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Puss in Boots - Part 2

Posted on Fri Aug 30th, 2024 @ 10:38pm by Ensign George Paxton & Ensign Myfanwy Cahiracon

Mission: Into the Qniverse
Location: In fairy tale land
Timeline: Once upon a time - immediately following Puss in Boots Part 1
1707 words - 3.4 OF Standard Post Measure

"I suppose we need to make our way to the village then. I don't have any money though, do you?" George asked as he patted himself down.

"Perhaps we could sing or perform to earn some money?" suggested Myfanwy. "A singing cat should be unusual, yes?"

"Well," George half shrugged and gave a slight nod. "I guess you don't often see a singing cat, so maybe. Worth a try anyway."

So they did and indeed, the sight, and sound, of a singing cat earned them some coin. With which they purchased a small bag of grain, a large sack and a length of cord.

"I have to admit," George looked at his furry companion, "I wasn't sure if a singing cat would be too odd and we would get burned at the stake or something based on the time period from which we seem to be set. I'm glad it didn't come to that. You have a great voice by the, what's your plan with this stuff anyway?"

"Did you not hear?" Myfanwy said. "The King loves partridges but they have been hard to find. But somehow," she shrugs, "I know where to find some in the woods. I will go catch them and take them to the King. You see about getting some better clothes and cleaning yourself up."

"Oh, right, of course! I need to look good if I'm to impress the princess," George wasn't entirely sure why he felt enamored by the young lady in the carriage, but he also knew he just had to be with her. Though he also had a vague recollection of already being in a relationship. He shrugged the feeling off. "I'll meet you back in the town square in an hour, deal?"
"Make it two, those partridges can be tricky," said Myfanwy

It was in fact nearly three hours before Myfanwy returned with an empty bag and a swagger.

"What do you think?!" George showed off his fancy new clothing. He was clad in a deep blue medieval men's dress blouse with ornate golden details swirling around the sleeves. A small velvety cape was attached at the top and matching leggings made the outfit complete.

"You will make a passable Graf," said Myfanwy critically.

"Passable? I'll be irresistible in these clothes combined with my adorable fluffy company," George beamed before realizing he'd once again demeaned his fellow starfleet officer. "I mean, well, look I'm sorry but you are adorably cute. I'm going to do my best to stop saying that, but it'll be difficult. I'm such a sucker for cats. Anyway, let's get this show on the road shall we?"

"Indeed," said Myfanwy. "The next step will require us to venture out into the countryside. There are three farms and a village you will need to go to and convince the people there if anyone asks who 'owns this land' they need to reply, "The Graf owns this land,'" She stretched. "Then meet me at the castle on the hill you will see from the village. A not very nice wizard lives there, but I will take care of him."

"How do you plan on taking on a wizard in your, uh, current condition?" He gestured at her general size and disposition as a cat, genuinely curious as to what her plan might be.

Myfanwy tapped the side of her nose. "Do not worry about me, boyo, I have a plan. You just convince the people that the Graf owns the land and then meet me at the wizard's tower."

"Suit yourself," he replied, a little disappointed but excited still to be working towards his goal of collecting the Princesses hand. He trod off without further discussion and spent the next couple of hours enjoying pleasant discussions with the local people. In many cases, he was able to help them with manual tasks in return for their word to proclaim him as the Graf. Once, he calmed a baby that had supposedly been crying for days with a simple maneuver to relieve gas that he had learned over the years of babysitting his nieces and nephews. In another instance, he wrestled a large reptile, which was quite simple for a man that had wrestled a full-size alligator on more than one occasion. Best of all, he managed to do it all with little impact to his fancy new clothes he had purchased.

Myfanwy scampered off, maneuvering through the fields and villages with ease, before coming up to the castle. She knocked on the door, "Oh great wizard, please greet this humble petitioner."

After a moment, the door creaked open. A tall man with a large nose and a dark gaze looked out over the door, and did not notice Myfanwy at first.

"Ahem," she said. "Oh great wizard, you fame has spread far and wide. I come seeking to be your apprentice."

He looked down his nose. "A talking cat, how unusual."

"Please, oh great wizard. I have come from far away, but even there word of your magic has reached us. Your talent with shapeshifting magic is truly a wonder."

"Well," he said, stroking his beard. "I suppose it is. But I am not sure about an apprentice."

"But I have come so far," said Myfanwy dejectedly. "Could I at least see your magic in action? So I can tell the people at home about it."

"I would hate for people to be disappointed . . ." he said. Myfanwy knew that appealing to his ego was the right way to play this. "What about this!" his form swirled and a majestic lion appeared and roared.

Myfanwy clapped. "Oh wonderful! But can you do something bigger? Maybe a rhino?"

"Pah, a rhino. Watch this!" Once again his form swirled and then an elephant resolved from the magic and trumpeted!

Myfanwy clapped even more loudly. "Amazing! Truly magnificent. But I am told only a true master of the art can assume a form as small as a mouse. Is that true?" She was actually rather queasy about this part but it was how the story was supposed to play out.

"Ha! Not only is it true but I am such a master of my craft, I can manage a mouse without effort!" he pompously announced as the elephant, this time the magic swirled smaller and smaller until before Myfanwy was a bright eye mouse.

"See!" squeaked the mouse. "I am the . . ." Before he could finish, Myfanwy pounced and snapped his neck with a powerful bite. Mice being the natural prey of cats after all. She should consume him but the strict logic of the story but she could not bring herself to eat another sentient, killing was bad enough, even if he was an evil wizard. She found a trowel and dug a small grave for the wizard and buried him in the, impressive gardens, and waiting for George to arrive/ He had best do so before the king did.

George arrived a few hours later. "Oh hi!" He waved and he approached his fluffy friend. "Everyone here is so pleasant. To be honest, I had a great time. Anyway, they all agreed to tell anyone that asks that I own the land. I had to do in a few favors in return, though truth be told I'd have done them anyway." His face featured a wide grin that shone from ear to ear. "How did your mission go? I haven't seen any evil wizards lately so I'm assuming it was a success?"

"The evil wizard has . . . left the building to you, the Graf, and the King's carriage should be along any moment now," said Myfanwy.

As if on cue, an ornate carriage was seem rumbling down the path. George stepped out in the middle of the road to stop it. This was his chance to ask for the princesses hand in marriage and he would not let the opportunity pass.

"What is the meaning of this interruption?!" A stern voice shouted from the coaches interior as it screeched to a halt.

"Your majesty," George tapped on the window of the carriage before unceremoniously allowing himself in. "Please, excuse the intrusion, but I must ask for the princesses hand in marriage. I recently learned of her captivating beauty and can think of nothing else. I must be with her, at all costs. I promise to take excellent care of her and I can provide for her, of course. You see, I'm the Graf so obviously I have a good set of income. And I have a really cute cat! Who will surely keep her entertained." George pointed at Myfanwy with a look that said 'please play along'.

Myfanfy bowed to the King. "Your Majesty, this is the noble Graf who sent you those fine partridges. So you know he is a man of wealth and taste."

"Oh! My, those partridges were quite fine indeed." The king bellowed, impressed with the young Graf's abilities. "Still, I'm not sure if some partridges are quite enough to take the princesses hand in marriage. No, no," he put a hand to his chin and scrunched his brows, deep in thought. "Especially since others have also asked for her hand in marriage. I think a further test shall be required. You've already demonstrated your wealth, now I require a test of strength."

"Of course, my Lord. I am as strong as I am wealthy. I'll be happy to prove it," George noted like an eager puppy.

"Yes, meet me in the castle courtyard. Tomorrow at dawn. You may bring your companion with you as well to fight by your side if you desire." The king then gave George a swift boot out of the carriage door.

Myfanwy watched the King's carriage go. "We have gone offscript. I have no idea what to expect tomorrow. A test of strength? What can that mean."

"I have no idea," George shrugged, "but I'll be up for it for sure. I just hope it's wrestlin' a gator, but whatever the task I'm sure together we can accomplish it."

Myfanwy looked at George as though he were mad. "I had best do some studying and you should get some rest. You will need all your strength for tomorrow."


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