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O' Power Console, My Heart Belongs to Thee

Posted on Sun Jul 21st, 2024 @ 7:50am by Lieutenant JG Nayisa Wrea & Lieutenant JG Astrja Kyan

Mission: Into the Qniverse
Location: Resort
Timeline: After "Suliban Slammers"
908 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure

It was a little awkward for Nayisa to be at the party. On a personal level, it was weird, as she had just gotten used to her boring life of restricted duty before she was informed that her good behavior lifted the restriction early. Professionally, she was one of a handful of junior officers present, having been invited due to her work from the last mission. Should she go talk to the senior officers, or the juniors? It was awkward with the seniors, so she went to hang out with the juniors, but that led to a rarher abrupt departure after Fenn decided to ruffle feathers. Again.

Her decision making led her to option three, which was to wander the resort, her remaining Suliban Slammer in hand, as she admired the place. It seemed that she wasn't the only one with this idea, as several small groups were on similar adventures. More specifically, she was giving that old ops brain a chance to work, trying to guess the underlying mechanics to the ever-shifting ambient lighting, the environmental controls... Pausing at a console, Nayisa inspected it, eyes darting between various buttons in an attempt to guess what each one did without touching it.

"You know, we are suppose to be having fun, not doing work," said a teasing voice from behind her. "Besides, the consoles are locked, I already tried," said the slim and short Andorian stepping around and into view. "I am Astrja Kyan, Chief Assistant to the Chief of Operations," she said offering a hand.

The voice behind Nayisa grabbed her attention, and she pulled her eyes away from the console to meet an Andorian's gaze. "What, I can't just admire good circuitry?" She offered a smile that hinted to a mix of mild embarrassment and amusement before accepting the hand offered to her. "Nayisa Wrea... formally an Infiltration Specialist but currently playing a role similar to 'secretary' for the Intelligence Chief."

"Well, if you ever need help from Ops, let me know," said Astrja. "It is an impressive integrated system. I was hoping to be able to play with the weather control, maybe get a nice rainbow. But it was not to be."

A sigh of mock exasperation came from the intelligence officer. "Shame, it would have been fun to mess with." Leaning in slightly, as if the conversation were to be secret, Nayisa added with enthusiasm, "what's your theory on the underlying mechanics?"

"Probably some blend of holographic hard light and transporter technology connected to a deep learning algorithm to subtly nudge the weather into doing what the local party planners want," said Astrja.

"The weather's controlled by computers," the silver-haired woman joked with a little smirk. She recalled reading about weather-related conspiracy theories dating as far back as the 20th century. Who knew that they'd eventually be right? She looked up at the walls, searching for things that could pass as well-concealed emitters or transporter tech. "You're at least right on the holographic component," she commented, pointing out an emitter that blended in very well into the textures on the wall.

Astrja shrugged. "If you are willing to spend the money and processing power, weather control is viable. Especially in a small area or better yet, a controlled one. Every one likes the right weather for their vacation, after all," she said with a with a smile. "So, what do you like to do on vacation, Nayisa?"

"Vacation? What's that?" Nayisa teased. "I usually just hang out, hit up a beach or something. You?"

"Relax a bit, dance, find a good lucking boy or girl to have a good time with," Astrja smiled. "Do you like to dance?"

Nayisa gave a shrug, turning her attention back to the console. If she could just pop the cover and peek inside... "Only the Cheerful Barter." She did the dance move, pretending to hold something in one hand and presenting it forward, then pulling that hand back and using her other hand to make a stop motion. She repeated it a couple of times with rhythmic flair before the silliness of it all made her chuckle. "I'm usually too serious to dance," she said with a smirk.

Astrja grinned and leaned against the console. "That is not bad, you have a good sense of motion. If you could let yourself relax, I bet you would be good at dancing." She looked at the other woman. "You should come with me, I'll show you how."

"You're just trying to get me away from this console, aren't you?" Nayisa asked with a grin.

"Hey, I am not one to come between someone and their console," said Astrja holding her hands out. "But I just think you will have more fun with a vivacious Andorian than with a secured console, but I might be wrong."

Nayisa pondered it for a moment before abandoning her drink at the console and accepting Astrja's hands. "I did just have a few Suliban Slammers that, in hindsight, I probably drank too fast. Maybe a dance might help reduce the impending hangover."

"Movement is always good," said the Andorian holding Nayisa's hands and pulling her along. "Do you have a preferred musical style? I like poppy stuff in general but I can dance to anything."

"I'm down for whatever," Nayisa smiled. She let her dance partner select the music before they repositioned their hands to dance.

Astrja smiled and curtsied. "Now, we dance."


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