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Bridge Exam

Posted on Wed Jan 18th, 2023 @ 11:31am by Commander N'Garzi Zora & Lieutenant Commander Savin

Mission: Character Development
Location: XO's Office
961 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

It had been playing on his mind for a while now, though he hadn't been quite sure how to formulate the request. He knew his handicap was likely to be one of the main concerns too, though he refused to let it hinder him. He was well aware of his limitations and when and where he did need help. His mind now firmly made up, Savin approached the XO's office and signaled his presence.

"Counsellor," Zora greeted the man with a wide smile as he came through her door, "I was just about to have a cup of tea, can I tempt you with something?"

"I would not mind a cup of tea," the counselor acknowledged, as he approached, the door sliding shut behind him. "I am not interrupting something important am I?"

"You are actually," Zora responded as she moved over to the replicator whilst staying in his eye line, "however I welcome any distraction from doing crew evaluation reports so I'm happy you're here." She carried the tray of drinks over to the sofa and told him to take a seat. "What can I do for you?" She asked as she poured the steaming hot red-leaf tea into two cups.

"Thank you." Savin held the cup of tea between his hands as if to warm them. "I would like to take the bridge officer's exam," he continued without pause. "I realize it may be a challenge for me, and I also realize that due to my handicap it may be out of my reach, but I would at least like to try."

Zora didn't speak straight away, instead, she made herself more comfortable as she pondered her answer to the request she honestly didn't see coming. "I'm curious, do you see yourself as handicapped and do you honestly believe that would hinder any progression on this ship?"

"I am aware of my limitations," the counselor answered, "but I have never allowed being deaf to divert me from something I desired to do. If I had, I would not be here. I would never have attended the academy, or even starfleet medical, if I had. However I am also keenly aware that, if my parents had not fled the Empire as they had, I likely would not be alive at all. Therefor, I consider challenges as a means to improve. And I really would like to try this."

Zora nodded as she took a very small sip of the still scalding hot tea. "You're a very capable officer Commander," she finally said after replacing the cup back on its saucer, "and I wouldn't dream of holding you back because of your limitations. May I ask though, what has made you reach this decision?"

"I wish to expand on my capabilities and be able to take bridge duty as well. Take the center seat, when needed. I have no command training but most doctors or at least counselors, in my experience that is, seem to have done so. I have no desire of a command of my own, but I do wish to be able to help as needed."

"Well that's a great start," Zora said with a polite smile. "I have to be honest with you though, it's not as easy as memorising a few answers and then doing a big test. I think the reason not many doctors, or counsellors, do the bridge exam is that you are naturally trained to be empathetic and follow your heart. There's an element of that in command, in the big chair, but you also have to be a bit detached. Every commanding officer handles it differently but they all know that one day they may have to make decisions that can't save everyone, are you ready for that?"

"Even doctors are keenly aware they cannot save everyone commander," Savin answered, "we all hope never to be faced with that decision but we all know we are ready to make it when we need to. Yes I am ready for that. However.." He held up his hand. "I do believe additional command training may be needed before I actually take the exam. I have never had command training before, unless that is not a necessity to take the bridge exam?" He offered her the slightest of smiles. "Also, yes doctors are trained to be empathic...but I am capable of using logic when I am required to. I am, after all, raised Vulcan. I may not employ it on a daily basis, but I am capable of it, when I need to."

Zora smiled, "well it definitely sounds like you have given it some thought and as long as you feel ready, I have no issues granting your request." She reached for her tea and downed half the cup now that it had cooled some. "I absolutely would recommend some training first which I will be happy to go through with you. Our current mission should be rather simple so we can start straight away. I will create a curriculum that should work around your other duties on the ship."

"Thank you." It was a simple answer but the counselor's expression spoke volumes. "I should leave you to your reports," he offered before finishing his tea, "and my door is always open, should you desire a talk." It was an open invitation since he knew the first officer was unlikely to come see him without a hint to do so.

Zora made a face at the mention of reports, she had momentarily forgotten about them. "Thanks for the reminder," she said with a grin. She nodded as the Counsellor left, finished her tea and made her way back to her desk. Back to the grind!


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