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All Friends Here

Posted on Fri Sep 13th, 2019 @ 8:03pm by

Mission: In the Family
Location: USS Athena, Dionysus bar and lounge
Timeline: One week ago
1273 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure

The lounge bustled with bodies milling around the arm chairs, glass coffee tables and scattered individuals in groups. Hung above the heaving bar a large elliptical holo screen showed the image of a smartly dressed Andorian woman, in a smart purple business suit reading from a PADD. Over the hubbub of conversations and laughter the crisp professional reading of her report sounded out.

"In a more shocking development today, newly emerging power the Patriarchy have made further incursions into Romulan territory."

Slumped in an armchair and cradling an ice cold scotch in his hands Jock glanced up at the monitor. 'Someones got on their big boy pants!' He thought to himself, taking a sip of his whiskey. Craning his neck now to see the report he gave it his full attention.

The Andorian reporter continued. "The mysterious race have now annexed two systems along the northern edge of the neutral zone encountering little to no resistance." The image on the screen changed to a stellar map of the area marking in an ominous red the area that was just seized. Jock was no expert on stellar cartography but even he knew their latest move put them in spitting distance of the Federation. He rested his scotch down with a clink his full attention now on the news.

"The move has been heavily criticised by the Federation council who are monitoring the situation." The news continued in the same professional yet dulcet tone."As of yet the Romulan government has yet to request assistance or release any official statement."

Jock tutted. "Not good!" He muttered reaching for his glass and downing his scotch. "Ach, can ye turn this tripe off lassie……..its dead depressing!" He shouted across the bar in his deep Scottish brogue.

A young NCO behind the bar nodded and tapped a small control panel, instantly the screen went dead and smooth Vulcan jazz began playing over the comm system. "Not sure this is any better." He mumbled. Stroking his beard he sunk into the seat and gestured for a waiter. But as the waiter strode towards him a tall dark figure interjected.

"Its okay, I've got this." He said in a calm French accent. "Chief, I have the phaser control report you wanted." He stated offering a PADD to Jock. Taking the PADD Jock gestured for Patrice to sit. Jock glanced over the PADD and tossed it down. "Thanks laddie." He remarked more interested in the bottle and glasses that Patrice put down on the table. "Eighteen years, single malt?" He asked with a wide smile. Patrice nodded and with a cool smile poured two measures.

Across the other side of the room Kelly gestured eagerly towards the barmaid. "Excuse me!" She called out in vain. The barmaid looked like she was moving further and further away. "No luck either?" Came a confident masculine voice. Kelly shook her head and turned to see a young olive skinned man behind her in casual clothing. "Jorge Melendez." He said offering his hand with a charming smile. Kelly gripped his hand firm. "Kelly Chung." She replied. Promptly letting go.

Jorge fixed his dark eyes on hers. "Thats some grip you've got there Kelly Chung!" He replied moving his fingers to regain sensation and gazing deep into her eyes. Kelly smiled. "Sorry I forget I need to go easier on cadets." She remarked. "It's a good job I'm not a cadet then." Jorge quipped back.

Kelly chuckled "Oh, I'm sorry you just look…… and the cheesy chat up attempt!" Jorge blushed and waved it off. "It's okay, happens all the time." He quipped. Kelly was still chuckling. "So you are trying to pick me up?" She asked trying to stymie a laugh. Jorge blushed a deeper red. "Is it working?" He asked with renewed enthusiasm. Kelly shook her head hard. "Not really!" Sighing Jorge stepped back a little right into Jessica's path.

Almost instantly the jug of dark red punch Jessica was carrying flew up into the air. A cascade of sweet, fruity and sticky liquid drenched Jorge from head to toe. His well groomed hair now hung like rat tails in front of his face. "Oh my god! Lieutenant I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed, staggering back and nearly taking out a chess game in the process.

The people surrounding them watched in stunned amusement as the chess players moved to shield their board. "It's okay." He moaned. "Kelly Chung, meet Cadet Jessica Farren." He said trying to shake off some of the drink. Jessica smiled nervously and offered a dripping wet hand. Kelly took it tentatively out of politeness. "This my surgical trainee for the year." He added squelching his way over to the bar to grab some napkins. "I was going to see if you wanted to join us, but since I'm wearing our drinks now……" He trailed off as he wiped himself dry.

Jock and Patrice sat and watched quietly. "Junior officers!" Jock remarked shaking his head. Patrice nodded and took a shot. "Kellys with them, do you think we should save her?" He asked. "She can handle herself." Jock said with a broad smile as he caught Kelly's eye.

Kelly waved eagerly at the two of them and gestured for them to come over. Jock laughed and shook his head gesturing for her to come to them."I've actually found my friends!" Kelly said to Jorge. "But it's been a pleasure." She added. "Cadet, lovely to meet you." She said to Jessica.

S'Rell had been studying the room from a quiet corner by the window. Her eyebrow quirked as she watched the scene play out. She had almost predicted every move with mathematical precision. The crew certainly seemed an interesting mix, if not problematic for her Vulcan sensibilities. She already felt a pang of discomfort at the thought of being operated on by Jorge and Jessica.

But her mentor at the Academy had told her socialising would help her career. She swallowed hard at the thought of 'mingling'. Nonetheless she had to at least try. Tugging her uniform straight she looked at Patrice and his quiet demeanour. Seeming like the most appealing target she made her way over.

"May I join you?" She enquired politely hands clasped neatly behind her back. Patrice and Jock looked up at her. "Is that an order Ensign?" Jock quipped. S'Rells eyebrow raised quizzically. "We are off duty Chief, however if you prefer I could….." Patrice rose and offered his chair. "He's playing with you." He interjected. S'Rell sat down tentatively and perched on the end of the seat. "I see, if I'm interrupting I can leave." Jock shook his head. "As long as you're drinking then you're welcome here. He said pouring her a glass of scotch. "Vulcans do not….very well!" She said reaching for the glass. S'Rell knocked back the scotch and shuddered hard. Jock and Patrice chuckled. "You get used to it lassie." Jock remarked pouring another round of drinks for the table.

"Any left for us?" Kelly asked stepping forward with Jorge and Jessica in tow. "Looks like a party." Patrice suggested signalling for a waiter. "Picked up a couple of strays their?" Jock remarked while Patrice and the waiter began gathering chairs. Kelly just nodded.

Jock reached round and shook Jessica and Jorge firmly by the hand. "What can I say we're all friends here." As everyone sat down another bottle of scotch was placed on the table. Dutifully Patrice poured everyone a drink, when Jock was satisfied everyone had a drink in hand he rose from his chair. "A toast!" He said. "To new friends and new adventures!"


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