

Posted on Mon Jul 22nd, 2024 @ 9:57pm by Lieutenant Ame Solis M.D.

USS Corvus - Leiutenant Solis Ame

“I’m reassigned again. That’s like four positions in just as many years. I liked the Forrest and I like it here. The Athena is bigger and we’re not going to be far from home. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Dad was so shaken up by the Breen attack. I mean, even I was.” The voice sighs and there’s the quiet sound of shifting.

“Maybe it's time for him to go home, home to Bajor. Amah and Afah are getting old now. He should be with them. Deep Space Nine is over Bajor and it’s safer than a passing patrol. He shouldn’t be out there on his own. He could start a clinic of his own in the Province, I could help with that, not like I’m in dire need of a place to stay.

I’ve still not heard back from Jackson about the evaluation his parents arranged for the Ranch. I left it up to them, I don’t want to get involved. I don’t want any of it and I don’t think he understands that the longer this drags on …” the words trail off into silence.

“Ugh, the longer everything takes. I just want it to be done, no more files, finances or shared beneficiaries. And now, Mira put me forward to be Chief.”

‘Stop avoiding it, you can do it.’ There was an attempt at an accent, it was difficult to make out which one it was but, it wasn’t Bajoran. “I know I can do it, I just don’t want to let her down. She taught me everything, almost. Most things.” Another sigh can be heard before continuing.

“The crew are an interesting bunch, the facilities are something else. Up to date and compared to this place (Corvus) it's huge. Maybe not compared to 621 but that could almost be a museum. I’m excited and a bit nervous. Roster’s and overseeing is all new, it’s not mentoring. It’s leading.

I don’t want to command a Starship, that’s not me. I want to fix people and make things better. I can do that. Maybe I can find some like-minded people, engineers and science bodies. Injuries are personal, loss doesn’t just mean death you know? Like Jackson and his stupid eye.” A scoff can be heard followed by a quiet growl.

“Anyway, boxes are almost packed. I didn’t transfer over the big stuff, it’s still in storage at 621. I could only fit the essentials in here due to size restrictions. I guess I travel light now I don’t have a fixed abode. It’s a nice feeling not to be too tied down. Apart from Dad, I’ll broach the subject of Bajor when things get sorted. It should be enough to get him set up, he won’t have to worry. He shouldn’t have to worry.

It’s time to go, we should be in transporter range soon, everything's in boxes. I need to say goodbye.

Computer, end recording.”


