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Puss in Boots - Part 3

Posted on Mon Sep 30th, 2024 @ 5:21pm by Ensign Myfanwy Cahiracon & Ensign George Paxton

Mission: Into the Qniverse
1166 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

The next morning came without haste. No clouds stood in the sky and the sun shone down on the village like a warm glow. George woke up first and immediately spotting his crew mate, curled up in a tiny ball of fur. It took every ounce of will power to keep his hand from reaching out to touch the small adorable creature, but he knew she probably wouldn't appreciate it. Instead he sat there and stared for a moment, just admiring her tiny cat face.

Myfanwy yawned and stretched, starting when she saw George. "Why are you lurking there? We need to get moving. The King will be expecting us."

"Oh! Right! Of course, apologies," George shuffled about as if preparing to go, but then suddenly stopped. "I, um," he turned towards Myfanwy. "I made you this," he stretched out an arm which held a beautifully knitted small hat with a feather sticking out of its side. "I hope you don't think this is terribly weird, but I just thought it would be nice. I used to knit small hats for our cats growing up."

Myfanwy narrowed her eyes. "I will take this in the spirit it is offered." She took the hat and put it on. "And I do like a jaunty cap," she said adjusting it. "Now, we should be going."

"Yes, we should," George slung his pack over his back. "I'm ready if you are."

"As I can be," she replied, stifling a yawn. "Let us go to see the King."

The walk to the castle took slightly longer than they had anticipated. The road was easily travelled but due to George's recent fame with the townspeople, he continually had to stop for short chats and to kiss babies. It would have been endearing if they hadn't had a schedule to keep. Fortunately, they arrived at the castle doors only three minutes late.

"You're late!" The king bellowed as George and Myfanwy entered the courtyard.

"Please accept my deepest apologies your majesty," George bowed in subservience. "We were distracted on the road. Many of the townspeople wanted to talk and I couldn't resist an opportunity to tell them about what a wonderful king you are and about how we were on our way to visit you!" He hoped a bit of flattery would help his case.

"Ah, yes. Well, I suppose that is an excusable reason to be late," the king smiled. "Being a few minutes late just makes your opponent more hungry, and surely more agitated which will just make your final challenge more amusing to watch anyway! Speaking of the gates!" He commanded and then simultaneously, the king was whisked off to a platform that sat high above the courtyard. Presumably in order to keep a safe distance from the fight.

"I wonder what it could..." Before George could get the remaining words from his mouth, the head of a giant Gorn ducked under the courtyard doorway followed by a massive scaly body. "Oh no. That's a BIG gator," George's southern Louisiana accent slipped out as his jaw dropped at the sight of the monstrously large reptile.

"That is impressive," said Myfanwy, who, as a cat was massively overshadowed by the Gorn. "Well, time to see if all that studying last night paid off," she said, closing her eyes and focusing.

"Studying?" George asked, but received no response before...

The change is so quick it cannot be followed, where once was a small cat, now there was a Sororian lightning tiger, incongruously still wearing the small cap, crackling with electricity. "Now this is more like it!" the tiger roared.

"What in the heck? How did you do that?!" George asked, eyes wide with surprise.

"Shapechanging!" she growled. "Now, let us get that Gorn." She bounded forward, nimbly avoiding a strike from the Gorn and almost playfully smacked it being with her tail. A cracking jolt of electricity from that contact caused the Gorn to momentarily stagger.

George followed after her. "I didn't know you could shapechange! Wait, is that something you can do back on the ship?!" He asked as he threw a fist towards the Gorn. Truthfully he'd been wanting a rematch since their his last encounter with the Gorn hadn't gone as well.

"No, only here," she growled. She circled trying to keep the Gorn's attention on her. "Come on, big boy, show us what you've got," she hissed at the lizardbeing.

George ducked from an incoming blow as he frantically looked around. He needed leverage. Something to keep it's big mouth shut. Suddenly, from above a nearby door he noticed a flag, flapping away in the wind. He looked to his tiger companion. "Can you grab the rope that's holding that flag to the pole over there?" He asked as he threw a leg into their opponents chest.

"Of course!" she said and with a mighty bound she was at the flagpole, gripping the rope with her teeth she tore it , and the flag, free and dragged it over to George.

"Appreciate it," George grabbed the rope then ran at the Gorn, quickly side stepping as he neared the beast, allowing him to get behind it unscathed. He then swung the rope around his enemy and pulled. The gorn stuttered backwards as George lunged, knocking the reptile like creature to the ground.

Myfanwy stepped in and gave the Gorn a light tap with her right paw which transmitted a significant shock making the Gorn much easier to deal with.

George then quickly utilized the rope to tie it's mouth shut, just as he had many times in the swamp. With whatever rope remained, he tied the Gorn's arms and legs.

"Magnificent job!" The king exclaimed as George brushed himself off and took a bow. "I must say I'm fairly impressed. You have indeed earned my respect and as such, my daughter's hand in marriage."

George didn't really know why, but he could barely contain his excitement over the news. His face turned a slight shade of pink in anticipation and his hands were clammy at the prospect of finally meeting the beautiful woman he spotted in the carriage before. Just then, a figure in a large gown was spotted, traversing down a long winding staircase.

"That must be her!" George exclaimed with enthusiasm. Then the scene shifted. Melted away like a fog disappearing in the sunlight. They were no longer in the courtyard they were...

"Wait, what?" George looked around, confused as the realization that they were back on the planet settled in. "It's over?" The weird excitement that he had felt over the princess dissipated just as quickly as it had come and instead was replaced with relief that the whole ordeal was over.

Myfanwy looked around, she was the right height! She reached up and back, no cat ears or whiskers, no tail! She was back! Though, she had to admit, being a Sororian lightning tiger had been thrilling. Now, where were the others . . .


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