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The Morning After

Posted on Sat Aug 8th, 2020 @ 7:26am by Lieutenant Commander Savin & Commander Taeler Santu M.D.

Mission: The Shadow of Arachne
1659 words - 3.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Curled up against the wall Santu was able to get some more sleep in knowing someone was there to protect her. It seemed odd, she probably was more than capable of defending herself but there was something about having someone else around that set her mind at ease. There had still been nightmares, but she had been able to shrug them off more easily. Now the morning had come and with it the shame of what she had gone through last night. She quietly pulled herself out of the bed and looked around the darkened room. She decided to sneak out and not have an awkward encounter with the counsellor. She grabbed her shoes and pulled them on, not tying the laces, making her way over to the main living area of the quarters. She saw the man sleeping on the couch. She knew it wasn't great form to sneak out on someone who had been so helpful the night before, but she couldn't face him right now. She crossed the darkened room and bumped into the table with her shin, bit back an expletive. The quick step away hadn't accounted for the feline that was curled up nearby. She stood on its tail and with that, the shot across the room and over the couch that Savin was resting on.

Sheba have a sharp hiss and yowl as she shot up on the couch, digging her claws into the sleeping counselor's skin. In turn, Savin bolted upright, grabbing the cat in reflex. "Lights," he ordered, basking them all in sudden illumination.

Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, his gaze traveled up to the departing XO. He could actually understand her position, but even so considered bad form to leave without saying anything. "Did you sleep alright?" He asked as he got up to his feet, drawing the blanket around himself and the cat.

Frozen in place, as if thinking that if she didn't move Savin wouldn't notice her, Santu was unsure of what to do next, "I didn't want to wake you, I've been such a burden already." She still talked quietly, not that it mattered for the counsellor.

"It is no burden Commander," Savin answered. "If it were I would not have let you sleep here. And frankly, I have no care for any gossip, should you be fearful of that. Would you like some breakfast?"

"I think I should freshen up in my quarters, grab some breakfast in the officer's mess," Santu hadn't even considered the implications of her stumbling out of there in the early hours, unkempt. Now she was worried she might bump into someone in the corridors, "I'm very grateful for all you have done, and I know this is all just the beginning of a long process," she had been through this process more often than she cared to admit, "I appreciate your help... and your discretion."

"No-one will need to know, unless you decide to inform them," Savin answered, nodding towards the bathroom while the white cat in his arms shot baleful glares at the Bajoran woman. "Why not use my bathroom, replicate a fresh uniform. If anything you had a very early chat, before your shift started. It would not be the first time I kept irregular duty hours."

Santu shifted uneasily. That was actually not a terrible idea. She swallowed a lump in her throat before letting out a sigh and giving in, "alright, but I won't make a habit out of this." She assured the counsellor before making her way over to the bathroom. Luckily the layout of these quarters were all pretty similar, especially since they were on the same side of the ship. She walked up to the replicator and ordered a washing cloth, a towel, a uniform and some of her favourite shampoo, "I won't be long." she said, taking care to make eye contact with Savin as she did so.

"Take your time commander," Savin answered calmly, while stroking the cat's fur, smoothening it out a little. Hissing turned to purring as the feline was calmed, and she seemed to close her eyes. Giving her a cuddle, Savin set her down on the couch, then went to prepare breakfast. It was a bold assumption, as he had the replicator prepare some toast and eggs, as well as a pot of fresh tea. He carried the tray over to the table, then waited for Santu to finish.

In the privacy of the bathroom, Santu felt a shiver run up her spine. She never meant for things to get like this. She was clearly not ready for the pressures of command. She looked at her reflection in the mirror as she tried to gather her thoughts and feelings. She had heard Savin call out to her, it barely registered.

[Twenty minutes later]

Santu had taken her time alright, it took quite some time for her to get herself straightened out, and she probably wasn't fully yet. Her hair was neatly tied back again, her uniform was crisp, and all she needed now was her workbooks. She stepped out of the bathroom and looked around the room to find Savin. It was kind of odd not to be able to call for someone to get their attention.

Savin was stood at the table, gesturing for her to sit. "Better for you if you leave relaxed, and fed," he smiled, "would you like some tea?"

Santu gave a warm smile and approached the table, "Thank you for your kindness," she pulled out a chair and sat down. She had wanted to get away from here as quickly as possible but the counsellor was making it near impossible to do so without a huge amount of guilt and shame, "I'd love some tea. What else do we have here?" She asked looking around the table at everything he had prepared for them.

"Toast and eggs," Savin replied, "an Earth breakfast which I find quite filling and appetizing. There are other options of course if you prefer something else?" He reached to pour her some tea. "There is no need to thank me Commander, it is I who feels privileged to be able to be of assistance."

This man was clearly made for his job, Santu always loved to be able to help people but was much more on the physical, heal wounds part of things. It seemed like she had found someone equally elated to find that on the mental side of things, "still feels like an inconvenience." She looked back in the direction of the bathroom and remembered the horror show from the night before, "Thank you." Was all she could meekly muster.

"You are welcome," he replied simply as he served breakfast for them both. He waited patiently to see if she wanted to discuss anything further, knowing better than to enquire. In his experience, patience was often better than pressing a matter, especially if someone was reluctant to open up.

"I promise I won't make a habit of crashing in your quarters, Lieutenant." Santu wasn't sure what to talk about after all that happened last night, "what do you have on your schedule for today?" she tried to change the subject to something more mundane and pleasant to avoid the awkward enquiry about her nightmares, trauma and other personal things.

"I do not know yet, I will discover that when I get to the office. I assume there will be a few scheduled meetings in the morning. This afternoon I intend to go to the holodeck for some sword practice. How about you?" He figured she probably didn't want to hear all about his martial arts practice, which he preferred to use the gym for but considered the holodeck to be safer.

"Transfers, administration, reports," Taeler shrugged, it was always a shock how much paperwork Starfleet could come up with when you were running a vessel's crew, which basically was her role as first officer on the Athena. On top of that she had been in the lead of a failed diplomatic expedition, which from all looks of it would've failed regardless of any circumstances, "maybe some holodeck visit in the afternoon, unwind a bit." She wasn't quite sure why she had said that. She wasn't really comfortable with the entire idea yet, it seemed so frivolous to go dress shopping in a pseudo-old-timey constructed reality.

"Winding down is essential," Savin said knowingly, "what do you usually do to wind down, if it is not too personal to ask?"

"I'm not so good at it, haven't had a lot of practice in my youth with winding down. I always kept myself busy with medical stuff after that as well," Santu shrugged a bit, "I'm trying to explore my options with everything available in the holo-deck at the moment."

"Winding down is different for everyone. If for you, that means that you concern yourself with medical matters then that is fine. The what is not important, as long as it helps." He gave her a small smile. "Unless you would like to join me? Sword fighting is my way to wind down, and hone my senses."

"In spite of my background, or perhaps due to it in part, I'm honestly not much of a fighter, let alone bladed weapons," That was about as far removed from Santu's recently discovered past-time as one could get, "I'll find something to occupy my mind." She finished the breakfast in front of her, "Thank you for the breakfast."

"You are welcome Commander." He offered the pot of tea. "One more before your shift?"

Santu put up her hand to stop him from pouring, "no, but thank you, Lieutenant, for allowing me to bend your ear, for your support, professionalism, and above all else, your hospitality." With that she got up from the chair and gave him a small polite bow before excusing herself and heading for the exit of the room.


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