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Just a catch up

Posted on Sun Aug 14th, 2022 @ 1:31pm by Commodore Jacob Kane & Lieutenant Commander Savin

Mission: Scylla and Charybdis
Location: Ready room
Timeline: MD-02
1179 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure

"Good morning captain," Savin greeted as he was granted entrance to the Captain's office. "I realize you and I have not spoken in quite some time. I you have a moment to..catch up?" The Romulan counselor approached the desk but gestured towards the couch and seats that gave part of the office a more living room feel.

Kane's eyes flicked upwards. He didn't immediately move from his desk, but recognised that counselling sessions were typically mandated for Captains and he'd avoided one for a while now. Starfleet might not be too impressed with him ducking them forever.

"I am quite busy," he said, "So we'll keep it brief." He put down the PADD in his hand and stared at the Counsellor. "I assume you start with some questions."

A friendly smile appeared on the counselor's face. "Actually... I was not intending this as a formal session though we may need to schedule one soon. But we do need to have a talk about crew wellness and I have some concerns I do need to address because it may affect crew safety. Otherwise I would never have broached the subject with you."

"Concerns?" he echoed. "What kind of concerns?"

"The chief engineer," the counselor ventured carefully, watching the captain closely. He knew he was treading on thin ice, but he felt his concern was justified. "She insists she is fine when clearly she is not. She refuses to rest and heal, and I have gathered that she is pushing everyone that shows any kind of care away. She has indicated that she is capable of taking care of herself but given observations, I am placing concerns on that. I a loss at the moment. How can we help someone who cannot and will not see that she does need help? How can we protect her from herself?"

"You realise that in bringing this to me you're essentially asking me to remove my Chief Engineer from duty. During a mission where I will undoubtedly need my brightest minds with their heads on-task." Kane frowned. He'd heard rumblings. Something about an altercation with a junior officer. He had been waiting for Keating's report on the matter, but it hadn't arrived. Not yet, at least. "Tell me: do I need to replace Lt Commander Keating right now?"

Savin shook his head. "I do not believe replacing is necessary, in fact I actually recommend against it. But I do need your assistance in enforcing rest times for her, and emphasize a need to heal." He sighed. "From what I have observed, she is pushing everyone away. Perhaps she will listen to you."

He was surprised at that recommendation. He suspected Keating respected - or perhaps feared - his authority, and that might not be the most helpful thing in the long term. However he wasn't the one with the psychology degree. That was what Savin was for.

"I'll arrange a conversation," he nodded slowly. "Is there anyone else I should be worried about? Lieutenant P'rel?" he asked.

"I have not yet had the opportunity to speak with P'rel since her return, however there was some very concerning behaviour prior to her disappearance. I am certain you have seen the reports on how she treated Commander Zora? Such practical jokes are going too far and border on conduct unbecoming. I did speak to her about that but I am not certain she understood. I have attempted to make her see the importance of teamwork, but this may take time." He paused, offering the slightest of smiles. "I promise I do not walk away from a challenge sir."

"Lieutenant P'rel is unorthodox in her approach, but her results speak for themselves," Kane replied. "We wouldn't have had any idea about the activities at Rondac without her work. Sometimes...Starfleet needs an individual that operates outside of the box to achieve the greater good. As much as we might dislike her methods." He scratched his beard, knowing that he was making a bit of an excuse for her. He'd protected P'rel for long enough, and although she had proven she was right, he did need her to play ball with the others. "I'll speak to her myself. Encourage her to seek you out even if I have to get Security to enforce the session."

"Enforcing sessions rarely pans out," Savin disagreed, "it would be better if it was a strong suggestion, especially in regards to her most recent ordeal. I do believe it is known across the ship that people are not required to come to my office, I am willing to see them in a location they are at ease. In my experience, that is actually rarely my office. That said, there is nothing wrong with unorthodox, but one can argue being a loner when working on a starship." He paused for a moment. "Would you consider her a friend?"

"No." He said it quite firmly and quite quickly. And it was the truth. In actual fact Kane didn't consider many people on the crew as 'friends', as much as anyone would want to try. They were colleagues, and he was their Commanding Officer. "However, speaking as a loner working on a starship, I feel I perhaps understand her better than most."

"I would not consider you a loner," the counselor admitted, "but if you understand her better than most of us, then I believe you are by far better suited to make her see the need of at least occasionally to work with people. I can only guide in that understanding. Perhaps, she needs an assignment where she is required to trust a team? Or at least learn to depend on a handful of people to get something accomplished?"

"Hm. I would say that her escapade with Lieutenant Keating would have covered that in spades," Kane mused. "But she does need to develop those team skills. I'll give your suggestion some consideration. Did you have anything else to add?"

"Not at this moment, unless there is something you would like to discuss?" Savin smiled. "Even captains need a counselor now and then," he added, "on or off the book, so to speak."

"This Captain is fine and focused," he replied. There had been the odd fitful night of sleep, but that was a minor issue and not something he cared to discuss. "Thank you, Counsellor. That will be all."

The counselor gave a single nod. "As long as you remember that I will be available, should the need arise. Confidentiality is guaranteed, discretion can be arranged." He stood and gave a soft sigh. "At any rate, thank you for listening to my concerns Captain."

"Bring them to me any time you have one," the Captain noted. As the counsellor left, he made a mental note to schedule some time to meet with the Intelligence officer. Perhaps when she wasn't preparing for their arrival the same as he was. Keating, on the other hand, might need some more direct intervetion...once their task in Titania was completed of course.


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