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Wed Oct 2nd, 2024 @ 9:53am

Ensign Ezmyrae Varin

Name Ezmyrae "Myra" Varin

Position Trainee Medical Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Trill
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 57kg
Hair Color Strawberry blonde
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Myra is indicative of her species, sporting the recognisable dermaglyphs that frame her features and disappear over her clavicle into the casual, practical attire that she prefers. Being reasonably proficient at both swimming and racquet sports, she has an athletic build though her bone structure is quite petite. Beneath her clothing are scars that she rarely reveals, and the compression belt she uses to support her abdominal structures, most notably a visibly disfigured access port that would typically make symbiosis possible. Whilst no longer strictly necessary, the belt is still a reassurance as well as a way to ensure the lasting evidence of her accident remains hidden.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Dynzel Varin
Mother Azara Varin
Brother(s) Jazon Varin (27)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Born of highly ambitious and professionally-driven parents, Myra grew up surrounded by expectations of excellence. Whilst given plenty of time to discover her passions and priorities in pursuit of this lofty goal, there has nevertheless always been the pressure to pick something to focus on and then do well at it. For a lot of her life, this lead Myra to become an over-achiever, unable to embrace the idea of relaxation particularly well and inclined to schedule herself with so many classes and extra-curricular activities that there wasn't a lot of room left for the cultivation of healthy relationships. Much of her childhood was spent forging associations rather than friendships, and though a degree of maturity, not to mention the eventual necessity of picking a career-path and sticking to it, did bring a sense of balance, she still has a habit of neglecting the simple things in life. Slowing down and taking time to enjoy herself isn't always Myra's strong point.

She remains, despite all this, a sweet-natured and well-meaning soul. Whatever expectations she puts on herself, she tends to be far more patient and tolerant with other people's short-comings and isn't so much competitive as she is driven by her own personal parameters to be the best in the field. This doesn't extend to begrudging other people their success nor has it ever made her very spiteful or manipulative in the face of defeat. Myra internalises most of her negative thoughts and feelings and prefers to project a disposition that is both welcoming and non-judgemental. Ironically, this means that when she remembers to make time for other people, she is genuinely a pretty decent friend.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Driven, focused and capable
+ Fast learner
+ Works well under pressure
+ Compassionate and generous
- Compartmentalises too much
- Over-works
- Self-recriminating
- Unable to join, also unable to bear children, due to abdominal injuries sustained during a shuttle crash
Ambitions Having chosen a career in medicine, Myra's eventual ambition is to run her own department one day whilst leading research in whatever field she decides to focus on. (Currently, her passions are tied between immunology and bio-mechanical pursuits.) Ambition is still quite a touchy subject, however, since the life-long aspiration of being chosen for a symbiont went out the door when she was injured beyond the capacity for the Commission to consider her a viable host. Since this also took with it the potential for natural childbirth, losing another desire to raise a family one day has left Myra with only her career to focus on.
Hobbies & Interests Aside from swimming and racquet sports, primarily squash and badminton, Myra has dabbled in so many different things over the years that she has achieved partial credibility in some areas and forgettable mediocrity in others. Of the two categories, those worth noting are:

Proficient enough to continue to pursue: Horse riding, singing, sailing and handicrafts.

Never again to be attempted: Cooking, gardening, dancing and learning Klingon.