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Unexpected Discoveries

Posted on Fri Feb 3rd, 2023 @ 11:07pm by Ensign George Paxton & Senior Chief Petty Officer Mason Malone

Mission: Character Development
Location: Athena
1724 words - 3.4 OF Standard Post Measure

George declined the offer to join Mason and catch up with Finn when they returned to the ship. He wanted to unpack, check out the latest duty roster, and, if there was time, check any messages he had neglected to watch while on shore leave. As much as he had missed Finn over the past couple of weeks, he knew there would be time to catch up during his regular shift.

After everything from his suitcase had been returned to his rightful place, George picked up a PADD and flopped onto the couch. It felt comforting and cozy after having been away for so long. He let out a relaxed sigh and smiled before pulling up the latest assignments from engineering and as soon as he did, the smile started to fade from his face. His hours had changed slightly and one of the tasks now assigned under his name was in the jefferies tubes. Why would Finn do that? He asked himself before realizing that Finn's name wasn't at the bottom of the assignment table. Lt.Sturgis O'Connell's name now stood in the CEO's spot.

Suddenly George felt almost panicked. What had happened to Finn? Had she left or did some tragic accident happen? He hurriedly opened a portal to dig for information when the red message button caught his eye. The unread message from Finn.

His eyes were watering by the time the video finished playing. He felt a mix of disappointment, fear, and concern, for both himself and Finn. If only he had seen the message before shore leave, maybe there would have been something he could have done. George's mind racked through the possibilities and options he now had just as the door flew open and a distressed looking Mason walked in.

"Oh Mason, I'm so sorry," he immediately got up and embraced his partner in a hug. "Finn. She left us a message. Do you want to see it?" He asked, assuming that he had successfully made it to engineering and discovered the news.

Mason nodded."I just found out... there's a new guy in engineering and I'm not sure I like him. Though,I may not have made the best impression either I suppose." He leaned into the offered embrace the reached to wipe the tears from George's cheeks. "That bad huh?" He queried.

"Just unexpected, and the CEO has me signed up for some duties in the jefferies tubes. was just a lot to take in all at once. Here," George sat back on the couch and motioned for Mason to join him before pressing play again in the video message.

Mason sat down and watched in silence. "Oh no," he finally breathed as he wiped the tears from his own eyes. "I..we have to find her, we have to go after her and convince her to come back. He was on his feet in seconds. "We have to go, now."

"We can't, Mason. You know that. We're stuck here. Maybe we can send her a message instead," George offered, knowing it wasn't the best alternative solution.

"She's not going to read a message after sending us that. We have to find her and talk to her in person. We have to make her see reason. This is her home, she belongs here." He shook his head in denial. "We're not stuck, how are we stuck?"

"You don't know that. Can't you see that she needs some space? A message is the best course of action," George said. He wanted her back as much as Mason did but her message seemed clear and he didn't feel their intrusion would be well thought of.

"Look at when she sent that." Mason pointed at the screen. "That was before we went to see our families. She's had plenty of time. I'm going to find her, and it's up to you if you come with me."

"Mason," George grabbed him by the shoulder. "Don't do this. She needs time. She said so in her message. Give her that much."

"She's had time. Plenty of time." Mason shook himself free. "Now it's time to go get her back. I'm going to my quarters and get some things. I'm going to beam down within an hour."

"Stop." George forced Mason to turn around. "Finn is an adult and she knows how to make her own decisions. I hate it as much as you do, but she asked for time. We have to respect that. She doesn't need you to run to her rescue, Mason."

Shaking his partner off, Mason glared at him. "She's had time, how much more do we need to give her? What if she does? What if we don't come, but she expected us to? What kind of friend am I if I don't at least try?" He shook his head. "I have to George."

"We're about to disembark, leaving would mean you would go absent without permission. That would ruin your career. You know that. It's only been two weeks and Finn went through a lot. It doesn't seem unreasonable that she needs more time. I know its hard to leave her behind Mason, but we don't have a choice. We can't leave the ship." George pleaded with his partner to stay.

"And we haven't?" Mason shot back, "Finn needs a counselor and stop being so stubborn about it. I'm the one who killed the clone think that hasn't affected me at all? To not know until the final moment that Finn wasn't actually Finn?" He felt desperate, felt that not going would be like abandoning his best friend. "What am I supposed to do instead? Just wait and see? I can't do that George." Feeling helpless and somewhat irritated, Mason again made for the door.

"Computer, lock the door," George regretted the words almost as soon as he said them. How much would this damage his relationship with Mason? Nonetheless, he couldn't let the man he cared for sacrifice his career. Plus he felt it important that they respect Finn's request for space.

For a moment, Mason debated using his security override but only for a moment. "George," he pleaded, "don't do this... Don't stop me." His feelings were warring with his sanity. Of course he knew George was right, but somewhere he felt Finn would want them to come after her. Isn't that what everyone wanted? To be missed and cared about?

"Computer, place a call to Finnley Keating," George said, hoping against all odds that she would answer. The computer displayed a few options for that name and George pressed 'Finnley Quinn Keating the seventh' or thought he did.

"Uh, hello? Mr.Paxton? I'm afraid I'm not very familiar with the name. Wrong number perhaps?" An older gentleman, in his 50s or 60s answered the call.

Mason shook his head. "We are looking for Lieutenant Commander Finnley Keating, chief engineer of the USS Athena," he spoke up. "This is Senior Chief Petty Officer Mason Malone, also of the USS Athena. We're desperate to find her."

"Lieutenant Commander?" Quinn questioned. His daughter had neglected to tell him of a promotion, though they had just started to break in on everything she had been through so perhaps it wasn't that surprising. "Are you by chance looking for Finnley Quinn Keating the seventh?" He asked, ensuring it was indeed his daughter they were referring to.

"Yes sir," Mason answered, sounding desperate and worried at the same time. "Do you know where she is?" He looked up at George, a spark of hope in his eyes as he took a step back towards the center of the room.

"I do. She's here," Quinn paused for just a moment. "I'm Finnley Quinn Keating the sixth, though most refer to me as Quinn, her father. Can I ask why you're calling for her?"

"She's my best friend sir, I just want to make sure she's okay after that message she sent us. We just found it, and we're worried about her." The distress he still felt was clearly audible in his voice. "She needs to come home sir, to the Athena. It's where she belongs."

"Ok senior chief," Quinn's voice was calming. "I understand and I appreciate you trying to get ahold of her. She's doing fine, all things considered, but quite honestly I'm not too inclined to call her over. She's just now starting to talk and work through everything that happened." He sighed. "I don't expect you to fully understand, but she needs time and space. I'll tell her that you called and leave it to her whether or not she wants to call back, but don't be disappointed if you don't hear from her."

"I am sir," Mason answered slowly, "disappointed that is. And worried..." He paused, looking to George. "I wouldn't be a good friend if I wasn't. All that's stopping me now from beaming down is my partner who...locked the door on me."

Quinn chuckled slightly. He certainly had to give it to Finn, she'd clearly met some persistent friends. "Your partner seems to know what's best. If you beamed down here you wouldn't get much farther. She had a friend show up, goes by the name of NVeid? Anyway, she ended up running after a short conversation with him and it took me three hours to find her. Please, trust me when I say that she needs time and space. Don't be worried. She'll contact you when she's ready."

"He does, doesn't he," Mason muttered, looking away, "I know Doctor tr'Rehu. He's...a good man." He still couldn't help his concern. "Tell her we miss her and want her to come back? The new chief is....too different."

"I'll relay the message. In the meantime, you two stay safe out there. Finn will need some friends to return to, should she ever choose to go back," the smile on Quinn's face was telling. He too was worried that she might decide to truly quit Starfleet, but only time would tell.

"She had friends no matter what sir," Mason answered, reaching to draw George closer to him. "Right George?"

"Right," George nodded.

"It's good to know she has friends to depend on," Quinn stated with a soft smile and a wave before signing off the call.


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