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Ruddy Replicators

Posted on Sat Jun 15th, 2024 @ 4:17pm by Ensign Kateyo Fenn & Ensign Liam O'Connor

Mission: Character Development
Location: Mess Hall
1911 words - 3.8 OF Standard Post Measure

"No, no, no!" Teyo shouted at the replicator. He pounded his fists on the bulkhead in time to the words, startling everyone nearby. He didn't care, in fact, he didn't even notice. It had been days of this and he was starting to lose his patience. Why did all the replicators hate him? "Computer, recycle this and let's start again," he said, his voice etched with anger and frustration. "I. Would. Like. A. Plain. Black. Coffee." He spoke slowly, punctuating every word, silently praying he would get the drink he wanted.

He punched the bulkhead again as a frothy white coffee, with cream, chocolate sprinkles, and a cherry materialised before him. "Why computer? Why do you hate me?" He asked in pure exasperation.

Request not recognised, please rephrase. The computer replied in its usual cold and condescending tone.

Liam entered the mess hall, his attention snagged by the clamor emanating from the replicator unit where Teyo's agitation filled the space. His frustration reverberated through the room as he grappled with the stubborn machine."Hey, Ensign," Liam's voice cut through the tension as he cautiously made his way toward the commotion. "Everything alright here, you’re making quite the scene and as an engineer we usually don’t fix things by hitting them, contrary to belief.”

Teyo turned to the unfamiliar voice. He had long learned to make it a habit to check the rank insignia of anyone he didn't know, the last thing he wanted to do was to shoot his mouth off at a Lieutenant or Commander, again. His eyes met with someone he had seen around engineering but only recently, one of the newer transfers maybe? That wasn't important, what was important was the solo pip on the man's collar. "Unless you can get this heap of junk working Newbie, I suggest you butt out."

Unfazed by Teyo's reaction, Liam simply crossed his arms, maintaining his calm demeanour. "I mean, I can get that replicator working, but it could just be user error," he remarked a hint of playful scepticism in his voice. He raised his eyebrows expectantly, waiting for a response, before deciding to demonstrate. "Computer, one chocolate sundae ice cream with sprinkles and a chocolate flake," Liam commanded confidently. There was a whirl of molecules as the order materialized in front of him, just as requested, showcasing the replicator's functionality.

"User error?" Teyo repeated indignantly. As the ice cream materialised, he clapped his hands - slowly and loudly. "Congratulations, you can work a replicator. Maybe you should accept that job offer at Starfleet HQ as head of the engineering corp, you clearly have talent." Teyo rolled his eyes as he stroked the bridge of his nose.

Liam recycled his order, his appetite dwindling amidst the frustration. He found the situation oddly amusing, given the circumstances, and couldn't help but sigh. "Maybe we got off on the wrong foot," he ventured, extending an olive branch. "Is this happening to you just here, or all over the ship? Maybe I can fix it, maybe I can't, but how about we at least try?"

Teyo eyed the guy suspiciously weighing up his options. He didn't need help from a newbie engineer but he had had enough of this and he wanted it sorted and maybe he had overlooked something. What was the phrase? Never look a sacrificial targ in the rear end. "It's happening all over this ship," he eventually said with a sigh. "If you really want to help order me a plain black coffee before we try to figure this out. Talaxian brand," he added, knowing the delta quadrant delicacy would not only satisfy his cravings but also his mood.

Liam rolled his eyes at the stubborn replicator, muttering his order with a hint of frustration. "Computer, two plain black coffees, Talaxian brand," he commanded, hoping for smoother results this time. To his relief, the computer responded with its standard acknowledgment tone, and the cups materialized without any glitches.

"One black coffee," Liam noted with a smirk, gesturing toward the beverages. "Shall we grab a table? I think I may have an idea of what the problem might be." He motioned for Teyo to lead the way, eager to troubleshoot the replicator issue over a cup of coffee.

"Finally," Teyo muttered as he cradled the warm cup between his hands. He was tempted to take a sip but knew from experience he had to wait at least a minute before he should attempt this. He moved over to a table and took a seat. "What have you got for me newbie?"

"Although it may seem improbable, you give off a strong 'people person' vibe," Liam fabricated, "But is there anyone in your circle who might harbor ill will toward you? Or perhaps someone who enjoys making your life a tad more challenging?" he inquired. "Because replicators don't discriminate when it comes to malfunctioning."

"I'm a straight shooter newbie, some people like that, others are weak," Teyo replied. He took a large gulp of the coffee and even though it was still too hot, he allowed the liquid to flow down his throat. He savoured the Talaxian drink, it was more bitter than other popular blends and there was an earthy aftertaste that took some getting used to but he enjoyed the aroma. Placing the mug back on the table he stared at the dark liquid, a physical metaphor for how most of the crew probably thought of him. "You may be on to something, you think someone did this intentionally?"

Liam pondered for a moment, unfamiliar with the term "straight shooter." "What does that mean, exactly?" he asked, hoping for clarification.

Realising he might need to approach the problem differently, he continued, "Let me put it this way: replicators don't usually have personal vendettas. If they're not working for you, it's likely because someone has tampered with their settings. Are other systems acting up as well, or is it just the replicators?"

"It means I say it how it is kid," Teyo replied, trying his best not to sound patronising and failing. He pondered the newbie's words and sighed. "Yeah it's just the replicators, so I think you're right. My question is, how do we fix it?"

"We'll need access to the replicator's main core and computer system, someone has likely configured your commands with other results so we should start there but knowing who might do this could make it easier by asking them to undo it." He explained.

Teyo looked around the room, first to his right and then to his left. "It could literally be anyone," he said with a smirk. "A friend pulling a prank, or someone trying to get under my skin. Maybe we can trace back the system subroutine to see when it first got changed?"

"Sure that will tell us when it changed, but I assume you have a rough idea of when that is because it would be when things started going wrong." He paused, "Unless they put in a delay subroutine to throw anyone looking off the scent, you're right lets start there. They would have to use some engineering codes so it could be an engineer or someone within engineer experience" He added, "I have a work station in main engineering, it would be quicker and quieter there" He offered.

Teyo eyed the man suspiciously, "why are you so eager to help me?" He asked, his eyes narrowing slightly. "There are easier ways to get into my bed," he smirked.

Liam paused rolled his eyes and carried on, “Not to burst your bubble or anything but I’m an engineer it’s my job and I’d say it’s what I get paid for except we don’t get paid so let’s call it professional courtesy and besides I have my eye in someone else anyways.” The last part kinda just slipped out before he thought about it and he hoped Teyo would let it slip.

"Who is it?" Teyo asked, everything else forgotten at that moment. "And before you say you're not going to tell me, I won't give up until you do so let's skip that part shall we?"

Liam took an inward breath, realising he had inadvertently set himself up for this moment. He considered, for a fleeting second, taking Teyo’s advice and keeping the news to himself. But he knew better. Their friendship had not gone unnoticed by the crew. Neither he nor Conrad would admit their mutual attraction, instead opting for a dynamic filled with challenges and friendly banter.

“Alright, you got me,” Liam began, trying to keep his tone light. “It’s Conrad from Flight Control.” His internal deliberations had taken only a moment, so his response came quickly, without an awkward pause.

Teyo felt a jolt of something deep within him, an unexplained jolt at the mention of Conrad's name. He wasn't quite sure what that meant but he didn't let the surprise show on his face, instead, he stayed poker cool.

He glanced at Teyo, trying to gauge his reaction. “You know how it is,” Liam continued, his voice steady but with a hint of amusement. “She’s always pushing my buttons, and I’m always trying to one-up her. It’s all part of the game we play.”

Liam smiled, his thoughts racing back to the countless interactions he’d had with Conrad. “She’s sharp, quick-witted, and, well, let’s just say she’s not easily impressed. That’s part of what makes it fun. We challenge each other, and it keeps things interesting.”

He sighed, leaning back slightly. “But there’s more to it, isn’t there? It’s not just about the banter or the competition. There’s this…connection. Something that goes beyond just being colleagues or friends. And while neither of us has outright said anything, I think we both know it’s there.”

Liam shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. “So yeah, it’s Conrad. And who knows? Maybe one of these days, we’ll stop playing games and actually talk about it. But until then, I guess we’ll just keep challenging each other and seeing where it goes.”

"Conrad is cool," Teyo said when Liam stopped talking. He was fighting to keep his voice steady and even. Still not knowing why all he knew was that he didn't want to be sitting with this guy anymore. He stood up, a little too quickly, his chair making a loud bang as it fell to the floor. "I'm sure I can figure this replicator problem myself, you should stay and finish your breakfast, maybe ask Conrad to join you." There was an unintentional bite when he mentioned her name. "Thanks for the coffee," he said as he turned away.

Liam stood up just a second after Teyo, the abrupt movement causing the table to jolt and create a loud, awkward bang. This noise drew the attention of several crewmembers, their curious gazes lingering to see if there was any drama worth watching. "Wait, what?" Liam asked, looking at Teyo with genuine confusion. He recognized the bite in Teyo's tone but had no idea what he'd done to offend him. Without much protest, Liam stood there, puzzled and suddenly not feeling hungry anymore. "What just happened?" he wondered, his appetite replaced by a gnawing sense of unease.


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