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End of Season Arc & Shore Leave

Posted on Thu May 26th, 2022 @ 11:30pm by Commodore Jacob Kane

Hello fine crew of the USS Athena.

As is tradition, at the end of a mission I do one of these summary news posts to rubber-stamp things. With the closing of the short mission "Ares Ascending" we officially end Season One of our storytelling. As first seasons go, I challenge any season of Trek to perform better (although SNW seems to be on track to do that...)

As a reward for your fine work, we're running a shore leave period where fun and games can be had. An opportunity for character development, and to welcome newer members of the crew to proceedings.

Once again I get to share my personal highlights of this last mission, which are likely to be briefer than usual:

- P'rel going a little bit crazy and melting 'herself'

- Mason not knowing which way is right and which is left during a shootout

- Cardassian torture scenes are PG-13 sometimes

- Obsidian Fleet...on your left

I'll never get tired of thanking you all for making Athena loads of fun. Kieran and I are taking on board all the feedback you've given in the response form (gentle nudge if you haven't already) and so any suggestions for building on our success will be listened to and acted upon.

In the meantime, enjoy the downtime, have some fun with each other, if you want to USS Loveboat things for a bit go right ahead, and in a little while we'll look at what awaits us in Season Two!

Peace Out

AKA Kap'n Kane


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