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Welcome to the Party

Posted on Sun Jun 9th, 2024 @ 8:54pm by Commodore Jacob Kane & Commander Amaya Lance

Mission: Into the Qniverse
Location: Legoria II
Timeline: MD-01
509 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

The locals had spared no expense. The buffet was lavish. The drinks were flowing at a reasonable pace, and people genuinely seemed happy and relaxed for the first time in a very long while.

The entire party was spread over a wide open air courtyard, almost greco-roman in style and architecture, with tall columns marking a kind of inner perimeter alongside the outer walls beyond. The sun shone down from a crystal blue sky, music was playing. It was picturesque and perfect for the occasion.

As a rarity, Kane was, like the rest of them, not in uniform. He was, however, remaining vaguely distant and observing - at least for the moment.

"Penny for your thoughts, Commodore?" a soft voice inquired. He turned, clocking the woman standing next to him with a glass in each hand. One was offered towards him. Kane lifted an eyebrow slightly and took it.

"Commander Lance."

"Please - it's Amaya. We're off duty," she smiled warmly.

"Amaya..." He half-coughed, awkward about breaking protocol and formality. "How is the Edison?"

"Doing fine, as I'm sure you know. I appreciate you allowing her some downtime so that I could attend," she noted. He nodded his head.

"I figured your crew deserved a moment. Just like mine did."

"How are they, after the Naghel incident?" She asked. The exact details of the mission hadn't been made public, but Amaya was privy to a few more details than most. "Must have been traumatic."

"The marines who survived are on their way back to headquarters. They're being looked after by the best," he said, brow furrowing just a fraction.

"Sorry, there I go breaking the mood..." she sighed.

"It's fine. Talking shop is better than making small talk about the weather," he corrected. "I don't do well with small talk."

"Well, you should try to enjoy yourself as well as they are," Amaya encouraged, motioning to the festivities going on. "They need to see their commander can party as hard as he works, you know." Her suggestion triggered another raised eyebrow.

"That sounds like you're trying to give me orders, Commander Lance..."

"A good commander takes all tactical insight he can," Amaya smiled. "Take my advice and go mingle. Find a red-headed science officer and tell her she's doing a good job," she added with a wink. He looked at her with a mix of alarm and indignation, then spied her grin and shook his head.

"Suddenly I'm thinking the Edison is desperately needed somewhere..." he remarked.

"And that's my cue to take evasive maneuvers." She raised her glass in quick 'salute' and slipped away. "See you later, 'sir'."

As Amaya left, Kane took another look over the participants. Perhaps she was right; he'd organised this party to reward his crew, and to give them a moment to celebrate Zora's birthday. He would be remiss if he didn't make sure everyone was having fun at the very least. Downing the glass, he set it aside and set off on a mission to 'mingle'.


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