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Friendly Drinks

Posted on Sun Jul 14th, 2024 @ 1:43pm by Lieutenant Xavier Leiko & Lieutenant Commander Finnley Keating VII & Lieutenant JG Astrja Kyan

Mission: Into the Qniverse
Location: Legoria II
Timeline: MD01
1489 words - 3 OF Standard Post Measure

Xavier materialised on Legoria II and breathed in the aroma-thick air. The breeze was light and the suns were warm and he felt better than he had done in days. He was bombarded with thoughts of joy, laughter, and love the second he became aware after the transporter beam rescinded, but he welcomed the feelings, lost in their waves of depth and richness. He could almost taste the emotions and would have lost himself in that moment forever if someone hadn't called his name.

Xavier opened his eyes, unsure of when he had closed them, and saw Finn and Kyan rushing towards him. "Let me guess," he said as he held up a hand to slow their approach. "It's drinking time?"

"It is having fun time," said Astrja. "If you do that by drinking, then, yes!"

"Do you have any idea how hard it was to get actual alcohol in this place? I had to bribe the bartender a hefty amount just for this one bottle mystery liquor. It's not even rum," Finn looked at the bottle in her hand somewhat dejectedly before leaning in for a whisper. "It's still better than the synthohol that they're serving the rest of these suckers though."

"Do you have any plans yet?" asked Astrja. "Besides experimenting with odd bottles of unknown origin."

"You don't come to paradise to make plans," Xavier replied as he took the mystery bottle from Finn and studied it intensely. He pulled out the cork and brought the bottle closer to his nose. "Bajorian spring wine? No, Miwitian Punch I think." He handed the bottle to Kyan for her analysis. "Either way, it'll do the job, I think," he said with a broad smile.

Astrja wrinkled her nose at the smell. "Too strong for me I suspect. I am a lightweight when it comes to such things."

"I guess that means more for us," Finn took the bottle back with a grin that stretched clear from one ear to the other. "But it feels like it would be boring to just drink here, either of you happen to do any research on this planet? Surely there has to be something more entertaining around?"

"There is a dance club down the way," said Astrja with a gesture. "There is an Alpha Centauran Punk-Pop band, Suns Spin, playing live in about twenty minutes."

"Have you seen me dance? Its not something anyone really wants to witness. Though I'll tag along and listen to the bands for a bit," Finn shrugged, either way it was an exit from having to mingle amongst the masses at a party and she'd take just about any exit she could find.

"We probably should stick around a little longer..." Xavier started to say but then he began thinking of all the people who would be at the club. All of the raw emotions reverberating around the room in time to the beat of the music and rhythm of the dancers. The thrill of it called to him and he knew he had to go with them. "Let's go now before someone stops us."

"This way," Finn pointed towards an exit. One that she figured would be less visible from where she had seen Kane last. She'd lost site of Zora as well, but luck seemed to be siding with them as no one noticed or stopped them as they slipped out.

"Alright," Finn took a deep breath as piled out into the street and then looked to Kyan. "I got us out, you get us to the club."

"Happily," said Astrja, almost skipping ahead of the other two. "Come on!"

The club they arrived at a few minutes later was slammed with people and Finn suddenly regretted ever leaving the party. This was so much worse. Loud music and wall to wall people. Her worst nightmare. Another long sip from whatever alcohol they had smuggled helped to dampen the anxiety. thirty minutes, tops, she told herself as the other two squeezed into the club after her.

Astrja offered earplugs to Finn who looked distressed by the noise. "Find yourself a quiet corner. I'll be on the dance floor."

Finn accepted the ear plugs and looked to Xavier. "I'm going to find a seat at the bar. You can take this if you're going to head to the dance floor," she offered the bottle of mystery liquor.

Xavier barely heard Finn's words, he was in a bubble of emotions and feelings. He had never felt like this before, so overwhelmed but yet so in control. The crowd, as one, was one big noise, a symphony without a conductor. He was able to zone in on a group of people, their instruments more in sync like listening to a particular section of the greater whole. If he focused further, he could isolate a singular person to the point of almost hearing their heartbeat among the uproar of the club. He had never been able to do that before; it excited him and scared him too.

Astrja had already vanished into the mass of dancers, her short statue making her hard to pick out among the mix of species dancing away.

Xavier suddenly noticed that Kyan was no longer with them and he stood with Finn, her sense of overwhelming anxiety clouding his previous feelings of euphoria. "No I'll sit with you for a while," he managed to say. "You okay?"

"Me? I'm fine. You know I don't like crowds, and dancing, and...all this pure fleeting joy, ugh." Finn rolled her eyes, though her lips curled into a slight smile as they walked towards the bar. "What about you? You've been a bit...spacey lately." She slid a chair out and offered it to her friend before taking a seat herself. "It's not really like you."

"I'm just enjoying myself," Xavier lied as he fell into the seat. He was grateful that she wasn't a telepath and hoped the alcohol would mask his deception. "We're on shore leave," he added, throwing his arms in the air. "Live a little, it's been ages since you let your hair down."

""Yea, but it's been since before shore leave, Xav." She shot him a side eyed glance. "When we were on the bridge fighting the Gorn you were mostly yourself, but there were a couple times where you paused uncharacteristically...Are you sure nothing more is going on in that mind of yours? And as for my hair, I prefer it up. So much more practical. Gets in the way when it's down, obviously," Finn smiled.

Xavier rolled his eyes at her attempt to be funny. "You've been spending too much time with P'rel," he smirked. He could feel the worry in her thoughts, resulting in a pang of guilt, but that quickly disappeared as Kyan returned with a tray of drinks. Saved by the antennas he thought to himself. "What have you got here?" He asked the shorter Andorian.

"Fruit juice with a twist of tea," said Astrja offering the tray, "sugars for now, caffeine for later, a good mix." She smiled. "Are you sure you are not interested in dancing?"

"Nah, not for me," Finn shook her head as she grabbed a drink. "You two should go have fun though. I'll head back to the ship in a minute, don't let my lack of dancing skills keep you from having fun," Finn tilted her drink as if to cheers her crew mates before taking a sip.

Xavier held up his drink in the toast and then threw the liquid down his throat. "Come on Kyan, let's go and find Finn a man. One that can melt that icy heart of hers," he added with a grin in Finn's direction.

"Would that please you?" asked Astrja. "Or would you prefer a nice woman? Or no one at all. No judgment. I swing both ways but I have some asexual friends as well."

Finn shrugged. "I'm not picky," she lied. Finn might have been the pickiest when it came to partners, not that it mattered since she had zero intention of staying at the club long enough to have to meet anyone they might bring back. "You two have fun," she tilted her glass in a cheers motion with a smirk on her devious looking face.

Antrja's antennae curled slightly. "See you then." She went off to join Xavier. "I think we are about to be abandoned by our Commander. This really is not her scene."

Xavier shrugged. "Leave her to it, the gump," he said with a big grin. "I have no intention of leaving yet, this place is... infectious," he said after a long pause trying to think of the right word. He meant it too, the mesh of emotions was more intoxicating than any drink the Andorian could offer him.

"Then let us dance," said Astrja, moving to music.


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