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Blue Reverie

Posted on Wed Jan 11th, 2023 @ 12:59am by Lieutenant Xavier Leiko & Ensign Kateyo Fenn

Mission: Character Development
Location: Xavier's Quarters / Jupiter Station
1307 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure

The door opened and Teyo swagged into the room as though he owned the place.

“Most people wait to be invited before they break into someone’s quarters,” Xavier said, his voice peppered with annoyance. “What if I had been naked?”

“Nothing I ain’t seen before,” Teyo replied as he looked his friend up and down. He was wearing trousers but no shoes, a shirt that was unbuttoned and his hair still wasn’t done. “How are you not ready yet?”

“When?” Xavier asked, ignoring the Trill’s question.

“When what?”

“When have you seen me naked?”

“Oh,” Teyo replied a wide grin spreading along his face. “Blue’s Rk’endare party, right before-”

“Okay, you don’t need to remind me of that night.”

“That was when you used to be fun. Speaking of which, why aren’t you ready yet?” Teyo repeated, a little louder this time.

“Give me five minutes.”

“You’re worse than a Risian,” Teyo scoffed as he sat on the arm of the sofa.

“I aim to please,” Xavier replied in his best impression of a Risian resort worker.

Teyo laughed as the Betazoid disappeared back into the bedroom. Eight minutes later and there was still no sign of him. “Xav, we’re gonna miss the transport at this rate. I’m more than happy to steal a shuttle but I’m guessing you’ll frown on that?”

“I’m ready,” Xavier said as he appeared in the doorway slapping his cheeks with what Teyo guessed was some kind of expensive aftershave.

“You’re wasting your time, Blue has moved on. He has a boyfriend now.”

“He’ll kill you if he hears you calling him Blue. Anyways, so have I,” Xavier answered back a little too quickly. “Moved on, not have a boyfriend,” he quickly added as Teyo’s eyes grew larger. “Come on.”

They were about to step out of the door when the computer beeped. “Lieutenant Leiko, one message awaiting from Lieutenant Commander Keating.

Xavier went to move over to his desk when Teyo grabbed his arm. “What are you doing? We gotta go.”

“It might be important.”

“It’s from Finn, it’s probably some diagnostic report or crew rotation proposal, that woman can’t get enough work, especially since she returned with nine digits”. Seeing his friend hesitating he added, “ seriously if we don’t go now we really are going to miss the transport and Blue will never get to experience how wonderful you smell. You can listen to it later, come on.”

Xavier rolled his eyes but followed his friend out of the quarters. As the door closed and the lights dimmed, the small computer on his desk flashed with Finn’s farewell message that he wouldn’t hear until it was too late.

[A Few Hours Later]

Xavier stood on the promenade of Jupiter station, looking out at the red/orange planet below. There was something therapeutic about the swirls of gases as the high winds of the large planet made the clouds dance and play, as though they didn’t have a care in the universe. He guessed they didn’t.

“It’s a great view isn’t it?”

Xavier didn’t need to turn around to know it was Ari, his ex-boyfriend, who had followed him out of the restaurant. “It is. Wait, did you leave Tey with Vrekk?”

Ari nodded as he rested alongside his friend. “Surprisingly, Vrekk seems to like Tey, he thinks he’s funny.” Ari shrugged his shoulders in response to Xavier's unasked question. “I know, I’m baffled too. The big question is, what do you think of Vrekk?”

“It doesn’t matter what I think, does it?”

“Of course, it matters most. You’re still my best friend KoKo. I know that might be selfish but you’re important to me. Anyways, you have someone too right? Jersat?”

“Jerant,” Xavier corrected. “What else did Tey tell you?”

"Not much," Ari answered unconvincingly.


The Andorian rolled his eyes. “He told me you’re holding back. He said you’re the most closed-off Betazoid he’s ever met and he thinks you losing your telepathy is the last step in you reverting back into a basic human.” Xavier’s head snapped up at that last comment, so quickly that the Andorian took a couple of steps away from the burning rage he knew only too well. “I’m only repeating his words, holster that phaser Lieutenant. This isn’t what I think.”

Xavier frowned. “What do you think?”

“Well that’s a loaded question if I ever heard one?”


Ari knew that when Xavier used his full name he meant business. He took a few steps closer again and turned to face the Betazoid. “I think you have been through a traumatic time and you need to give yourself a chance to heal. Physically you have, but you haven’t emotionally. You carry so much weight Xav. The family drama, the death of Chief Daniels in that nightmare space, the loss of your telepathy, the loss of us…” he trailed off slightly. He didn’t want to throw their relationship into the mix but he didn’t need to be telepathic to know Xavier had taken their break up hard.

“Ego much? You sound like Tey.”

Ari chuckled. “Sorry, just being honest.” The pair stood in silence for a while, Xavier contemplating what the Andorian had said, Ari allowing his words to sink in. “What are you thinking?”

“I think you’re right, both of you,” Xavier answered, chuckling at the shocked look on Ari’s face. “I know, Kateyo Fenn being right about something is a new experience.”

“I’m actually more shocked that you gave in so quickly,” Ari replied, his antennae waving in glee.

“I’m too tired to argue. I suppose I have to save my strength for tomorrow.” Xavier had only told Ari about the meeting with his mother, he didn’t need Teyo offering to help and somehow making it worse and he didn’t know Vrekk well enough, yet.

“I think it’s really brave of you.”

“Yep, super brave speaking to my own mother. I wonder if they’ll give me a medal?”

“I’m being serious,” Ari said as he prodded Xavier in the arm. “It’s been what? Five years? And not only are you meeting her but you’re going to get her to fix your broken mind.”

“It’s a necessity, otherwise I wouldn’t be doing this,” Xavier said honestly.

“Either way, I think it’s brave. I hope it goes well,” Ari added sincerely. “And if you need someone to talk to you know where I am. Though you have Jerant now.”

Xavier was shocked, was that a hint of jealousy in Ari’s voice? “I’m lucky 'cause I have you both. Thanks.” The pair stood in silence again, maybe they were thinking the same thing, or maybe they weren’t. Without his telepathy, Xavier would never know, and for the first time in months, he was relieved he didn’t have his abilities at this moment in time.

“It’s kinda strange you not being able to read my thoughts,” Ari said eventually breaking the unspoken words between them.

“Just a basic human.”

Ari chuckled again, “You’ll never be basic.” Silence again and Xavier could have sworn he saw the blue antennae droop, just a little. “You never answered my question,” Ari said, breaking the reverie again.

“Which one?”

“Vrekk? What do you think?”

Xavier smiled, a genuine one. “He’s great, he’s really good for you.”

Ari returned the smile, relieved and grateful, though unsure why. “Thanks. I know how to pick them.”


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