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Tell Me What Happened

Posted on Tue Mar 21st, 2023 @ 10:12am by Commodore Jacob Kane & Commander Firestorm to Ennien

Mission: Wrath of the People
Location: Starfeet Detention area
Timeline: A few hours after the explosion
1194 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure

A little flustered over having not been called sooner, Firestorm hurried towards the detention area, his tail lashing furiously. It just wasn't right to let the man wait without legal representation for so long! How many had tried to talk to him by now, without anyone to protect his interests at his side?

"Captain Kane?" he called out, a slight purr in his voice as he approached the forcefield. "I apologize for being late, someone failed to inform me that I had someone waiting. I am Commander Firestorm to-Ennien, and I'll be your legal representation during these proceedings. Is there anything you need, before we start?"

"I don't know, legal immunity would be a start..." he grumbled, then shook his head. It wasn't even that funny. He glanced up at the arriving counsel. Not a species he necessarily recognised. "What sort of name is 'Firestorm'? Can't see it opening many doors for you in the legal sense."

The long tail flicked once, ears flattening on top of his head for a moment as he considered the question. "It is my Name," he answered, though the way he said it, implied a deeper meaning to it. "I chose it because of the conditions after my Walk, and because of the colour of my fur." His whiskers seemed to quiver as his tail looped slightly to show a hint of amusement. "Immunity may be a stretch, let's try for just getting you out of here first?" He pulled out a small PADD. " Can you tell me what you remember of the event?"

"It's in my statement. I gave the speech. I was walking back towards my seat, I passed Representative Blake, and a few steps later I was on my back with Security slapping the proverbial chains on me." He shook his head. "Nothing else stands out. Apparently there's some sort of evidence on my PADD, but...that can't be real. If I had to guess, I'd say someone was setting me up."

"Did you have your PADD with you at all times? Was it ever out of your sight?" Firestorm tilted his head a fraction. "This is important captain, tell me step by step what you remember, in your own words and memories. Who was with you at which time? Did you notice anything out of the ordinary?"

"Probably. There was a lot going on, and it's hard to tell what else was happening through the entire event. I arrived, met with some of the cadets, the commandant, Representative Blake and Nerak. Then we went straight on to the ceremony. I had contact with a lot of people," Kane explained.

"Did you speak with the representatives? Did anyone approach you before you delivered your speech? Or shortly after?" Firestorm was trying to get an image of what happened, purely based on his client's experience. This was a man of high standing and he would do his best to help him.

"Just Blake," he said. "I think Commander Zora and Lieutenant P'rel, too, but only briefly."

"Did any one or them touch you, or your PADD? Would any of them have been able to touch it or tamper with it?"

"Sure, anyone could have," he shrugged. "There were plenty of people around. If they did, they were smart about it. You'll need someone to go over it with a fine-toothed comb if you want to find out who did."

Firestorm paused, his tail tapping the ground a few times as he thought. "Captain, what are your expectations of me? I'm here to protect your career sir, but I can't do that without your help. So what are your expectations? Where do you need me to start, to help you?"

"Someone did this, that wasn't me. They want to make it look like I did. So the evidence, whatever it is, must have some gaps. Some way of discrediting it." He shook his head. He knew that P'rel would be working an angle, but that would need space, not scrutiny. "They'll want to drag my name through the mud, and make a show of it. We need to drag things out too, but only to allow time for the truth to come out."

"Then we will work on discrediting what evidence they have," the feline answered, "and we will drag things out for as long as we need to. I am at your service captain, I am here to serve you as well as justice. Let them drag your name, you will have your chance to clear it, and we will clear you. If I did not believe in your innocence, I would not be here. And I will do my best for you sir, you have my word." His long tail snaked forward and wrapped lightly around the captain's wrist. "Hold faith captain, and trust your crew. You must tell me who you trust most, who should best serve as your character witnesses?"

His jaw tightened a fraction. He didn't exactly have friends among the crew, so that question was more complex. "The longer service ones," he suggested. "They'll have had more experience of my style. They can be accused of loyalty, but that gives them an opportunity to explain why."

"If you can provide their names I can list then as witness for the defense."

"Sure," Kane shrugged. He'd be able to provide that easily. "I can give you some to get started. Anything else?"

"Keep faith captain," Firestorm purred, "a word of advice however... Don't speak to anyone without my presence. You have rights, and one of them is to refuse to be questioned without your counsel present. Call me, when someone wants to speak with you. Call me, if they want anything with you. Even examination, you may refuse without my presence."

"Right. I've already had that conversation with Commodore B-S." He folded his arms. "I'll make sure to pass that on."

Firestorm nodded, flicking his ears back as he brushed his whiskers in a moment of thought. "See that you do captain. Tell them nothing without my presence. Please tell me that they did read you your rights? Isn't that protocol after an arrest?"

"They followed the protocol, yes. You'll have all the recordings and details they took in your files, I'm sure. I doubt they'll have gone to all this trouble only to fall down on a failure to Mirandise," he said.

"You'd be surprised," Firestorm purred, "get some rest captain. We'll speak again soon, after you sent me the list of those you wish to testify on your behalf and I can hopefully prep them for their testimony."

"Of course." Assuming they'd let him anywhere near a PADD to do so. Maybe he needed to ask for a paper and pen. As his defence counsel departed, he wondered in the back of his mind if his new lawyer was a plant, too. But he had to dismiss that thought quickly, before it ended up in a spiral of paranoia. That would be playing into their hands, after all. Instead he had to hope that P'rel and the others were working on this from the right angles.


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