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Seek And Deliver

Posted on Sat Jun 3rd, 2023 @ 7:53am by Lieutenant JG Nayisa Wrea

Mission: Wrath of the People
Location: Intel Offices
Timeline: MD6, 0230 hours :: after 'Burning The Midnight Oil'
869 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure

[[ Well, if it ain't Dakota Iyan. What, no pretty face to look at this time? ]]

"It's about time you picked up. I can't do video today, sorry."

[[ No bother, I'm sure I'll get another chance. What can I do for ya? This ain't no social call. ]]

"You got anything new on that search you've been doing for me?"

[[ Ahh, I ain't got much of anythin'. I can send over what I've got but this guy ain't no joke. ]]

"... got it, thanks. Yeah, I know what I'm dealing with, which is why your help is greatly appreciated."

[[ I dunno, dude's good at hidin'. Why are ya so invested in findin' him? Is he a loooover? ]]

"Ha, no, Esid, he's not a lover. I have my reasons for keeping this up."

[[ Maybe one day I can convince ya to share more than that. Perhaps over a drink or two. ]]

"The day I tell you everything is the day Klingons stop believing they go to Sto-vo-kor when they die. Anyways, I have a new task for you."

[[ Don' keep me waitin', then. ]]

"I need you to find this person and deliver something to her. As the best PI I know, surely you can find her in a timely manner."

[[ Got it... hmm... ya realize she's a fugitive, right? ]]

"I know. I'll give you twenty bars of latinum to not report her when you find her."

[[ ... Dakota, I think there was some interference. Ya said twenty to NOT report her? Ya realize what her bounty is right now?? ]]

"You heard me right. I'm off-world at the moment, but I've kept up with the news."

[[ Gon' take more than twenty to convince me, hun. ]]

"... What do you have in mind?"

[[ Hmm... I'll do it for fiddy. ]]

"How about thirty-five. Besides, you owe me one."

[[ ... Ahhh, I ain't fully convinced yet, but I'll bite. What am I relayin', Dakota? ]]

"You know how I work. You only get the details if you accept the offer first."

[[ Ugh, fine, I accept. Now why am I findin' her? ]]

"I need you to give her some information. I'm sending it over now."

[[ ... Received... damn, that's some encryption. Any chance I can take a peek? ]]

"If you try to access it, the deal's off."

[[ Yeah? And what would ya do about it? ]]

"I know a bit more than you think, Arlen."

[[ Huh?? How'd ya know that?? ]] 

"I always do my research when I conduct business. I know that your real name is Arlen Drezz. I know that your subspace relay currently directs communications to a cozy little cabin in Metaline Falls. I also have a list of your activities over the last six months. If you cross me, or worse, if you cross her, not only will I doxx you to everyone you've done business with, but I'm quite confident that she can make you disappear, permanently." 

[[ ... ]]

"... I can almost hear your hesitation, Esid. The risk to you is actually quite minimal. If you complete this assignment, you'll get fourty, and I'll upgrade your relay system, no charge."

[[ ... ]]


[[ ... Goddamn son of a... FINE, I get it. Don' peek the package. Where would I be startin'? ]]

"I was able to trace her last position to somewhere in San Francisco, but that's about an hour old."

[[ There's a chance her trail migh' still be warm, but she's been avoidin' the Feds for 'bout a week now... what would my timeline be? ]]

"... two hours."

[[ Two hours?! Are ya insane?? I can't search 'Cisco an' the surroundin' two-hour radius in that time! An' certainly not for fourty! ]]

"Then figure out how, if you want the latinum and the upgrade. I know you, Esid, you may be a greedy little weasel but you're also a decent businessman. Surely you realize that my offer to upgrade your relay system is rather generous."

[[ ... ]]

"I'm also sending you some information that will be used to verify your identity and intentions to her. Deviate from the script, and I can't be responsible for what she does."

[[ ... Christ, it's like I'm dealin' with a mob. ]]

"Have her send confirmation when she gets the information. She will know what to send and where, assuming you correctly verify yourself." 

[[ ... ]]

"... Listen, Esid. I like you, and this information is time-sensitive, so I can be more lenient this time. You'll see that I just sent you fifteen slips. Consider it a bonus, for your troubles. Once I see that confirmation, you'll get your fourty in full and your upgrade. Get it done in under an hour, and I'll make it sixty. Do we have a deal?"

[[ ... ]]


[[ ... I'll see what I can do. ]]

"That's all I ask. If it's been two hours and you can't deliver, then destroy everything I sent you. If I find that you looked at the encrypted information, or even thought about looking at it, I can and will find you. Dakota out."


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