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Mon Mar 28th, 2022 @ 11:13pm

Lieutenant JG Xava Denlorr

Name Xava Denlorr

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Shagra
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 7"
Weight 126 pounds
Hair Color brown
Eye Color brown
Physical Description Xava has short, straight, brown hair, brown eyes, and brown skin. She has a pretty, symmetrical face and a toned body. Her bearing and posture radiates confidence and discipline. She wears earrings that represent her patron deity, Lurina, goddess of travelers and explorers.


Spouse none
Children none
Father Thol, a mathematics teacher.
Mother Priya chose to stay home to raise and teach her four children and run the home, which is the highest and greatest honor in the Shagra people.
Brother(s) Torik and Venti serve in the military. The youngest brother, Nelar, is an acolyte in the local temple.
Sister(s) none

Personality & Traits

General Overview Xava generally carries herself in a calm, disciplined, professional manner on or off duty. She's personable and mannerly, but she always says what she means, a common trait of her people. She'll freely socialize, but she has few, if any, true friendships, as each person must show their worthiness, another Shagra trait. Her purpose is to serve, learn, grow, and honor her family, clan, and people in general.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Calm, disciplined, isn't easily rattled, strong-willed, genius IQ, eidetic memory. Weaknesses: Doesn't make friends easily, blunt and to the point, doesn't understand selfish behavior, often too fixated on work.
Ambitions Aside from her dedication to family, clan, and people, Xava desires to grow as a person, becoming everything she can be. As she proves herself in Starfleet, she hopes to be the first Shagra to captain a starship.
Hobbies & Interests Xava loves reading, studying, and learning. She is athletic, so she enjoys sports. Walking and hiking are favorite pastimes, and an evening lying on a blanket under the stars, is a treasure.

Personal History Xava was born in 2373 on Shagrus III, the youngest of four children, with three brothers. Early in her life, Xava showed a high intelligence and greater development for her age. All her life she excelled at everything she did. Though Shagra are committed to serve the greater good, her successes sometimes caused jealousy in other children. This led to fights. That and having three older brothers, made Xava a tough, strong girl.

Xava enjoyed school and learning, especially studying the Three Paths of Life. At age 13, on her Day of Choosing, Xava wanted to be a scientist in the Worker Path. At age 16, the legal time of adulthood, Xava successfully overcame the Trial of Proving. For Xava, life was good.

When the United Federation of Planets asked the Shagra to apply for membership, it was decided the UFP first had to prove they were worthy. A global competition was held to send two boys and two girls to Starfleet Academy. After a grueling competition, Xava prevailed as one of the four. It was a time of great honor and celebration.

Shagra culture is based on clans; there are currently 187 on their world. Loyalty, devotion, and service to the clan is sacrosanct. In fact, service to the greater good, outweighs all individual desires. The Shagra are a disciplined and ordered people. They are confident and aloof, requiring first contact races to prove themselves as equals before considering a relationship with them. There is a world council government where each clan sends one representative. The Shagra have three choices on how to serve, called Paths. The largest is Worker, followed by Military, ending with the smallest, the Eternal. In Shagra society, the highest honor is motherhood, as teaching the next generation is of utmost importance. The legal age of adulthood is 16, though a child chooses their life path at 13 after carefully studying each Path. The Day of Choosing is a time of celebration. Men and women are treated equally. If a woman doesn't choose motherhood, there is no shame or disrespect. Their religion is based on a pantheon of deities and they believe in an afterlife.

Outwardly, Shagra appear Human, but there are internal and biological differences. Shagrus III has a heavier gravity and thinner air, so their strength and endurance is similar to Vulcans. They have a four-lobed brain, like Ferengi, so they can't be read by empaths or telepaths. The average life span is 170 years.
Service Record Xava graduated from Starfleet Academy in 2393. She was commissioned as an ensign in science. She served on the USS Colossal four years and was transferred to the USS Athena as a lieutenant jg to serve as chief science officer.