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Healthy Mind

Posted on Fri Oct 13th, 2023 @ 10:15pm by Lieutenant Commander Savin & Lieutenant JG Astrja Kyan

Mission: Character Development
Location: Counselling Offices
Timeline: ?
1421 words - 2.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Asraja checked her datapad, this was the place. She tapped the chime. "Lieutenant Kyan to see the Counselor on duty as requested." She did not feel any particular need to speak to a counselor but if Starfleet wanted her to, she was not going to disappoint.

Alerted by the strobe, Savin looked towards the door. "Come in," he called out, while quickly glancing towards his schedule. Had he missed an appointment?

Astraja drifted in, looking around. "Hello," she gave a little wave and held up her datapad. "Starfleet said I should talk to a counselor. Would that be you?" The young Andorian's eyes and antennae both betrayed a curiosity about the situation at hand.

"Indeed I am," the Romulan confirmed as he walked around his desk to accept her PADD. He watched her closely, recognizing curiosity from the way her antennae moved. "Did Starfleet say why you should beyond a brief getting to know you for your boarding baseline?" He gestured towards the homey seating area.

"No, Counselor," replied Astrja. "I think there were concerns that I would be all snow-tossed by the rapid change of postings but I had only begun to settle on the Gwydion when I was transferred here." She shrugged. "I am pretty comfortable taking life as it comes, you know? Best to be flexible."

"Snow-tossed?" He arched a single eyebrow at her, his eyes never leaving her as he gave her his full attention. "Life comes, regardless of what one does or how one prepares," he agreed, "but some things do need some planning." He eased himself down in one of the chairs, gesturing for her to do the same. "Why not start by telling me a little about yourself?"

Astrja sat across from Savin and smoothed her uniform skirt. "Well, I am almost fresh out of the Academy, graduated about fifteen standard months ago. Served at Space Dock for about a year and then transferred to the Gwydion and when she was put on standby, I got bounced here. You have probably looked at my Cadet record, so you know I have the singular honor of being ranked last in my year," she grinned, "but I still graduated and that is what counts."

"I did not actually," Savin admitted, "I was not aware of your arrival. You are correct however, your grades are of no concern. It is how you carry yourself going forward that matters. Out of curiosity though, why did you finish last?"

"Well . . ." she pondered. "Mostly because I did not find the coursework that interesting. I like doing things but I do not much care for writing out how I am going to do things. My practical grades carried me through, just. Besides, there are so many more interesting things to do on Terra than study for the next exam."

"Indeed. And again, exams only prepare you for the duties that come after. Also, nothing ever seems to work out the way you were taught them.." he smiled at her. "And practice does make perfect. What are your hopes for your future career?"

"See the galaxy, help people, make friends," she smiled. "I love being in Starfleet and the work we do, that is why I wanted to get a ship posting. Much more interesting people to meet. Space dock was alright but it was mostly the same people."

"Those are very good plans to have. But they are not exactly career plans. Where do you see yourself say, five years from now?"

Astrja shrugged. "I have not really thought that far ahead. Maybe Chief Ops on a ship, that could be fun, maybe still assistant chief, or maybe chief assistant to the assistant chief? There is always work to be done and people to meet so I cannot imagine I will get bored." She tilted her head. "I am thinking most people are telling you in five years they aim to be on the command track and how they want to captain their own ship? Not me, I do not want that kind of responsibility," she shook her head.

"Most do," Savin acknowledged. "I have no desire for a permanent command either, but i do wish to be able to step in when needed. It has taken me a long time to consider." He paused, nodding toward the cups and pot on small table "tea?" He asked quietly.

"Sure, what sort of blend is it?" she asked leaning forward. "I have some actual leaf Andoria The in my quarters if you would like to try it sometime. Though we have some pretty good replicator patterns too."

"Nothing beats real tea but alas this is replicated. Regular tea I fear, though I can replicate anything you prefer. I would welcome your offer to try actual Andorian tea, I do not believe I have ever had it. Usually, I have Vulcan spice tea."

Astrja nodded. "I like that best with honey. Andoria The and Terran chocolate milk are the drinks of choice in Ops."

"I would agree. However I am not fond of chocolate. My aide however, is extremely fond of it. Perhaps you can share recipes with him some time." The counselor smiled as he sipped his tea.

"I would be happy to," smiled Astrja blowing on her tea before taking a sip. "And we need to set up a time for Andorian The. I guess that is all for now, Counselor? It has been pleasant to talk and have tea but I still have," she ran through a mental list, "seventeen things to do before shift ends."

"I would welcome such an invitation, thank you. I am always interested in learning new cultural endeavours. Now, finish your tea first," Savin suggested as he studied her. "You have plenty of time yet to finish other errands, of which I am certain do not require completion before your very first shift." He paused, watching her yet again. "Do you have any questions for me?"

Astrja sipped the tea and thought about the question. "No, not yet anyway. Well, the things do not need to be done so soon but I want them out of the way, mostly paperwork things that can trip you up if not filed. I learned a lot about the bureaucracy when I was assigned to Space Dock."

"It is interesting people still call it paperwork, when actual paper has not been used in over a century," Savin commented, continuing an attempt at small talk. He wondered why she had accepted the offer of tea, when clearly she was in a hurry.

"Isi," mused Astrja, "Paper . . . work. Like in the historical holograms? Physical paper to keep track of things. I had never made the connection and it is so obvious." She laughed and took another sip of tea. "I am glad to live here where the computers take care of most of the work."

"It can be quite...relaxing... to write something by hand," the counselor offered, "or educational as one might remember something a little easier."

"Those who write it down, read it twice,'" quoted Astrja. "My cousin, Njalia, definitely follows that advice. I am more a make notes of what catches my attention and hope it will trigger memories, sort of note taker."

"I am required to pay attention regardless, I cannot afford not to or I will miss most of what is being communicated. Especially if I do not have my aide with me, like now," the counselor commented, almost off-handedly as if it was nothing worthy of note. "And occasionally, I do like to use old-fashioned stationary, just to get a feel of how things used to be." He seemed to shrug. "Call it nostalgia, if you will."

Astrja nodded. "I am still young but even I occasionally get nostalgic," she said with a faint smile, thinking of her childhood and Njalia. She sighed and finished the tea. "Thank you again, Counselor, it has been lovely. Next time, Andorian The and scones, my treat."

"I am considered very young, for my species," Savin countered with a smirk, "and I shall be looking forward to that. In the mean time, my door is always open."

Astrja stood and stretched. "I will keep that in mind. I guess I will see you soon then," she said with a smile and a wink? And with that, she was gone back out into the corridor.

The counselor watched her go, then went to recycle the remainder of the pot of tea. After that, he returned to his prior reading.


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