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An engineer and his thoughts

Posted on Tue Jun 18th, 2024 @ 4:09pm by Ensign Liam O'Connor

Mission: Character Development
Location: Liams Quarters
Timeline: After Trojan horse before Into the Qverse
530 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure

After a demanding shift in engineering., Liam made his way to his quarters. His mind buzzed with a mix of work-related thoughts and anticipation for his upcoming shore leave on Legoria II. The odd exchange with Teyo earlier in the day about Vivienne lingered in his thoughts, leaving him curious yet puzzled about his colleague's reaction. Teyo's cryptic comments had been unusual, almost as if there was something unsaid, but Liam couldn't quite figure out what it might be.

Once in his quarters, Liam began the routine of packing for his much-needed break. He carefully folded his uniform, stowed away his engineering tools, and selected a few casual outfits suitable for the warm climate of the resort planet. The thought of finally shedding his Starfleet attire for something more relaxed brought a sense of relief. As he packed, his mind wandered between engineering trivia and thoughts of the fun activities awaiting him on Legoria II. He imagined the feel of the sun on his skin and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore.

Among his items, Liam found a small wooden carving he had acquired during a previous shore leave. The intricate patterns reminded him of the vibrant culture of Plantronics III a smaller moon resort where he had got it, fueling his excitement for the adventures to come. The carving, a gift from a local artisan, was a cherished memento. He placed it carefully in his suitcase, ensuring it would accompany him on his travels.

With his suitcase neatly packed, Liam took a moment to review his itinerary for the shore leave. He looked forward to exploring the beaches, trying local food, and maybe even some water sports. However, the dinner he had planned with Vivienne was at the forefront of his mind. Their wager, resulting in a draw, had led to this dinner plan, and he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness at the prospect.

As he settled into his quarters for the evening, Liam felt a sense of anticipation for the days ahead. Shore leave offered a welcome chance to recharge and explore, and he was determined to make the most of every moment on Legoria II. His thoughts drifted back to Teyo's reaction, wondering if there was more to it than he realised. But for now, he pushed those thoughts aside, focusing on the promise of relaxation and adventure. The break from the technical challenges of the Athena, the allure of the unknown, and the company of Vivienne filled him with a renewed sense of energy.

Liam lay back on his bunk, letting the hum of the ship's systems soothe him. The USS Athena had been his home for a while, and the crew had become like a second family. Yet, there was always a part of him that yearned for new experiences, the kind that shore leave on a planet like Legoria II could provide. The blend of duty and leisure, the familiar and the new kept his spirit vibrant. As he drifted off to sleep, visions of sunlit beaches, vibrant marketplaces, and shared laughter with Vivienne filled his dreams, setting the stage for the adventures that awaited him.


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