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Mission Close & Awards!

Posted on Sun Jul 12th, 2020 @ 10:51am by Commodore Jacob Kane

Hi everyone!

Well, I'm officially closing our first mission: In the Family. No doubt there are a couple of JPs still going that we can certainly backpost, but there's also time for some character development to happen here too.

I'm genuinely very happy with the way this has gone, despite having fairly minimal guidance pre-written I am super happy with the way it progressed and wrapped. Indeed, with real-world events going the way they have, some of the themes have been fairly topical, too; Star Trek has always been a place for those kinds of social commentaries, so it's great we've managed to touch on them sensitively as a group.

Most sims have an awards ceremony after a mission ends, and while I'm not ready to officially promote anyone just yet, I think there are definitely some acknowledgements to make. So, on with the (mostly comedy) mission awards!

- The "Say YES to the dress" award goes to...Lt Commander Taeler Santu, who said 'yes' to the elegant ballgown and totally owned that dance floor. Nobody in that Gala was going to touch you, baby!

- The "Chaotic Evil" award goes to...Lt Dessame Sar, whose random acts of plot twisting certainly made this mission a lot of fun! Let's hope starting a revolution isn't a running theme for you though...

- The "Just one more question..." award goes to Lt Savin, who decided that it was a good idea to drop an impromptu deep and personal counselling session on the questionably amoral Queen of Parataus IV. At least you didn't end up in a dungeon!

- Finally, the "Prejudice? I'll show you extreme prejudice!" award goes to the undercover shenanigans of Lt P'rel, who it can be safely said takes zero prisoners. Ever. And watching that relationship with the XO deveop is going to be reeaaaally interesting...

Thanks to everyone that's participated in this mission. I know there are others who have played their part too - hopefully you'll get more of a chance to do so in our next mission "In the Shadow of Arachne", which will let us have just as much fun while staying mostly all together this time.

As always, the XO and I are proud of all of you, and very open for any ideas and JPs you want to run.



- AKA Cmdr Kane -


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