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Hello again

Posted on Wed Jul 24th, 2024 @ 8:23am by Commander Amaya Lance & Lieutenant Commander Savin

Mission: Character Development
Location: The Party
Timeline: At the Party
1034 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Carrying his tray with a small gathering of different items of food towards a table, Savin turned sharply when he spotted someone he really hadn't expected to be on the ship. He paused to make sure he wasn't mistaken, then couldn't help but smile as he changed direction. "Captain Lance...may I join you?" He asked, not knowing any better than that she was a commanding officer.

"Still only Commander, Mr Savin," Amaya corrected lightly. "And yes, you may if you like."

"My apologies captain, I had assumed being in command came with a promotion." The counselor sat down across from her. "I had missed you prior to Commodore Kane's return, you were gone somewhat fast." He paused briefly. "I was concerned..." He admitted, "I had wanted to tell you that I felt that under the circumstances given to you, you performed very well. And that would be my professional opinion as well. I am pleased however that you were given your own command."

Amaya hesitated fractionally as he referred to her by the incorrect rank a second time, but quickly glossed over it in her mind. "That's very kind of you to acknowledge. It was an important step on a much longer journey, I'm sure you understand. But one I am very much moving forwards through, rather than treading water."

"I am pleased to hear that," Savin answered, smiling slightly, "I find that command is a learning curve and that being in command can be rather daunting." His own struggle with the bridge command test was at least proving that, even if he wasn't doing too badly at that. "How are the crew treating you since you are visiting the Athena?"

"Fine, thank you," Amaya nodded. She glanced over her shoulder, spotting the Commodore and a few others. "I've not spoken to many, but I don't feel any particular animosity from them." She inclined her head. "How are they treating you?"

"Like a counselor," Savin chuckled, "it seems difficult for people to treat me as anything other than that. Always a fear of being analyzed. I suppose I understand, but it would be nice to be seen as 'one of them ' once in a while. And there should not be any animosity, you did what you could with what little was given to you. I am certain most will agree within those parameters you actually did quite well."

"People seem to think I did." She nodded. "And believe me, I'm no stranger to being a pariah around people; when they think you've lost your nerve it's surprising how quickly those 'looks' start. The ones they don't think you notice." Amaya smiled faintly. "But keep going. You'll build that trust eventually."

"I should hope so." He noticed the faint smile at her comment but chose not to enquire, especially because he didn't want this to turn into a counseling session. "Perhaps in time I will actually build some friendships, aside from my aide who I have known for a very long time. He is almost like a brother to me." He decided to try something different, in the hope of keeping this light. "I do have a younger brother, but I have not spoken with him in quite a few years, perhaps I should remedy that soon. Do you have any siblings?"

"I had a sister," Amaya nodded, maintaining her composure despite her thoughts being cast back. "Alaina. She passed away many years ago, in the line of duty." Another pause as she considered that. "If you ask me, you shouldn't take your siblings for granted. You never know when the last time you speak to them will be."

"Indeed," Savin agreed, "I am sorry for your loss ma'am." His nature would have him enquire after their sibling bond but he caught himself just in time."I will get in touch with my brother, as you said, you never know and it was almost too late." He paused, looking down at his now near empty plate. "I am taking the bridge command test," he finally continued, "that is, Commander Zora is instructing me. Do you have any...suggestions?" He wasn't exactly failing, but he wasn't excelling at it either.

Amaya considered that for a few moments in silence. Having taught students at the academy herself, it was an odd reminder of that time. "Trust your instincts," she answered. "There will be moments where you face impossible decisions without knowing the answers; but those are the moments you need to listen to your gut. It's very easy to forget that."

Savin nodded, that was something he was already used to given his line of work. "That it is," he agreed. "I am glad to have spoken with you ma'am, since I missed the opportunity last time. I should get back to work, I have a few appointments waiting before the end of my shift. Perhaps we can speak again later?"

"Your shift?" Amaya glanced around at the party, surprised that Savin was classing this as 'on duty'. "I guess if you're busy then I'll wish you well. Good luck with the command tests."

Noticing the surprise, the counselor smiled. "Yes ma'am, I still have a shift before I can enjoy some down time. This was my meal break. Unfortunately a counselor's duty never really ends but I do employ breaks. I too need them, contrary to common belief that Vulcans and perhaps Romulans may not need them. I assure you though, our conversation was not a session. I enjoyed speaking with you."

Amaya nodded, a little thankful that he wasn't her counselor - otherwise she'd have chastised him for working too hard. Instead she raised her glass. "Thank you for the non-session, then."

Perhaps he did work too hard, especially after still being in the process of recovery after a grave injury. However, he enjoyed his work and he was needed after last mission and he did make sure he had his down time. He smiled pleasantly at her. "Perhaps we may speak again before you depart," he offered, even though it was more like a request. He had enjoyed the conversation and her company. "Enjoy your stay ma'am," he added before walking away.


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