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Mission (and Year) End

Posted on Tue Dec 20th, 2022 @ 12:13pm by Commodore Jacob Kane

Greetings Travellers

Well, we're at the end of another mission. Admittedly this one took a few turns and RL did disrupt quite a bit of how we got there, but we got it over the line! Thank you all for your patience and flexibiity.

As is tradition, I have to hand out the classic Athena-style end of mission "awards":

- The Shoot First Award goes jointly to Lt Didrea Zade and Mason Malone. Because Friendly Fire is most certainly Friendly.

- Our Inaugural "I Need a Translator" Award goes to our newest NPC Lt Thral Skrit, whose JPs I have needed to re-read about three times over to get the gist of what they're saying...

- And I'm giving myself an award this time round. Yep. The "Getting the most out of your Insurance policy" Award goes to Captain Kane because it feels like we're averaging a ship a mission getting blown up. But at least it's not ours!

With it being Christmas and the end of the year, I wanted to wish the entire lot of you a fantastic holiday period, whatever you're up to. Naturally the posting requirement is loosened somewhat this next couple of weeks. Enjoy yourselves, but don't forget about us. XD

Details of Season Two, Episode Two: "Wrath of the People" will follow on Discord shortly, with an intro and some guidance for the next few weeks of tags.

Peace Out. Merry Christmas.

AKA Captain Kane


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