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Not a tea party

Posted on Thu Dec 5th, 2024 @ 6:31pm by Lieutenant Ame Solis M.D. & Lieutenant JG Astrja Kyan

Mission: Pandora's Box
Location: Galley
1586 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Astrja sat down with her fish pie, salad and a mug of Andorian The. She was just getting comfortable when she saw Dr Solis. Astrja waved, "Dr Solis, over here! Come and join me."

Ame was in a world of her own when she heard the familiar voice of the Andorian who had been whisked away with her to the hellscape that Q had thrown them into. Bowl in one hand and cup in the other, dazed but a soft smile settled on her lips.

Astrja smiled. "I almost did not recognize you without the ears. How are you doing now that we are back from Wonderland?"

“Oh! Hi. Yea … I’m glad I didn’t have to explain that addition to the medical records.” She wove her way through the tables between them and plopped herself down in an empty seat. “I am really sorry, but given everything that happened, I don’t think I actually caught your name.” The Bajoran admitted with a wince.

Astrja grinned and offered her hand. "Astrja Kyan, Lieutenant, junior grade, Assistant Chief of Operations," she said. "Pleased to formally make your acquaintance."

“It seems half the ship already knows who I am. Doctor Solis Ame, but here I go by Ame.” She answered scooching herself in, closer to the table.

"Did you arrive back in your clothing from Wonderland? I did, which pleases me no end," said Astrja.

A look of dread adorned the Bajoran’s face as Astrja asked about the ridiculous attire she had been left with. “Mhmm. I had to use a laser scalpel to remove that stupid frilly collar. Apparently, there was a fastener but I was too infuriated to clart on with it.” Her nostrils flared and a quiet huff escaped her. “I was hoping to circulate between large glasses of alcohol and perhaps some time sat on the beach, however, alternative plans occurred.”

"Q has no sense of politeness," said Astrja spearing a salad leaf. "Still, it was an interesting experience. Jub-Jub Birds and all. I have gone back and reread the Alice books and I am of the opinion that things could have gone much worse for us."

Ame brows raised as she dipped her spoon into her soup and gave it a stir. “Interesting experience?” She couldn’t help but blow through her lips in disbelief. “Usually when you drop into a world with an away team there’s context and monitoring, I’ve never seen anything like that before. I certainly hope to never encounter one of those murderous beasts again.” She sampled her meal with a shrug.

“I don’t even want to know, I’m glad to be out and not have to go back again. I won’t be researching or reviewing that holonovel any time soon.” The Bajoran laughed with a shake of her head.

"Well, it was often terrifying at the moment, but overall, a unique experience," said Astrja. "How many people can say they have been inside a real fictional world? Not one created by a holodeck. I do not regret the adventure. And it gave us a chance to meet!" she added with a grin.

Ame hummed in agreement as she took another mouthful of soup. “Unique is one way to describe it.” The warm spoon rested on her lower lip, she perhaps didn’t share the nuance that Astrja had. “It did, chair leg clubs were not my normal tools, nor confused frustration. I’ve not really done away missions for a while … but now I do extra cardio.”

She lifted her cup to the ceiling, “Thanks Q.”

"I have a group that does Andorian Ijilk, which is a martial art form that is also used for exercise and meditation," explained Astrja. "If you would like to join us."

After taking a drink from her cup the Bajoran considered the offer, “Is that a balance based?” The spoon returned to her bowl and stirred it slowly to better distribute the chunks of meat and vegetables through the thick orange soup.

Astrja paused. "To some extent? I have never thought about it. There is balance involved, you need a firm foundation to be able to fight, but it is not only balance."

“Is that how you managed to find your feet so easily? You were so level-headed out there amongst all that- chaos.” The Bajoran’s stirring slowed before she took another mouthful of soup. “Is balanced foundation combat a thing all Andorians do?” She asked curiously.

"We are a warrior culture, it is expected for each of us to learn at least one means of self-defense," said Astrja. "And we are trained to be self-reliant. I was a Scout and earned several badges including wilderness survival." She paused. "I do not want to sound as if I am boasting, I am just trying to work out an answer to your question," she said with a wry grin and took a bite of fish pie.

From experience not everyone of a specific race always followed the cultural norms or expectations so Ame liked to ask the questions that tested that. She nodded between another spoonful, “I don’t have badges but I hunted with my Afah on Bajor. It’s not a boast really, you’ve got experience. I’m a bit more logical in a sense I guess? Neural scanning wasn’t really an option.” She couldn’t help but laugh, she’d have thought they were all suffering from some kind of hallucinogen if she had the ability to check.

"Ija, what did you hunt?" asked Astrja. "We only got to go on fish and eel expeditions, oh, and genegineered crabs! That was a lot of fun."

“Nothing fancy, swamp rats for pest control and sometimes wild tirak.” The Doctor’s eyes lit up at the mention of crabs, “Like big ones?” Her spoon dropped slowly into her bowl and her hands spread out, fingers wriggling like legs.

Astrja nods, "They really thrive in some of the coastal water, we get some as much as 60cm across," she said holding up her hands. "Some of them are pretty mean too. Tymas almost lost a finger to one."

The Bajoran’s mind tried to process the length and was overwhelmed. “Surely you cook that?” She retrieved her spoon to take another mouthful. “Who’s Tymas? A sibling?” Curiosity got the better of her, “Crusteasons can be nasty, they have a grip, snippy.”

"Tymas? No, one of the other scouts, he ended up becoming a scientist, exo-botany, I think," said Astrja. "He never showed interest in Starfleet for some reason. But he was quite smart."

"Yes, we cook them," she laughed. "Now I want crab. Crab meat on salads is excellent."

Ame nodded as the Andorian explained, looking sadly at her remaining soup after the thought of seafood. “Starfleet isn’t for everyone. I mean, if I thought I could get a better footing outside of Starfleet for my career, I would have taken it.” She scrunched her ridged now and pushed the bowl away. “Me too, I’m not sure I could get away with ordering a crab through the replicator without having a good reason and a celebration.”

"That's silly," said Astrja. "It takes no more energy for the replicator to make you crab cakes than it does whatever soup you have there." She gestured to the bowl with her fork. "I think you should enjoy your meals, it is one of the benefits of being in Starfleet after all. To visit strange new worlds, seek out new life and civilizations, make friends, and have good meals."

The Doctor almost snorted. “Perhaps but the way I plan to eat it, really wouldn’t sit well if I need to head back to sickbay after I’ve eaten it. The amount of butter and garlic … Don’t get me wrong there’s nothing wrong with a crab cake, everything replicated tries to balance things out but it's not always the same.” She shrugged and picked up her drink, “People tweak recipes on the sly.” A wider smile spread across her lips, to think a rambling murderous nightmare had introduced them to each other rather than beachside cocktails.

Astrja grinned, "We in Ops have an entire community devoted to refining replicator recipes. So let me know if there is something you are looking for." She waved her fork over her food. "All of these are customized to be just what and how I want them to be, taste and texture-wise. The replicator is an amazing piece of technology, you should wring every advantage our of it." She took another bite of fish pie. "Name a regional favorite from your home and I will see what is out on OpsNet."

“Well, I’ll just have to think about that now you’ve put me on the spot.” Ame drummed her fingers on the side of the bowl and sighed, “Let me know when your next Ijilk session is and I will do my best to get there.” She picked up her cup and finished the last of her drink, her other hand scooping up the bowl to return it to the replicator.

"Tomorrow morning, an hour before Alpha Shift, Holodeck 4," said Astrja. "Hope to see you there, Ame."

“Tomorrow morning before Alpha Shift in Holodeck 4.” The Bajoran repeated back. “I can’t promise, but I’ll try my best.” She picked up her sad partially empty bowl and cup to return to the replicator.


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