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I just called...

Posted on Fri Feb 28th, 2025 @ 11:00pm by Lieutenant Inara Deyren & Lieutenant Commander Savin

Mission: Character Development
Location: Private quarters
Timeline: MD5, early morning
2185 words - 4.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Having retired to his quarters after his attempted dancing with Doctor Solis, Savin had tried hard to quiet his inner turmoil. Though a counselor, he was hardly equipped to deal with this himself. He couldn't apply the advice he gave others to himself because of his own background. At least that's how he felt. Eventually, sleep had come, but it had been a restless night plagued by dreams. Dreams, he never had before, because he never did dream.

Foregoing his usual morning training routine, he went for the sonic shower then donned a fresh uniform before sliding into the seat at the workstation in his quarters. "Computer, contact Lieutenant Deyren, USS Vanguard."

Inara’s face scrunched into a squint as she hopped on one foot toward her terminal, wrestling with her boot as she threw herself down into the seat. The Betazoid blinked into existence on his screen as she drew her knee up to her chest to fasten the boot. “This is very early Savin.” She leaned closer to the screen to get a better look at the Romulan. “You’re looking a bit rough around the edges … everything okay?” She flexed her foot unseen and dropped it to the floor.

As it wasn't in his nature nor rearing to lie, Savin shook his head. "No, I did not sleep well," he admitted, knowing she'd see right through him even if he did try to hide the truth. "But again, how was he going to discuss is own feelings, when he didn't know exactly what he felt? "I apologize for the early call, but I had promised Doctor Solis that I would do so. We... had quite a discussion yesterday." He paused, briefly looking away from the screen before giving her all his attention again. "Did I wake you?" he finally asked, somewhat apologetically.

“Tell me all about it … the amount of incursion attempts from these people.” Inara tiredly ran her hands over her face trying to perk herself back up again. Her brow quirked at the mention of his Bajoran Doctor friend. “You promised the Doctor you’d speak to me?” Her eyes narrowed as she leaned in again, studying the image of him before reaching down to find her other boot. “You didn’t wake me, I’m just getting ready for shift, it’s been a long few days.”

"Indeed they have been," Savin agreed, rubbing his eyes. "If I were not on duty I would consider going back to bed. Yes...I did promise her. You...came up in conversation." He hesitated, smiling uncertainly. "It seems that you made an impression on her. Much like you did on me when we first met. Do you remember?"

“That doesn’t sound like you.” Inara tested the waters unable to pick up on the telepathic markers she’d have with him face to face. Someone was weighing heavy on his mind. “I made an impression on your Doctor? Well sure I remember. I don’t even think Varn managed to graduate with us… He didn’t know what hit him.” She gave a rueful smile as she thought back. “You’re not calling for a heartwarming story from days of old? What’s on your mind, Savin?” Her head tilted as she watched him looking for any other tell-tale signs.

"You know me too well." He watched her in turn. "Since we met again, I am experiencing... something I cannot explain," he ventured carefully. "I feel torn and conflicted. I am not certain what I feel, or how I should feel. But it makes it hard for me to focus, I do not know how to explain. " He fell silent for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "How do you see me?" He finally asked. "Just a friend? Perhaps more than a friend?"

The Betazoid forgot all about her boot as he spoke, her face seemed to freeze, or perhaps it was a break in the video feed. She listened without interrupting, he was serious and he was losing sleep. Inara sat herself a little more upright with her hands flat on the desk as she considered what he’d said. “I mean I was excited when I saw your name on Athena’s roster. I did check all the rosters of the squadron, it’s a force of habit.” She admitted honestly a smile creeping across her lips.

They parted to speak but she struggled to find the right words. “We haven’t seen each other in so long. You know fawning over Dessa. I never even gave it the time of day because you had someone.” Her shoulders rolled into a shrug.

He gave her a slow nod in understanding. "I did not fawn over her," he protested, "and I had has been years." He paused again. "I was delighted to see you again too," he admitted, "and quite surprised. We should not do that again, be without contact. I ... Missed you."

“I mean when dates usually end up in sickbay it’s not because I kicked their ass that hard …” Inara smirked and lifted her hands up to support her chin as her elbows rested on the desk. “Is that what your Doctor friend was talking to you about? Our … unconventional friendship? I didn’t want to potentially bother you on duty when I realised, so waited until a little after Alpha's shift. I don’t like interrupting counselling sessions.” Her jaw tensed as her tongue pressed against the back of her teeth. His face gave so little way.

Again he nodded. "Our unconventional friendship," he confirmed, "you would not have interrupted. I would have returned your message and invited you anyway. When the opportunity arises, I would like to meet up again, I do greatly enjoy your company." He sighed softly, seemingly fidgeting. "I can be myself," he added. "Even though I am not Vulcan, it seems a level of control is expected. People are surprised when I emote, regardless of my disability."

Inara’s gaze fixated on the image of the Romulan in front of her; she’d been so busy with tactical reports and incursions that she forgot how to connect. Whilst most wouldn’t have seen his little nuances. She did. “Could you be anything but yourself?” She smiled, tilting her head as it was propped in her hands. “You know you can’t keep me away now, but things are too heavy for me to jump in a shuttle right now.”

The Betazoid leaned in a little closer, “I don’t think anything gave me as much joy as it did the other day when I made you blush.” She grinned a little. “Not even as much as betting on ships who try their luck and what their reason will be for justifying their actions.”

"I can be anything but myself," he answered, "any time i needed to employ emotional control when a situation desired it, I was not myself." Her admission did surprise him, and it showed. "I do not wish to keep you away," he added seriously, "though I fail to understand why making me blush gives you more joy than betting on ships."

While she leaned closer to her screen, he leaned back a little to gain a better view. "I understand you cannot just come over and visit, for the same reasons I cannot do the same. I would, if I could. I would like to see your ship, perhaps you can let me know when it is viable to do so?" He paused, hesitating as he wasn't sure how to best put his feelings into words. "I desire to spend more time with you," he finally admitted.

A smirk crossed her lips as he leaned back and audible tsk under her breath. “Savin, are you asking if you can come on over?” She didn’t even think her own mother had objections to things like that, connection was encouraged. “My little pocket rocket isn’t as exciting as you think, though Thes my be pleased to be let off for another training session.”

His last words gave her pause, pressing her lips firmly together. Desire? Want. “You know I won’t say no to that.” She smiled and ran her fingers down her neck with a sigh. “Let’s see what we can come up with. When the stars align.”

"I am," he confirmed her first question, supporting it with a slight nod, though her next comment seemed to confuse him. "Pocket rocket? He queried as he studied her for clues that may give him more information. "I did mean when we have time," he clarified with a rueful smile, "not right now when the ships are engaged with their duties. Clearly, you were getting ready to head out, but perhaps we can.... virtually share dinner later? Or actually share it if time and location permits?"

She quietly huffed a laugh, careful not to let it come across as teasing. “A small ship that can move fast,” Inara clarified, letting her fingers settle beneath her chin. Her head bobbed in an easy nod as she watched the telltale tug at the corner of his mouth. It was subtle, barely there, but she caught it, just as she always had.

“I’m getting ready to head to the bridge—no rest for the wicked,” she continued, stretching slightly before settling back into her seat. Her gaze flicked over the screen, studying him for a beat longer than she meant to. “So, what, you want to sit there and watch me eat? Or more likely, watch me push my food around until you can’t help but bristle in frustration? I remember that look, you know.” She smirked, tilting her head in mock contemplation. “Or maybe you just enjoy the suffering of watching me commit culinary crimes in real-time.”

Her smirk softened into something more thoughtful as she let the moment linger. “But really, I’d like that. Just… probably better to plan something later in the day. Things have been—” her jaw tensed briefly before she exhaled, shaking her head. “Let’s just say ‘busy.’”

"And you watch me eat, I suppose," he added, seeing the brief flit of tension. "I would like to hear about your... busy... time, if you are allowed to discuss it." He smiled politely at her. "Perhaps I just like to spend time with you," he clarified, "you accept me as I am, you always have. And you are one of few who actually do tell me when I slip into counselor mode when I do not intend to do so." It was an honest observation, because he did enjoy her company.

Inara’s lips quirked as she studied him, resting her chin lightly in her palm. "You do have a habit of sounding like you’re about to take notes on my emotional well-being," she teased, her voice lilting with amusement. "But you always meant well, and I suppose I never minded too much—most of the time. Can’t have that added to my file, though. ‘Deyren, Inara: Occasionally tolerates unsolicited counselling.’ I’d never live it down."

She stretched, rolling her shoulders back before flashing him a knowing smile. "Alright, let’s set something up later. You can eat like a civilized person, and I’ll horrify you with whatever I scrape together. Sounds fair?" Her smirk softened, her tone shifting to something more sincere. "And why wouldn’t I accept you as you are? You’re perfectly fine the way you are, Savin. Always have been."

A beat passed, and she tilted her head, letting her gaze linger. "I’ve gotta go before the bridge starts wondering if I’ve fallen into a turbolift shaft, but—" she tapped a finger against the desk, considering, "—don’t overthink too much before dinner, alright?"

He smiled at her, not certain how to take her compliment. "I promise not to overthink," he told her. "Go, I would not wish for search parties to be sent out for you because you run late because of me. If anything, just blame me since I did keep you. I should head to my office anyway as well." He touched the screen with his fingers in parting greeting. "I will see you tonight."

Inara huffed a quiet laugh, reaching for her last boot as she shifted in her seat. “Mm, I think I’ll skip the blame game this time—don’t want to risk your spotless reputation, after all.” Her smirk lingered as she straightened, tapping a finger idly against the desk.

“But alright, I’m really going now before they send someone to drag me out by the collar. See you tonight, Savin.” She let the moment settle, her gaze warm before she added, “And don’t overthink too much before then, okay? I’d like at least some of your attention left for dinner.”

With a final, knowing smile, she tapped the console to end the call.


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