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Trial: The Opening...

Posted on Sat Mar 4th, 2023 @ 3:14pm by Commodore Jacob Kane & Commodore S'vRock & Commander Firestorm to Ennien & Commodore Mikhail Babanin

Mission: Wrath of the People
Location: Starfleet Judicial Centre
Timeline: MD6
1086 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure

As everyone in the courtroom murmured to themselves a petite mocha skinned woman entered the room. On her collar were the chevrons and stars that indicated she was a Senior Chief Petty Officer. Her hair was in braids and she placed a number of PADDS on the Judge's desk. She nodded acknowledgement as she pressed a button the desk. A rather booming voice for such a small woman was then heard. "All rise! The Fourth District Court of the Federation is now in session. The Honorable Commodore S'vRock of Vulcan presiding."

A tall dark skinned Vulcan strode into the room. He carried himself stoically to his seat at the bench. He wore a standard red command uniform with his Commodore pips on his chest. His hair was cropped into a standard style for a Vulcan. He had a full beard that reached from the bottom his ears to his chin. He looked at the PADDS and then looked up at the crowd who had been standing and cocked an eyebrow. "Thank you Chief Quince. You all may be seated." He took his seat. "I believe we all know why we are here. So in the interest of justice let us make haste. Commodore Babanin the floor is yours for your opening statement."

Nodding to his colleague, Mikhail rose and tugged down his duty jacket as he cleared his throat. "Spasibo Comrade-Commodore," the fellow Commodore warmly said, aware that the warmth would be lost on the Vulcan, but performing for the 'crowd' as it were. The court was closed, of course, but in the witness box a rotating holo of the Starfleet Command emblem hovered in the air; what would later become the holos for witnesses appearing remotely, it hovered at this moment as a reminder to all those present that witnesses who were not physically present in the gallery were potentially watching from wherever they happened to be.

Babanin knew full well that the vast majority of the witnesses were the Senior Staff aboard the now deployed USS Athena, though he had no idea how many of them were actually watching live; a fair few he imagined. He took a moment to observe those actually present; a few witnesses in the gallery, Captain Kane flanked by security officers, also in the gallery a handful of family members of the dead and injured. For those, at the very least, he would see Kane die in prison - such a heretic to peace should never walk free again.

"Gentleman. Ladies." the Commodore began, nodding vaguely at nobody in particular, one polite nod in each direction. "Keptin Jacob Kane. A criminal from the outset, a child who learned his craft of deception well in his most formative years...a member of Starfleet only by the grace of our judicial system to avoid imprisonment. We will prove that these are key elements to the Keptin's character, elements which did not diminish nor abate with age, but which were further honed and developed, combined with the training of tactical excellence from Starfleet. Keptin Kane did not mellow, as I am sure Comdrade-Commander Ennien will argue; no no.

"No, instead the Keptin took upon himself the opportunities to become a better criminal, a better liar...a better killer." He allowed the last words to hang in the air briefly, aware of the mixture of seething heads tightly shaking and grief-stricken heads slowly nodding along. "His own psychological profile, which we will explore further, describes him as being naturally inclined to solitude and aggression, and his experience demonstrates a highly competent, highly efficient tactical commander who rose to a position where he can command the deadliest of force. One of his former superior officers describes him as 'almost Klingon' - da this is appropriate, very much so. As with a Klingon, the Keptin has deep sense of justice and honour, and we will show it was this moral compass combined with his lethal skills and inherent uhhhh penchant for criminality and deception, which led him to commit this heinous act...attempting to kill former Admiral Nerak. A man for whom this Keptin holds a most ruthless grudge, which we shall discuss.

"And so he sits Comrades. A born criminal. A ruthless man. A highly trained, brilliant tactician. With both opportunity, and motive. So he sits; guilty, as we will prove." Babanin nodded once to Commodore Sv'Rock to indicate his completion and returned to his seat; if looks could kill as effectively as bombs, then Mikhail was certain that Captain Kane was flaying him alive from behind. Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of turning around to see if Kane was indeed looking, Babanin simply took a sip of the Bolian tonic water on the small desk.

Kane watched the theatrics play out, his hands gripping tightly to the armrests of the chair he sat in. He knew he couldn't react, or be seen to. Not in public. That was what his counsel was for.

"Very well. Commander Firestorm to Ennien for the defense. Your opening statement." S'vRock motioned for the Sivaoan to speak.

The tall copper-furred feline stepped forward, ears flicked back as he glanced around, his tail slowly tapping the floor as he walked. An expressive creature, one could almost instantly see he was guarded for now. "Captain Kane is a man of honour," he started, drawing out the r's a fraction as he spoke, "a man who has gone through fog and fire for his crew, and would likely do the same for his enemies."

His yellow eyes briefly rested on his client before turning back towards the others. "We will prove that the captain did not commit this heinous act, and that someone wants to him to take the fall for something he is innocent of. Captain Kane cares deeply for the next generation of officers, it is why he was here, as per invitation. His competences will prove him to be a man of honour, and the truth will prevail." His tail lashed as he spoke. "Someone will be uncovered as the killer, but it will not be Captain Kane."

S'vRock leaned forward on his desk with his hands clasped. "Thank you gentlemen. I would like to state on the record that the act for which the Captain is accused is a most heinous one that Starlfeet takes with the utmost seriousness. No matter what the outcome this day know that justice will be served. Let us proceed. Commodore Babanin the first witness please."


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