. They don't deserve to be forgotten, because of the stigma of reassociation." His smile widened. "George, where would I be without you... You just gave me a possible way to process this." He wrapped his arms around the man and kissed him again, more passionately this time. "Thank you."
"Wait, you kissed? You...failed to mention that in your story..." George hesitantly replied. Mason had been involved in entanglements with Teyo before and though George trusted his partner, there was some concern etched across his brow.
"I don't think it was actually Teyo...he acted so strange, so... unlike him? I don't understand why Q threw us of all people together showed me a different side of him." Mason sighed softly, caressing the man's face gently. "You have my word love, beyond that nothing happened between us. He .. he tried to protect me. Sacrificed himself in hopes of me getting away."
"You're sure after that experience there's not more you want to talk to him about, or...explore? Sounds like an experience that could be both traumatizing and bonding. I wouldn't blame you if there was more you needed to look into." George said, clearly a bit disheartened but willing to listen nonetheless.
"George...I have no interest in Teyo. There's only one man I want, romantically speaking and more and that's you. If I gain a friend out of this experience, great, but he'll never be more than that." Mason really had no romantic interest in the Trill engineer, but their experience had been unique and he really didn't want the people they had represented to be forgotten. "I'm all yours," he promised earnestly, "for as long as you'll have me. I love you, noone else."
George's hand caressed Mason's face, happy that his partner didn't seem interested in pursuing anything with the trill. He pulled his chin upwards so that their eyes met. "I'll have you as long as you want to stick around because I love you too," he leaned in and kissed his partner. "Now, what else can I do to help?"
"You're already helping," Mason answered softly, savouring the kiss. "What kind of work out were you planning, perhaps we can tend to it together? Or would you rather go for a hike on the holodeck? Like we did on our first date?"
"I think..." George leaned in for another kiss with an uncharacteristically mischievous smirk. "We could do absolutely do a workout together. Right here."