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Mission Two Close

Posted on Tue Jan 26th, 2021 @ 9:07pm by Commodore Jacob Kane

Hi everyone!

Been a while since we've had a full Sim announcement, but with Mission 2: Shadow of Arachne drawing to a close I felt I would put something out to formally bracket things and do some out-of-character admin.

Firstly, with the in-character promotion of Kane to Captain, that does leave scope for some further in-character promotions to take place. I'll be doing these in a series of JPs in the coming few days, but for formality's sake:

XO Taeler Santu is promoted to the rank of Commander

Lt JG Finnley Keating is promoted to Full Lieutenant and will take the role of Chief Engineer

Due to length of service on board, Lt Savin is promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander

Thank you all for making Athena the award-winning, ass-kicking, fun place to sim it is today. It goes without saying that the multiple sim awards we've won in the last 12 months is down to all of you and your willingness to get stuck in and write together. Long may it continue!

We're going to spend the next week enjoying a period of shore-leave/downtime for the crew as Athena herself has a new lick of paint. Soon we'll be kicking off Mission 3: "By Artemis' Bow" - details to be revealed!




Captain Kane


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